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❶ 谁有近三年高考英语题目及满文作文

我这里有 39 篇高考来英语作文,而自且还在陆续理整、编辑、发布中。有些是标准答案附带的作文 (我已将其中的中式英语表达作出标记,并在保留原文的基础上,做了一些适当的润饰)。有些是我自己编写的 (比标准答案作文流畅很多)。需要的话,请写邮件至 [email protected]. 我发给你。

❷ 求近年高考英语作文,带翻译的

Bikes or Cars
Americans like to go out by car. Although more and more Chinese own cars,most Chinese
still like to ride bicycles, This is determined by a lot of factors. As we all know,
the bike advances slowly by manpower, but it can be placed wherever it is convenient
However, as for the car, although it can run fast by engine, it must be parked at parking
Most Americans live in the suburb which is far from urban areas and their working
places. So they need cars to go shopping and go to work. And they also like traveling
far. Thus a car brings them great convenience. On the contrary, most Chinese live near
their working areas and markets. They don't need a car to go to work or go shopping.
I would like to ride a bike, because it costs little and it is easy to use and won't
cause pollution.

这是由很多因素决定的。 众所周知,自行车靠人力,行进慢,但可以在方便的地方停放。然而
们不需要开车去上班或购物。 我喜欢骑自行车外出,因为它花费少而且容易使用。最重要的是

Smoking And Health
Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old, the youth,
but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that
smoking is a smart symbol. However, smoking is harmful to one's ,health. It contributes
a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also
cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance
of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only
harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women
and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m
public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on Giveup smoking! If you
don't smoke, don't start. Give upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of
your family, and for the sake of the whole world.
吸烟与健康 现在,吸烟是一个世界范围的习惯,不仅老年人、青年人吸烟,就连中
学生也加入到这个行列中来,他们中的许多人认为吸烟是一种潇洒的象征。 然而,吸烟对
许多国家都制定了不准在公共场合吸烟的法规,例如:电影院,车站,医院等地。 戒烟吧,
Use of Free Time With the working hours becoming shorter and shorter and holidays
becoming longer and longer, how to spend the leisure time has become a hot topic. The
use of free time often discloses much about one's tastes, values, interests and
personality. Some may take to the humanities: literature, magic, art, and they might
be interested in movies and television. Others participate in sports, politics,
voluntary work or hobbies at home. Still others like parties, traveling, .or just loafing.
Obviously, the use of free time is a good means of relaxation, but its benefits go beyond
this. All things people do in leisure hours enable them to gratify their wishes. This
can contribute to intellectual growth and promote social activities as well. So
the good use of free time will make life rich, colorful and rewarding.
空余时间的利用 随着工作时间的越来越短假日的越来越长,如何度过空甲时间已
经成为一个热点话题。 空余时间的利用往往透露出一个人的品位、价值、兴趣和个性。有
我们一直忙于谋生。虽然我们可以通过努力工作取得幸福、满足和成功,但人不是机器。迷就是 说;我们应当适当地休息。如果我们经常从事远足、跳舞、钓鱼、登山(在空闲时间里)等活动,


❸ 高分求历年高考英语作文题目!


假设你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师 Smith 女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。

联系人:李华(电话 44876655)


Dear Ms.Smith,
With best wishes,


假设你是李华,你的美国笔友 Peter 曾表示希望来中国教书。你校现需招聘外教,请给他写封信,告知招聘信息。内容主要包括:
1. 教授课程:英语口语、英语写作、今日美国、今日英国等
2. 授课对象:高中生(至少三年英语基础)
3. 工作量:
Dear Peter,
I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China.
Li Hua

第一节 基础写作

内 容:公共场所禁烟
目 标:所有室内公共场所无烟
措 施:张贴禁烟标志
(2)分 布:男性75%;女性:25%

二手烟:second-hand smoke




第二节 读写任务


In junior high school, one of my classmates, Eithan, was addicted to TV. This boy simply knew everything about such pop shows as Who's the Boss?

Then one day Ethan's mother made him an after in order to draw him back to his school subiects. She promised that she would give him $200 if he could go a full month without watching any TV. None of us thought Ethan could do it, but he did quit TV. His mom paid him $200. He went out and bought a TV, the biggest he could find.

In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out experiments with paying kids with cash for showing up or getting good grades. All school kids admire this trend. But it upsets alts. Teachers say that we are rewarding kids for doing what they should be doing of their own will.Psychologists warn that money can actually make lies perform worse by making the act of learning cheap. The debate has become a typical hattle over why our kids are not learning at the rate they should be despite decades of reforms and budget increases.

