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发布时间:2021-03-15 23:33:04

① 求大学英语四级作文模板~就是那些原因对策型的,不同观点型的!谢谢!

http://www.51test.net/cet/zuowen4/ 自己去看!求采回纳答

② 星火英语写作特训20篇中的四大作文类型,怎样区分现象阐释型和观点论证型,非常谢谢。





星星大致可分为行星恒星 彗星等

1 行星本身并不会发光,


2 恒星就是类似太阳一类大的天体 其本身内部会发生反应,

③ 关于大学生考试现象 英语作文

Test day is here. You’ packed your brain full of definitions, dates, and details, preparing for a marathon of multiple choice and true & false questions, and now you’re staring at a single, solitary, terrifying essay question.

How could this happen? You’re suddenly fighting for your life (okay, a grade), and your only weapons are a blank piece of paper and a pencil. What can you do? Next time, prepare for the test as if you know it will be an essay test.

Essay questions are based on themes and overall ideas. Teachers like to use essay questions because they give students the opportunity to express everything they’ve learned over the weeks or months, using their own words. Essay test answers reveal more than the bare facts, though. When submitting essay answers, students are expected to cover lots of information in an organized, sensible manner.

But what if you prepare for an essay question and the teacher doesn’t ask one?

No problem. If you use these tips and understand the themes and ideas of the test period, the other questions will come easily.

Review chapter titles. Textbook chapters often refer to themes. Look at each relevant title and think of smaller ideas, chains of events, and relevant terms that fit within that theme.
As you take notes, look for teacher code words. If you hear your teacher use words like “once again we see” or “another similar event occurred,” make note of it. Anything that indicates a pattern or chain of events is key.

Think of a theme every day. Every few nights as you review your class notes, look for themes. Come up with your own essay questions based on your themes.

Practice your essay questions. As you do, make sure you use vocabulary terms found in your notes and text. Underline them as you go, and go back to review their relevance.

If you take effective notes and think in terms of themes as you study each night, you’ll be prepared for every type of test question. You’ll soon find that, in understanding the theme of each lesson or chapter, you’ll begin to think more like your teacher thinks. You will also begin to form a deeper understanding of the test material overall.

