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发布时间:2021-01-19 19:23:10

Ⅰ 英语四级写作技巧有哪些呢——北外网课


(1) 改变时态

The bell is ringing now. (一般)

There goes the bell! (高级)

(2) 改变语态

People suggests that the meeting be put off. (一般)

It is suggested that the meeting be put off. (高级)

(3) 使用不定式

He is so kind that he can do me a favor. (一般)

He is so kind as to do me a favor. (高级)

(4) 使用过去分词

Lisa walked out of the room and many guys followed her. (一般)

Followed by many guys, Lisa walked out of the lab. (高级)

(5) 使用v-ing 形式

When she arrives, please give me a call. (一般)

On her arriving, please give me a call. (高级)

(6) 使用名词性从句

She happened to have met him. (一般)

It happened that she had met him. (高级)

(7) 使用定语从句

The girl is spoken highly of. Her homework was well done. (一般)

The girl whose homework was well done is spoken highly of. (高级)

(8) 使用状语从句

I won’t believe what he says. (一般)

No matter what he says, I won’t believe. (高级)

(9) 使用虚拟语气

The patient didn’t die because there were the efforts of the doctor. (一般)

But for the efforts of the doctor, the patient would have died. (高级)

(10) 使用强调句型

I was born in 1987. (一般)

It was in 1987 that I was born. (高级)

(11) 使用倒装

Though I’m sick, I’ll carry on. (一般)

Sick as I am, I’ll carry on. (高级)

(12) 使用并列句

If you go through the gate, you’ll find me. (一般)

Go through the gate, and you’ll find me. (高级)

Ⅱ 关于对英语课提意见与希望的英语作文

I think it's very necessary to improve our English. I'd like to offer some suggestions.

First of all, I think an English class should be both interesting and meaningful. Once students feel relaxed, they will learn English much better. Teachers may tell us jokes in English, by which we can improve our listening. Then teachers can also ask us to repeat the jokes, so it will help us with our oral English, too.
Secondly, I think we should also spend some time watching English movies or learning to sing English songs. I think English movies are full of fun and good sentences, it will help us both speak better and write much better. English songs are popular, it's always great to do popular things.

I hope we can have much more fun learning English.

Ⅲ 哪个雅思写作培训的网络课程好

我比较中意网课这方面,因为本身我备考雅思 学习的能力一般~
所以看着网课强太多了,告诉你一个方法 平时没事多在论坛找找资料
有很多是免费的 比如考啦论坛,还不错!启德有一些免费的复习资料
我就是每天这样学 还是多背词汇吧!对你写作也有提升

Ⅳ 互联网对人们的生活有哪些帮助呢









Ⅳ 我在上英语课时写作文,老师用从网络上下载的课件给了我一篇范文,开头有个"dear diary"。请


Ⅵ 大学英语写作网络课程(知到)

2012.12英语6级成绩为413分,听力152 阅读158综合33写作70 需要继续复习.关键还在于计划—内—执行——复习,有计划、有目标才容能成功。 一、基础阶段:(2012年12月23日-2013年3月初

Ⅶ 大学英语写作网络课程作业答案

Advantages of online ecation, the following points:
1, the terminal edge, one classroom, one can be a computer, a smart phone, a tablet future may also be a smart TV. Classroom theory works because the employer, the lighting, temperature, air, comfort and so intelligent terminal compared to freewheeling experience for worse. The advances in technology, will inevitably bring changes in society, I believe this will be a multi-terminal teaching entrepreneurs who create it. In a comfortable situation with respect to the use of network classroom to learn, it will form a trend.
2, the contents of the advantages, if you use a popular word, it is the nature of online ecation is having a rich media. Text, music, videos, links can be easily used to make the teaching content. Most Chinese schools still relatively chalk blackboard teaching, a lot of good it fun and image of the city. Of course, I mean a well-made courses.
3, the time advantage, this is obvious, do not worry about missing any one church linked to the network of instructional videos. In fact, this is a disadvantage, as the Friends of Scouting upstairs said, the broad time, apparently for children and adolescents is a test. The role of traditional classroom deadline actually is great, but this is almost rely on the network consciously.
4, selective advantage, the spirit of the Internet is to share and open, accompanied by the Health is good and bad teaching resources. Like Android open, ios closed shoddy application on Android is a problem. The Internet is the place to get rid of authoritarian, you escape off the cost of a country is very high, but you can jump from one page to another page almost not cost. Choose advantage is evident.
5, the network integration advantages as well, such as listening to Yuan Tengfei speak Chinese history, listen to Chen Guo stresses ideological and moral, this is the advantage of the network.
6, a model of online ecation can go and see Netease open class in the very fir

Ⅷ 英语四级作文 changes in the way of ecation



Changes in the way of ecation

The changes in the way of ecation can be listed as follows.First of all, compared with traditional offline teaching activities, online ecation gives students the opportunity to study wherever they want.

at home or in the park.Moreover, the cost of attending online courses is normally lower than that of offline ones. Besides, students can choose the perfect time when they are available to attend classes.

instead of stubbornly fixing the time required without the possibility of doing any other important thing.

From my perspective, the changes in the way of ecation mainly lie in the good respects. As one of the fortunate students who live in the age of internet and can get access to online courses, I can’t help exclaiming: it is the best of times.











Ⅸ 对普通家庭孩子来说,学习英语有必要吗




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