1. 以约30词概括上文的主要内容。
2. 以约120词对用金钱鼓励孩子学习的现象进行议论,内容包括:

1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


❹ 高考英语写作中的热点话题有哪些

1.Traffic and Protecting Environment(交通与环保)
2015年11月,全国中东部地区17省市持续雾霾,陷入大范围的重度和严重污染。造成这一现象的主要原因是工厂排出的废气和汽车尾气等。绿色低碳,保护环境,从我们身边小事做起。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,以“Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment”为题写一篇80词左右的短文。
Let’s Do Something to save Our Environment
We all live on the earth. The earth is our home. We have only one earth. We must take care of it. It gives us the best environment. If we harm it, it will be angry. And then we will have a terrible end. There are three problems in our earth, they are pollution, disaster and illness.
It’s our ty to protect our environment. So we must plant more trees, protect the flowers and the trees, save energy, rece the pollution. We should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.
Protecting the nature is very important. It’s our ty to keep our environment clean and tidy.
If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the earth will become much more beautiful.

2、The Popular Science Knowledge and Science Technology(科普知识与科学技术)
The Most Helpful Invention
There are a lot of inventions in the history. Some of them play an important role in people’s life and some have greatly changed the world. In my opinion, I think the most important invention is the car. First, people used to travel by train or by plane. But now, they can go any place by car. Second, when holiday comes, they can visit their family and friends by car. Third, they can also go to many places of interest to enjoy themselves.
In a word, I do agree that cars are the most important invention.

3 、The Environment around You(周围的环境)
生活在社区里的孩子们生活单调:几乎不认识周围的邻居,没有兄弟姐妹。 社区负责人黄叔叔注意到这个问题,于是向大家征集解决问题的建设性意见。假如你是Li Ping, 请你写一篇80词左右的邮件向他提出你自己的建议。
Dear Uncle Huang,
Thank you for reading my e-mail! I am living in this community. I don’t have any sister or brothers. I also have no friends here. Luckily, you want to help us. Here are my suggestions.
First, we can organize the children in this community to clean up our neighborhood. Through this activity, we can know each other and make new friends.
Second, I hope we can be offered a room to do homework, and then we can help and learn from each other.
Third, I think we can ask children to join our Youth Club. We can take part in a lot of interesting activities, such as holiday camps and discos, regular visit to the old people, evening parties and concerts. Our life will be fun and colourful.
Best wishes!
Yours truly,
Li Pin

4、 Relationship and Emotional Attitude(人际关系和情感态度)
现在社会普遍对90后有一些误解,认为他们自私、无礼,所以不能很好地与人沟通,那么,作为一名90后学生,你又是怎么看待这个问题的呢? 请结合你自己和周围同学的表现,分别列举至少三条优点和两条不足之处进行描述。
As students born after 1990, we have so many advantages. We are usually kind and helpful. When someone is in trouble, we always give him or her a hand. We are also active. We like to do sports and go traveling. Most of us can work hard in class and play happily after school. Besides, we are imaginative and creative. We always try something new and do everything differently.
On the other hand, we also have some disadvantages. Sometimes we can’t express our opinions in proper ways; sometimes we are a little over confident. And many students have no brothers or sisters, so they may do evthing for themselves. These problems may make us seem impolite, even we can’t communicate with others well. So it’s the most important for us to learn how to get on well with others.

5 、Interest and Hobby(兴趣与爱好)
Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in schools. We also have many kinds of after-class activities in our school, such as English corner, playing basketball and swimming. I am interested in the English corner, because it can help me make some new friends there. If you also want to take part in after-class activities, I have some suggestions. You had better choose the activities which are good for you; you had better choose what you like.
Dear friends, please take part in after-class activities. I’m sure you will learn a lot and you will find it very interesting at the same time. Your school life will be colorful.

6 、Something Personal(个人情况)
People sure change! My best friend, Mary has changed a lot in the last few years. She used to be fat but now she is thin. She used to have short hair but now she grows it long. She used to be really quiet but now she is outgoing. She used to spend a lot of time playing computer games, but now she has to study all day. She used to do morning exercises and some other activities every day, but now she is used to studying all the time and spend little time on her hobbies. In the evening, she used to watch TV with her family, but now she must go to bed early, because she has to get up early in the morning to read the text books.
Time goes by, it’s amazing how she’s changed and she is never a child.

