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发布时间:2021-01-20 07:43:24

1. 上海市小学三年级作文辅导班选择哪家比较好


2. 上海学大教育一对一机构好吗名师语文英语阅读写作精讲班报名电话


3. 上海线上商务英语口语+写作的培训机构哪家比较好求推荐


4. 上海世博会对中国的影响作文(英文写作)

Brief Introction of World Expo Shanghai

World Expositions are galleries of human inspirations and thoughts. Since 1851 when the Great Exhibition of Instries of All Nations was held in London, the World Expositions have attained increasing prominence as grand events for economic, scientific, technological and cultural exchanges, serving as an important platform for displaying historical experience, exchanging innovative ideas, demonstrating esprit de corps and looking to the future.

With a long civilisation, China favours international exchange and loves world peace. China owes its successful bid for the World Exposition in 2010 to the international community's support for and confidence in its reform and opening-up. The Exposition will be the first registered World Exposition in a developing country, which gives expression to the expectations the world's people place on China's future development.

So what will Expo 2010 Shanghai China deliver to the world? There is no doubt the Chinese people will present to the world a successful, splendid and unforgettable exposition.

Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century and a significant period in urban evolution. Fifty-five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2010. The prospect of future urban life, a subject of global interest, concerns all nations, developed or less developed, and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city, Exposition 2010 will attract governments and people from across the world, focusing on the theme "Better City, Better Life." For its 184 days, participants will display urban civilisation to the full extent, exchange their experiences of urban development, disseminate advanced notions on cities and explore new approaches to human habitat, lifestyle and working conditions in the new century. They will learn how to create an eco-friendly society and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.

Expo 2010 Shanghai China will centre on innovation and interaction. Innovation is the soul, while cultural interaction is an important mission of the World Expositions. In the new era, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will contribute to human-centred development, scientific and technological innovation, cultural diversity and win-win cooperation for a better future, thus composing a melody with the key notes of highlighting innovation and interaction in the new century.

Expo 2010 Shanghai China will also be a grand international gathering. On the one hand, we shall endeavour to attract about 200 nations and international organisations to take part in the exhibition as well as 70 million visitors from home and abroad, ensuring the widest possible participation in the history of the World Expositions. On the other hand, we will put Expo 2010 Shanghai China in a global perspective and do our best to encourage the participation and gain the understanding and support of various countries and peoples, in order to turn Expo 2010 Shanghai China into a happy reunion of people from all over the world.

In addition, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will offer a wonderful opportunity for cross-culture dialogues. Before the conclusion of the Exposition, a "Shanghai Declaration" will be issued. This declaration, hopefully a milestone in the history of the World Expositions, will epitomise the insights to be offered by the participants and embody people's ideas for future cooperation and development and extensive common aspirations, thereby leaving a rich spiritual legacy of urban development to people throughout the world.

The Chinese Government will go to great lengths to make Expo 2010 Shanghai China a special event that carries on traditions and opens a new vista into the future. Our motto is: "Keeping in mind the next 60 years' development while preparing for the six months' Exposition." We count on the continuing attention, support and participation of all the peace-loving countries.


5. 2011年上海市昂立新知杯英语写作大赛决赛资格

姓名 准考证号
胡艺涵 211009025227
倪一君 215027020212
王维婷 203015024227
梁静波 001001002221
赵煊杰 121142352217
顾婷 215027025212
孙诗琦 209012050212
金奕婷 211007012211
张谞颖 218008218211
陆晨琪 218008104221
鲁恒立 118008031211
韩建海 115025006223
何思艺 207005056220
高文筠 207005054220
朱胜男 207002036210
陆周笑 202005015222
王梦茹 213005111212
林圆 218008101221
郑莹清 218008016211
杜昱军 118008051213
蔡天成 115027005222
丁明元 107005052220
罗嘉钰 204013009211
陈颖 221142663227
夏天晖 121142645222
黄佳时 115027051225
龚承安 115027050225
顾嘉琪 215027007220
夏冰颖 203015004224
沈恺乐 121142090215
龚佳宝 115026014221
樊书华 115027095221
沈佳铖 215027040213
何怡 221113220223
胡文珺 211009018212
郑璐依 203010021229
林泽宇 113014050228
张伟文 101003006216
赵方韵 204013036211
张芹 221113219223
朱洁 22111811326
徐嘉露 204025038222
吕夏婕 218008107221
顾佳怡 216009068210
沈茜 217007018211
杨铭奕 214031009210
沈洁 216011009210
刘清扬 204013006211
曹旦妮 216009056220
姜思伟 117007079225
史足音 204013035211
傅煜 204013033211
谢诗怡 216012114220
孙嫄 204004008218
林佳蕾 215027019212
龚成纯 213014004210
陈嘉怡 211009028227
夏奕 211024012213
郭晓培 204004044226
施芸 213005118215
瞿美娜 216009089210
朱童 216011011210
丁冬燕 215027044214
钟佳滢 216004004214
沈怡婷 202005005213
王思怡 216011032210
陈悦华 216011013210
杨敏 201005043218
肖杰 117007059222
潘晟弘 113014009210
杨婉馨 221112072217
周颖婕 221142085215
姚轶 204013050225
陆怡珺 211009004211
周旸 201001038211
胡贝妮 218008076215
邢佳灵 214034031225
王谷立 201005050216
朱嘉源 121142338212
施佳妮 211009049229
沈佳欣 203010016210
戚佳忆 205007028211
毛婧海 213005016229
丁琬梅 207002011219
胡怡佳 213014047228
季蓓蓓 204013053225
闵叶 201001035216
何元鑫 218008010211
姚佳音 216009040220
陈沁妍 207007007220
姜慧楠 211009009211
刘嘉欣 115027010229
吴俊志 113014019210
姚媛 213005104217
崔雨竹 218012014221
葛艺圆 221113571211
王燕群 217007076225
陆雪仪 216009052220
张枫翌 221113222223
洪巍 113005097211
张培秀 215026002220
陈佩雯 215027046210
袁舒敏 215025010221
龚臻青 218008002211
沈嘉怡 221142880226
卫越月 214031002220
庞晓峰 113005019229
徐涛 121142587228
龚凯 215026046211
韩卫清 214031006218
祝逸云 216009049220
周湘玥 213003034213
赵雯洁 202005003215
陈炜烨 104013018212
刘郑昕 218008005211
孙珺怡 218008015211
曹奕凡 118008052213
徐唯佳 111009003211
石玢岩 221142339212
许慧娜 221142092216

6. 2002上海高考英语作文范文

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7. 上海小学语文英语写作培训班怎样上海小学四年级课外辅导班有吗




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