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发布时间:2020-12-26 04:41:26

① “地道" 如何用英文表达


② 如何写出正确地道的英语作文

I think our friendly will give him a both interesting and comfortable experience.
Thank you for your reading ring your busy work.. I hope that you will agree with me .
Yours sincerely,
Li Hong


③ “地道的”,用英语怎么表达


④ 求英语中的一些比较地道的表达方式的句型


⑤ 英语基础写作,五句表达全部,地道的英语

Known as the origin of the ancient Maritime Silk Road in China, the city of flowers has a history of over 2,200 years. It has a population of more than 13,000,000 and covers 7434.4 square kilometers. Locating in the south of China, its southeast borders on HongKong and south borders on Macao. It is rich in tourism resources, such as the Guangzhou Eight. Many foreign and domestic tourists are attracted by its beautiful scenery.

⑥ “写作套路” 用英语最地道的表达方法是什么



Thread: something continuous or drawn out: as a : a line of reasoning or train of thought that connects the parts in a sequence (as of ideas or events) <lost the thread of the story> b : a continuing element <a thread of melancholy marked all his writing>

2,一个小说、戏剧、影视甚至是游戏的剧情,plot非常常用。主线:main plot,支线,subplot,这两个词在维-基网络上都是有词条的。
Plot (narrative)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A literary term, a plot is all the events in a story particularly rendered toward the achievement of some particular artistic or emotional effect or general theme. An intricate, complicated plot is known as an imbroglio, but even the simplest statements of plot can have multiple inferences, such as with songs the ballad tradition.[citation needed]
1 Plot structure :1.1 Exposition 1.2 Rising Action 1.3 Climax 1.4 Falling action 1.5 Resolution

What is a main plot?
In: Literary Terms, Plot and Setting [Edit categories] [Improve]
A:the plot of a story is basically what happens and the main problem. A little like a summary. ex: The main plot for the harry potter series is:
an magical orphan named harry potter is treated badly by his cousins. He receives a letter saying that he is admitted to Hogwarts and is eager to get away from his cousins. He discovers that Lord Voldomort killed his parents and seeks revenge.

3,另外,在很多情况下,通常是非正式的情况下,常用main storyline(或main strory line)表示故事主线。
Storyline may refer to:
The plot or subplot of a story;
The narrative of a work, whether of fictional or nonfictional basis;
The narrative threads experienced by different but specific characters or sets of characters that together form a plot element or subplot in the work of fiction. In this sense, each narrative thread is the narrative portion of a work that pertains to the world view of the participating characters cognizant of their piece of the whole,and they may be the villains, the protagonists, a supporting character, or a relatively disinterested official utilized by the author, each thread of which is woven together by the writer to create a work.

Main storyline of hamlet?
In: William Shakespeare, Hamlet [Edit categories]
A:Hamlet's father is dead. His uncle (Claudius) marries his mother. Hamlet sees his father's ghost and the ghost tells him that Claudius murdered him. Hamlet seeks revenge and kills Claudius. Hamlet also dies. There are many others plots in Hamlet but that is the main one.

二、那么,明线的主要说法:Obvious Plot,或者 open plot
例子,雅虎问答上有个问题 What is a open plot??????
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
Open plot is one of those things where the author never gives a definite ending, and is very vague about what happens. You can use your imagination for what happens to the characters. Take The Razor's Edge for example.