7、Rece Pressure(减压)
假设你们班要在下星期一举行题为“The Ways for Students to Relax”的班会,请结合报道的内容。用英语写一篇80字左右的发言材料。
1.简要介绍造成现在学生学习压力大的原因。2.你认为来自于English Online调查结果的放松方式是否有效,为什么?
Dear fellows,
Not only alts but also we students often feel stressed because we have too much homework to do, and we are very busy studying every day, we don’t have our own time to do what we are interested in. We are very tired and sleepy all day, so we should learn to deal with it. What should we do to relax?
From the result of the survey, I think doing sports with classmates is a good way to relax. Because it’s good for our health and it can make us relaxed.
I also have three ways to relax ourselues. First, we can listen to music. Second, we can go to the movies with our parents on weekends. Don’t study at home all the weekend. Third, when we feel tired, we can think about something interesting.
I hope my suggestions can help you.

8、Family, Friends and the People around You(家庭、朋友与周围的人)
假设你们班级即将召开以“感恩”为主题的班会,要求向大家介绍一下你最想向谁表达感恩之情,他或她为你做了什么,你又将怎样回报他或她的付出。请结合上文内容,以“Thank you, my…”为题写一篇发言稿。
Thank You, My Mother
Wherever we are today, whatever we are, we owe it to our parents who have given and taught us so much, so we should thank them, especially, thank our mother. I think my mother is one of the best mothers in the world.
She is the busiest one in my family. She does chores for the family and cares about my study. She has taught me a lot. She does lots of things for me. But she never wants anythings in return.
How will I show my thanks to my mother? First, this year, I am going to give her a surprise birthday party and buy her a special present. Second, I’ll do well in school. Third, I’ll help her do housework when I’m free. I want to make her happy. In a word, I love my mother.

请你用Shopping Online为题写一篇文章,说说你的看法:人们为什么喜欢网上购物,网上购物有哪些优点和缺点。 (80词左右。)
Shopping Online
Today, people are busy with their work and study and have little time to go shopping. So shopping online has become an important part in their lives. It is convenient and we can save much time. Besides, with all the traffic problems in cities, going shopping is not an easy thing. Just sit at a computer, click and choose, you can find all kinds of different things online. You can also compare with the prices. So you can buy something you like but not expensive.
However, shopping online can bring you some trouble. Sometimes, you will find that the things you get are different from those you can see online. And, the quality of the things are not so good. Even, you will be cheated by others.
So we should be careful to shop online.

10、Plans and Wishes(计划与愿望)
Everyone talked about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We all believe that this dream will come true in the future. I also talked about my own dream. My dream is to be a doctor. Let me tell you why I have this dream? When I was in Grade Seven, I was sick and often went to see doctors. The doctors were very friendly to me and they often cheered me up. With the help of them, I was getting better. Now I’m very healthy. Since then I have hoped to become a doctor.
How will I make my dream come true? I will study hard to get good grades. I’ll read more books about medicine. I believe I’ll be a good doctor in the future.

❺ 近五年高考英语记叙文写作521个常用词组


❻ 近几年英语高考满分作文

一、试题:第二节 读写任务(共l小题,满分25分)
Dear Ari,
As you sleep in my arms, I'm amazed at how light you feel. I stare at your tiny body, so fragile that a sudden wind could lift you up into the air. I love this feeling of protecting you and dreaming of all I have in store for you.
I intend to bring you up to be brave and successful in an often difficult society. That's why your mommy and I have named you Ari, which means "lion". It's our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp every opportunity to do well for yourself and others.
Before you came into the world, we had spent months imagining what you'd be like. Would you be a boy or a girl? Would you look like Mommy, Daddy or your elder brothers? Anyway, we would find out soon.
Finally your mother's labor came. And several hours later, we met the first time. I held you high up in the air. I then was able to cut your umbilical cord (脐带) and put you in your mother's arms. She still had enough energy to radiate the love while she pressed you to her face.
And here we are tonight. As I hold you close, you sleep so peacefully. I press my ear to your chest and hear your strength. I am listening to the first beats of a lion's heart. Welcome to the world, Ari.
1.作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接 引用原文中的句子;

