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发布时间:2021-01-24 21:45:43

❶ 我为什么选择英语写作这门课

s a gull. The lad leaps ashore, and is patteded from head

❷ 为什么你选择写作这门课 英语作文

The Sorrows of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werther, originally published as Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) is an epistolary and loosely autobiographical novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, first published in 1774. A major scene prominently features Goethe's own German translation of a portion of James Macpherson's Ossian cycle of poems, which were originally presented as translations of ancient works, and were later found to have been written by Macpherson.

Werther was an important novel of the Sturm und Drang movement in German literature. It was one of Goethe's few works in the movement before he, with Friedrich von Schiller, began the Weimar Classicism movement. It also influenced Romantic literature that followed.

❸ 英语作文内容是我想申请学习英语写作的课程及原因 我希望从这门课中学到什么

烹饪指的是膳食的艺术.对食品作加工处理,使食物更可口,更好看,更好闻.一个好的料理,色香味形俱佳,不但让人在食用时感到满足,而且能让食物的营养更容易被人体吸收.烹饪是人类在烹调与饮食的实践活动中创造和积累的物质财富与精神财富的总和.它包含烹调技术、烹调生产活动、烹调生产出的各类食品、饮食消费活动以及由此衍生出的众多精神产品. 中国烹饪文化具有独特的民族特色和浓郁的东方魅力,主要表现为以味的享受为核心、以饮食养生为目的的和谐与统一. Cooking refers to the art of food. For processing of food, making food more delicious, better look, better smell. A good food, superb color, flavor and shape, not only people in the food to feel satisfied, and make food more easily absorbed nutrients. Cooking is cooking and eating human practices create and accumulation of material wealth and spiritual wealth combined. It contains cooking techniques, cooking proction activities, cooking to proce the various types of food, food consumption activities and the resulting procts derived from the spirit of many. Chinese culinary culture has a unique national characteristics and rich Oriental charm, mainly for the enjoyment of the taste as the core, the diet regimen for the purpose of harmony and unity.

❹ 报名参加英语口语写作课程的英语作文

还是不错的。在网面批好像都是外籍教师给你在网解答问题的,面对面地传授考试类作文的写作和口语技巧。喔 还有一件事,几天前帮我指导的ABC天卞口语的老师才和我提过,就是要掌握好英语是不难的;坚持有个适合的学习空间和实习口语对象,外教水平很重要 标准口音才可以 保持每日口语练习 1v1家教式辅导就有最.好.的学习成果..完成课堂后记得重听录音文档,来进一步深化知识~若真的是没有练习对象的情况,那么就上 VOA或大耳朵获得课外学习资料阅读 多说多练短时间语感会提高起来 整体效果肯定会最佳的

❺ 我从来没有上过关于英语写作的大量课程用英语怎么说 新闻

【翻译】:I have never had any courses about English writing .

❻ 我感兴趣的课程是英语写作 翻译

i am interest in english writing
the course that i interest in is english writing
English writing is the course/subject that i interested.

❼ 英语写作自我介绍的听课笔记

I study at No.XX middle school now. I’ not outgoing. I like reading books alone. I am also fond of listening to music. I love country music. I like watching cartoons, too. Because of Japanese cartoons, I can speak a little Japanese. Maybe I’m crazy!
As for subjects, I think I can learn well in many subjects. I like English best. Because it’s interesting. And I think it’s a good way to communicate with foreigners. It’s very useful. I am weak in P.E. I like P.E but I can’t do it well. But I exercise every day morning from now on. I believe I can do it well one day.



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