类似的,暗线既可用 hidden plot,也可secret storyline,视语言环境而定。举个简单的例子:Edward Bond 有一本通过戏剧来隐喻和展现人类历史的书,就叫做The Hidden Plot ,《隐线》。


所以,根据前面的解释,plot structure,或者 plot pattern,即谋篇布局的结构、路数,才是最符合写作套路的说法。

举个例子,在Karen Charmaine Blansfield介绍欧•亨利的Cheap rooms and restless hearts: a study of formula in the urban tales of William Sydney Porter (即欧•亨利)一书中,在研究亨利小说的剧情路数时,这样说:A plot pattern An essential element of formulaic art of fiction.
“plot pattern是小说创作中各种基本元素构成的套路性艺术。”

1,writing routine 常常用来表示作家的写作习惯,比如何时何地写作等。

2,writing patterns也是一种常见的说法,但它的意思并非写作套路,而是具体文法的表现手段,是语法和用词上的含义。比方说,一个修辞或者一个习语,就是写作的pattern,它更强调横向上的细节的东西。
Basic Sentence Patterns and Types:
Subject + Verb
Subject + Linking Verb + Subject Complement
Subject + Verb + Direct Object
Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Object Complement
Passive Voice Pattern
Simple Sentences
Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences
Compound-Complex Sentences
意思很明白,你是用主谓句,还是用被动句,这就是writing pattern需要考虑的。
在这个意义上,还有个词与它是同义的,即writing style,写作风格。这个词更常用。
维-基网络上是这么解释的:An English writing style is a way of using the English language.The style of a piece of writing is the way in which features of the language are used to convey meaning, typically but not always within the constraints of more widely accepted conventions of grammar and spelling.
值得注意的是,学术论文的行文规范,英文是academic styles.网上可以搜到很多关于英文写作的教程,其中不乏专门讲授patterns的。

3,而stereotype,很少用来表示写作套路,倒是有stereotyped writing的说法,表示一种死板的程序性的写作,略有贬义。毛的<反对-党-八-股>,八股就是这么翻译的。而前面两个词是中性的。

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Foreshadowing is a literary technique used by many different authors to provide clues for the reader to be able to predict what might occur later on in the story. In other words, it is a literary device in which an author drops hints about the plot and what may come in the near future or, in other words, the plot developments to come later in the story.


⑦ 如何用地道英语议论文写作词,表达你想用的


⑧ 地道 用英语怎么表达

地道:idiomatic / excellent / pure /genuine

讲一口地道的英语 speak idiomatic English
他干的活儿真回地道。 He does excellent work
她的上海话说答得真地道。 She speaks pure Shanghai dialect
地道的吉林人参 genuine Jilin ginseng

⑨ 地道英语作文表达


With the development of modern technology, smartphones are popular with almost everyone around the world e to their excellent functions. Almost everyone has a smartphone – when I am taking the bus or waiting in line, I always see people with their smart phones. Yet, It seems that people use their phones mainly to kill time rather than to communicate. Even worse, research studies have found that people take out their phones every 6.5minutes on average and this phenomenon is aptly named ‘smartphone addiction’.

Why is the draw to smartphones so powerful? Personally, I think that smartphone addiction is mainly e to our habits. Nowadays, people can know everything through the Internet without going out.We enjoy the convenience smartphones offer us, but graally we find that we can’t live without phones anymore. In addition, with our fast-paced modern life, we would rather find the most convenient way ever. However we more often eat alone and walk alone so we haveto use these add hours to have fun through digital devices. Moreover, various apps in smartphones satisfied the convenience of living and provide means of entertainment.

When people spend too much time on the phones, they graally lose the ability to communicate with their friends or parents and this will weakens their interpersonal skills. As for teenagers, addiction to smartphones can not only cause one to neglect one’s study, but also cause psychological barriers between themselves and the outside world e to lack of good self-control.

⑩ 英语基础写作,五句表达全部,用地道的英语

With the reputation of "flower city"and history of over 2200 years ,called the origin of “maritime silk road” of ancient China,Guang zhou has the population of 13 millions . It covers an area of 7,434.4 square kilometers and lies in the south of China. It‘s southeast borders on hong kong and south borders on Macao. In Guangzhou,there are the richest tourism resources such as “eight sights of Yangcheng ”.The beauty of Guangzhou attracts the tourists at home and abroad.
刚好五句 望采纳,如想要四句,三句,两句,一句,都可以帮你解决。



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