项目 分值 评分标准
概括 5 按照要求概括了全部主要信息, 没有增加与原文无关的信息, 没有照抄原文的句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。
4 基本按照要求概括了主要信息, 没有增加与原文无关的信息, 没有照抄原文的句子。语言结构正确,行文规范。
3 基本按照要求概括了主要信息, 但包含一些不相关的信息, 有个别句子抄自原文。语言结构基本正确,行文比较规范。
2 不能按照要求概括主要信息, 包含较多不相关的信息, 有较多的抄袭原。语言结构不够正确,行文不够规范。
0---1 没有按照要求概括主要信息, 基本是不相关的信息, 大多数句子都照抄原文。语言结构不正确,行文不规范。
写作 18---20 包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题明确,内容丰富。词汇丰富,用词得当。能有效运用合适的语言结构,而且没有(或较少)语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性好。
14---17 包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题明确,个别内容不准确或者不相关。词汇较丰富,有个别用词错误。较好地运用了合适的语言结构,有少许的语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性较好。
11---13 包含题目所给全部或绝大部分的内容要点。主题比较明确,个别内容不准确或不相关。词汇较丰富,有个别用词错误。较好地运用合适的语言结构,有少许的语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性较好。
7---10 包含题目所给的部分内容要点。主题基本明确,有些内容不准确或者不相关。词汇有限,有较多的用词错误。语言结构出现较多的语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性差。
4---6 只包含题目所给的个别内容要点。多数内容不相关或者不准确。文章有些地方照抄原文。词汇贫乏,有较多的用词错误。大多数的句子出现语法错误。篇章结构的连贯性差。
1---3 只包含与题目所给要点内容有关的一些单词。主题不明确,文章基本照抄原文。词汇及其贫乏,基本不能正确用词。几乎没有正确的句子。篇章结构零乱。
0 以下几种情况,给0分:
1) 完全抄袭原文(或其它文章)
2) 文不对题
3) 只写一些零散的单词,完全没有表达完整的内容。

1.完全不理解,照抄原文 0分
2.死板机械地抄,不改变原文顺序 1分
3.改变主语或宾语的抄为主 2 分 (灵活地抄)
4.稍为改动总体的抄 3分
5.改变句子、用词,重新排列组织 4—5分 (字数不特别要求)
2.语言为主, 内容的相关部分,综合考虑连贯
4.内容: 读后的感受, 成长的感受, 感激和祝福

1 ( 1+5=6分)
Dear Dad,
On this date of your 50th birthday, Mom gave me the letter. You wrote me when I was born 18 years ago. In your letter, you hope me up to successful and brave in society, and you named me is Ari, means strong and do well for myself, you wish I love you and Mommy.
I very love you and mother, because not only you and Mom love me, but also you do every think is e to me. When I was ill, you and Mom are very busy for me, give me best love. Now I was 18 years ago. I become a strong and can do well for myself. I think you for you and Mom. I’ll use my all love for you, but sorry, I didn’t can earn the money for you, because I have to study. So hope you wait me.
I wish you strong and healthy all the life.

2 ( 2+9=11分)
In you letter, Daddy, I know that you hope me grow strong and eager grasp. You love me, you give the best for me. You imagining I will be like a lion who is brave.
I felt very warm when I reading your letter. In my growing road you give me the best. When I in trouble, you give the help for me first. If I make mistake, you won’t angry for me, you only give me a warm love. In my life, you and Mum’s love is full of it. I can grow up without your love.
Happy birthday, Daddy. I won’t make you sad, I would be a brave and success lion while you hope me to be in the difficult society.
Thank you. Dad. I love you and Mum forever.

3 ( 0+13=13分)
In your letter, I know I was a lovely boy in your life, and I was know that lots of funny things happen before I was born.
In my living, I was happy and lucky, because I believe you on doing a lot things that make me happy. When I was young, you often tell strong to me, you often play games with me though you are very busy. When I was ill, you will take me to the hospital first, when I go to school, you often tell me to take care of myself and don’t break the traffic rude. After I guard from high school, you show me a lot of fresh things that I had never come through.
Words fails me to express my thankful to you. Now, I st hope can live happily and have a strong body. What’s more, wish you will healthy forever.

4 ( 3+16=19分)
Dear Dad,
You encouraged me to be a brave and successful person. You were eager to see my good performances, which should be strong, seize every opportunity, do well for everybody. I keep your words on my mind and work hard all these years.
I’m totally moved by your words, my great father. I’m touched by your happiness, gave wishes and love in the letter.
Words fail to express how I appreciate you. I remember the day you taught me swimming. You put me into the centre of the swimming poor, just as if I were a brave lion and left me. I struggled to catch you but I couldn’t. You lifted me up a while and then back to water. I was able to swim that day and I was strong both physically and mentally. Thank you, Dad.
Today is your 50th birthday. I’m here to say, thank you, thank you for your love and sorrow. Thank you for the warmth and health. I can’t be here without you. I love you.
Wish you a happy birthday and happy all your life. Wish you in good health everyday. Happy birthday to you.