④ 大学英语实用写作的介绍


⑤ 关于大学英语作文的问题

一、注重阅读写作是一种语言输出形式,只有语言输入大于语言输出,语言输出才有可能:只有积累了一定的思想感受和大量的语言素材,才有可能写好。因此,阅读能够促进写作,它是写作的基础。阅读不仅能帮助学生积累思想,也能帮助他们积累语言素材。要想写出好文章,就必须大量读书。对学生而言,他们对生活的体验、对人生的认识大多是从书本上获得、从大量的阅读中获取的。读和写的关系非常密切,唐代大诗人杜甫说过"读书破万卷,下笔如有神",美国作家舒伯特又指出:"Reading is writing"。很多作家也是在大量阅读他人好作品的基础上开始练习写作的。我们在阅读过程中应细心分析和揣摩原文的语言特点、遣词造句、习惯用法和固定搭配等。不但要细读、精读,而且还要摘录其中的常用词组,言简意赅的句子和富有哲理、优美、精彩的段落,并有意识地背诵、模仿。长期坚持这种练习,头脑中自然会存储大量优美、地道的表达法,口头交流或写文章时自然会得心应手,笔下生花。二、仿写作文任何语言学习都需要模仿,因为语言是"约定俗成"的,要使用某种语言就得"入乡随俗",服从这种语言习惯。英语写作也需要模仿,即使有了词汇、语法等基本语言材料,也还要模仿英语的语言习惯,模仿用英语写作的方法和技巧。模仿范文能直接提高学生谋篇布局和衔接上下文的能力。因此,仿写在英语写作教学中,是一种最基本而且十分有效的写作训练形式。模仿写作最主要的就是模仿思路。英语写作和中文写作一样,记叙文要有贯穿全篇的线索,以使事件或故事发生、发展的脉络清楚;描写文要有合理的逻辑顺序,其展开的顺序要符合认识规律,反映由具体到抽象、由浅到深的思维过程;说明文要选择合适的角度,按照一定的时间或空间顺序来说明事物。对于各类范文的特点要认真分析。仿写时,为了便于学生更好地发挥,可要求学生只模仿体裁,而对内容不作具体限定。如学了"How to plant vegetables"后,可要求学生写"How to plant flowers"来进行练习;学了Madame Curie一课,可让学生写自己熟悉的一位科学家。常言道"熟能生巧",只要学生多模仿写作,模仿到娴熟的地步,写作能力自然会提高。三、课外练笔写作实践是写作理论转化为写作能力的"中介"。写作要突出实践,正如学习游泳一样,写作的能力是练出来的。课外练笔是课堂写作训练最有益的补充,因为课堂时间有限,仅靠课堂写作训练培养学生的写作能力是不够的。作文不是"学"出来的,而是"写"出来的。学生必须进行大量的写作练习才能掌握并且灵活运用各种写作技能,而且写作技能只有在不断写作的过程中才能逐步得到提高和完善。此外,学生的英语语言意识和英语思维能力的培养也需要大量的练习。可见,课外练笔非常必要,应该给予重视。课外练笔的形式多种多样,可采用让学生写英语日记、写英语周记、写英语随笔、用英语写信等等,教师也可有意识地给学生提供一些尽量贴近生活的时尚话题,如奥运会、环境保护等,让学生在课外习作。由于英语写作中一个很突出的问题就是文章内容的贫乏,教师在布置写作任务之后,可先让学生开展讨论。要求学生记下当时浮现于脑海中的所有内容,从描写、分析、联想等多个方面挖掘题材,并在讨论中相互切磋,彼此争论,开拓思路,教师可进行必要的引导和归纳总结。总之,要扩大学生的生活面和知识面,开展多种形式的写作训练,学生的写作能力就一定会得到很大提高,并达到事半功倍的效果。四、注重批改学生在完成写作任务之后,教师应注重作文的评改工作。有调查显示,学生一般不喜欢教师抽样改作文,而且希望教师肯定其作文优点的愿望十分强烈。因此,教师应尽量认真批阅每一位学生的习作,并且应采用比较科学直观的评分标准。要指出习作中的主要优缺点及改进方向,但注意不可把学生的习作评得一无是处,即便在指出习作缺点,提出改进意见时也应做到语气委婉,亲切热情,在课堂上可针对集体评阅的优秀作文作一些错误分析,或将学生习作中普遍性的错误记下来,在课堂上稍做讲解纠正。重心应放在肯定学生作文的优点上,使用简单的评语如Excellent, Good, Unique, Interesting, Vivid, Entertaining等。这样能够维护学生的信心,激发他们的进取精神和学习动力。在课堂上讲评优秀作文时,教师与学生一道发表自己的见解,从构思、谋篇布局到语言运用等方面充分肯定作文的优点,特别是对语言的连贯衔接及思路的扩展挖掘给予较详细的讲评,使学生通过这样的讲评,从中吸取经验,更好地完成今后的写作任务。另外,教师还可要求学生背诵一些佳句及范文,为写作准备必要的语言素材,这样也有利于学生写作水平的提高。参考资料 http://e.sina.com.cn/en/2005-01-28/30155.html

⑥ 急求英语写作一篇请学霸帮忙哇。1.大学逃课现象时有发生。2.分析其原因3.如何减少逃课现象。要求就

Skipping Classes on College Campus
In colleges and universities, the phenomenon of students’ skipping classes is not unusual. There are often some students who skip those classes for feeling unwell or other private reasons. Besides, still some students don’t go to class without any reason but for they don’t want to。
There are two main reasons for college students’ skipping classes. First, compared with in middle school, students have more freedom in college. It depends more on one student’s consciousness whether he will attend the class. So those students lacking self-discipline begin to skip classes. Second, some teachers’ lectures could not attract students’ interests so that some students would rather skip classes to study what they are interested in。
For whatever reasons, skipping classes does bring negative effects on students’ study. Therefore, it is necessary to take some effective measures to rece this phenomenon. On the one hand, the school and teachers should make students realize the negative effects of skipping classes and enhance their consciousness of attending the class. On the other hand, teachers have to improve their teaching quality to attract students’ interests in the courses. Only in this way can the phenomenon of skipping classes be reced as soon as possible。

⑦ 英语作文:分析当前中国的家长陪读现象产生的原因

http://www.rrting.com/English/yyxw/这里有近千篇英语作文,希望能帮到你,要给分喔 sac



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