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发布时间:2020-12-25 18:44:51

『壹』 假如你是你是李明,从互联网上看到关于英语写作比赛的信息,请根据如下海报内容

Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven’t seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile. It is my first time to visit Beijing, which is always the dream city for all the Chinese. All the information about the city came from the books and TV, now I could see and get know of it by myself, how excited I am!

『贰』 新闻信息应具备5要素,新闻界称为“5W”。“5W”的内容是(用英文书写)

Where When Who What 还有 How

『叁』 新闻信息五要素,新闻界称为“5W”,“5W”的内容是(用英文书写)



Who (谁)

Says What (说了什么)

In Which Channal (通过什么渠道)

To Whom (向谁说)

With What Effect (有什么效果)

『肆』 假设你是一名新闻记者,请根据以下表格信息给英语报社写一篇新闻报道。【写作内容】 情况 今年4月,


『伍』 用英语写作文根据所给信息写,做个自我介绍:姓名:bett,年龄11岁,是第五小学的

My name is Bett. I'm 11 years old, and I'm a student of Fifth Elementary School.

『陆』 英语写作 全球化和信息技术科技

Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.

『柒』 你接受了一项写作任务,要为英语校报写一篇时事快讯。[写作内容] 请根据以下信息,写一篇关于移民火星的

Version 1
About thirty volunteers will be chosen from all over the world by 2015 to go to the Mars. The volunteers must be over eighteen years old, prepared not to return to the earth, and willing to keep a good relationship with other people. Some experts think that the living conditions on the Mars are hard because it is difficult for the volunteers to face the cold weather, loneliness and fear. The volunteers believe that if they are successful, they will become the heroes of human beings. What’s more, they are tired of living on the earth, so they want to experience the life on the Mars.
Version 2
By 2015, about thirty volunteers to go to the Mars will be chosen from all over the world. The volunteers, who must be over 18 and would like to keep a good relationship with other people, should be prepared not to return to the earth. Some experts believe that it is very difficult to live on the Mars because of the cold weather, loneliness and fear. Some volunteers hold the belief that they will be the heroes if they succeed. Moreover, they want to know what life is like on the Mars because they are tired of the life on the earth.


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