5 ( 5+18=23分)
In your letter, you wished me to be strong-minded and successful. You were looking forward seeing me tight for my future bravely and do well for myself and others.
After reading this letter, I feel quite shocked at your expectation on me. I also feel ashamed for not having performed well to meet your demand.
I still remember when I was in primary school, I failed to apply myself to studying. I was addicated to computer games. As a conseque I soon became the last one in my class. You didn’t abuse me at all. On the contrary, you teached me that studying was the most important object at the moment and encouraged me to study hard. Only when I have read your letter did I realize that I behaved so bad at that time and you were so sad to see I didn’t do well for myself.
I can’t help expressing my gratitude and sending my best wishes to you, wish you healthy and happy. I promise that I will spare no effort to satisfy you demand of being a brave and successful person.

❼ 谁有高考英语作文六大类型的范文!(带翻译)



I’m very happy to receive your letter, and I’m glad to hear that you will go to China to learn Chinese here. I have already found a fiat for you. It is on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you there, and it is one stop before the Chinese School. The flat is on the third floor with 3 rooms, one of which is bedroom, the other two are bathroom and kitchen. There are a bed, a sofa, a desk and some chairs in this 25 square-metres small fiat, and the rent is 500 yuan per month. Maybe this fiat is not as good as your wish, but I’ll try my best to meet your needs. If it is not suitable enough, write to me and I will look for another better place.
Hope you will come here soon!
All the best!
Li Hua




1.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

2.God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

3.Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。

4.Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

5.One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。

6.Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜。

7.A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

8.Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。

9.All work and no play makes jack a ll boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

10.Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance.无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表。

11.More hasty,less speed. 欲速则不达。

12.Its never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

13.All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必都是金子。

14.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行始于足下。

15.Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

16.Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。

17.Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。

18.well begun,half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半。

19.It is hard to please all. 众口难调。

20.Out of sight,out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。

21.Facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

22.Call back white and white back. 颠倒黑白。

23.First things first. 凡事有轻重缓急。

24.Ill news travels fast. 坏事传千里。

25.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

26.live not to eat,but eat to live. 活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着。

27.Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。

28.East or west,home is the best. 金窝银窝不如自家草窝。

29.Its not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 君子在德不在衣。

30.Beauty will buy no beef. 漂亮不能当饭吃。

31.Like and like make good friends. 趣味相投。

34.An idle youth,a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

35.As the tree,so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

36.To live is to learn,to learnistobetterlive.活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着

❽ 近年高考英语满分作文十篇


Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


Wang Ming

(1) 家乡的地理位置;
(2) 解放前的情况;
(3) 解放后的变化;
(4) 对家乡的感情。

My Home Town
My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.
But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.
In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.
I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.









Dear Dad(Mum),

You’re so busy every day that you don’t pay much attention to your health. I’m worried about your health all the time. I’d like to give you some suggestions. I hear walking is the best sport. Your company isn’t far from home, is it? Why not walk to the office? You’d better take exercise at least once a week, such as playing tennis in the gym. Going to swim is also a nice choice, too. What’s more, it’s necessary to have healthy food. Try not to stay up too late. Having enough sleep can help your brain work better.

Dad, please accept my advice. I really wish you healthy!

Your loving son (daughter)

Tom (Mary)

Dear Dad(Mum),

You’re so busy every day that you don’t pay much attention to your health.I am worried about you. I hope you can keep healthy. You often drive to your office. It is not far.What about walking there because it can make you much stronger?I’d like you to play basketball or go swimming in the gym at least once a week. It is important to eat healthy food such as vegetables, meat, eggs and fruits. Though your work is hard, I still hope that you can go to bed early so that you can get enough sleep.

I’m looking forward to receiving your letter.

Your loving son (daughter)

Tom (Mary)

随着阳光体育运动在全国开展,政府对中学生身体素质有所下降这个问题给予了高度重视,提出了这样的标语:“EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY”。同学们参加了各种体育锻炼之后,校园里出现了可喜的变化,强身健体,增强了学习效果,校园生活丰富了。请你报道一下学校开展这一活动的情况。

注意:1. 词数80—100左右。

2. 要求文章结构合理、内容通顺、句子连贯。

参考词汇:build up one’s body strength 强健身体

rece diseases 减少疾病

As the Sunny Sports is developing in our country, the government has paid attention to the health of the students and raised, "EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY, KEEP ILLNESS AWAY". So far our school life has changed a lot. Now we have more time to do sport in the morning or after school. We play footb

❾ 现在高考英语的写作 有哪些文体




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