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发布时间:2020-12-25 16:23:20

A. 人教版七年级上册英语13页作文

Attention, please!
We want to set up an muisc club in our school.
Are you good at music ?Can you sing or dance ?Can you play the piano?Can you play the guitar or other musical instrument(乐器)专?If you can just join us !!属Do you want to be an musician? If your answer is yes please join us!
Please call at 6832-4835 if you want join us! Welcome to our club!

B. 人教版英语七年级上册第七单元作文

Mr.kun's Clothes Store Sale!版
Come and buy your clothes at Linghua"s great sale!Do you like pants?We have pants at a very good price---only7yuan!Do you like sweaters We have sweaters at a very good price----only5yuan!Do you need bags for sports We have greate bags for only3yuan.For girls,we have skirt in red,green and white foe only 5yuan!For boys,you can buy socks for only 1yuan !权each!Anybody can afford our prices!
Cometo Mr.kun's Clothes Store now!

C. 人教版七年级英语作文翻译


D. 人教版七年级上册英语期中考作文有什么啊!!!!!!!!急急急急啊!!!!跪求!谢谢!


E. 人教版七年级上册英语作文50字左右10篇

Attention, please!
We want to set up an muisc club in our school.
Are you good at music ?Can you sing or dance ?Can you play the piano?Can you play the guitar or other musical instrument(乐器)内?If you can just join us !!容Do you want to be an musician? If your answer is yes please join us!
Please call at 6832-4835 if you want join us! Welcome to our club!

F. 一个人教版七年级英语上册作文

Xinghua clothes on sale, only 50 yuan for shirts, 30 yuan for shorts, 25 yuan for sneakers and 20 yuan for bags. Don't miss it If you miss a good opportunity, the price will increase several times!



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