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发布时间:2021-03-15 20:33:31

A. 乌龟用英语单词写怎么写

1. tortoise

<mud-turtle> <terrapin> <snapping-turtle>

1. 他给我买了两只小乌龟。
He bought two small tortoises for me.

2. ‘你有回什麽宠物吗?’‘有, 我有三只兔子和答一只乌龟.’
`Have you got any pets?' `Yes, I've got three rabbits and a tortoise.'

3. "你有什么宠物吗?""有,我有三只兔子和一只乌龟。"
"Have you got any pets?" "Yes, I've got three rabbits and a tortoise."

4. 乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。
The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.

B. 用英文介绍乌龟怎么写


The tortoise was feeding very miscellan eous. At ordinary times, you give it what to eat, it what to eat. It eat first nos e with touch, see food fights, to oneself have threatened, no eating. Eati ng, it sometimes fine chew slowly swallowing.
乌龟吃食很杂。平时,你给它吃什么,它 就吃什么。它吃东西时先用鼻子碰碰,看 食物动不动,对自己有没有威胁,没有就 吃。吃的时候,它有时候细嚼慢吞。
The tortoise is a love of dark place, agai n like the sunshine. For milder weather, the tortoise will stretch out in t he sun, if the sunshine mobile, it will move. If it is hot, the tortoise like to dark the areas where there is water havens. Sometimes, the tortoise s imply climbed into the water to go swimming, swimming tired, it will float o n water, stilly.
乌龟既喜欢阴暗的地方,又喜欢晒太阳。 天气比较暖和,乌龟就伸出头晒太阳,如 果阳光移动,它就移动。如果天气很热, 乌龟就喜欢到阴暗有水的地方去避暑。有 时,乌龟干脆爬到水里去游泳,游累了, 它就会浮在水面上,一动不动。


C. 用英语写一写关于乌龟的一些知识

The Tortoise (Tortoise), generally referred to as the broad sense refers to a turtle purpose, in a narrow sense refers to the turtle in the species. Belonging to crawl on animal taxonomy, chelonia, turtle, is one of the common chelonia animal, also existing ancient reptiles. Characteristics of chitosan was covered with very strong, can attack tortoise head, tail and limbs back inside the shell (except turtles). Most turtles are omnivorous, such as worms, snails, shrimp and fish for food, also eat the plant's stem leaf. In addition to the cold area, the tortoise are distributed around the world. Almost have the tortoise distribution across China, but with higher yield of all the provinces of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze river, guangxi around also have proced, especially in the southeast, GuiNa number.

D. 乌龟的英语作文怎么写

·我的乌龟(My Turtle) Hi! Good friends. My name is Susie. I’m ten years old. This is my pet. It’s a turtle. He is also ten years old. His name is Sandwich. He eats ten small fishes every day . Look at him! He has a beautiful shell and two small eyes. He also has a long tail. Now my turtle wants to have a little sister. They can play, sleep and walk together. Now, Mr Sandwich, please reach out your hand and say “回Bye-bye.”答 My friends,please call me. My tel……

E. 帮我用简单英语写一篇关于介绍海龟的作文

Leatherback sea turtles and tortoises Branch of the Division of the sea turtle habitat collectively. To adapt to aquatic life, into a fin-like limbs, and concive to swimming. In general the breeding season of water from the shore. Female turtle eggs will be g in the sand in the cave. Leatherback turtle is the largest of the existing turtle species, about 2.1 meters (7 feet) and weighing about 540 kilograms (1200 pounds). Two fins before the end of the span between about 2.7 meters. Maximum body length of up to 3 meters and weighing about 900 kg. A bone from the back plate, covered with dark brown or black leather quality a little skin. 7 There are obviously on the back of the vertical edge, abdomen 5. Habitat in the world's oceans, than swimming, miscellaneous food.

F. 英语乌龟200字


G. 谁有关于乌龟的英语作文


The tortoise was feeding very miscellaneous. At ordinary times, you give it
what to eat, it what to eat. It eat first nose with touch, see food fights, to
oneself have threatened, no eating. Eating, it sometimes fine chew slowly


The tortoise is a love of dark place, again like the sunshine. For milder
weather, the tortoise will stretch out in the sun, if the sunshine mobile, it
will move. If it is hot, the tortoise like to dark the areas where there is
water havens. Sometimes, the tortoise simply climbed into the water to go
swimming, swimming tired, it will float on water, stilly.


Winter has come, it's getting cold, the tortoise will hibernate. This time,
it need a lot of food, this is for hibernate lay a good foundation. Winter
arrived, the tortoise started hibernate.


Spring, the weather is warm, the tortoise awoke, physical strength not
suddenly,recovering back up the wrinkles and need to be refilled, and food can


H. "乌龟"的英语怎么写


1. tortoise

<mud-turtle> <terrapin> <snapping-turtle>

1. 他给我买了两只小乌龟。
He bought two small tortoises for me.

2. ‘你有什麽宠物吗?’‘有, 我有三只兔子和一只乌龟.’
`Have you got any pets?' `Yes, I've got three rabbits and a tortoise.'

3. "你有什么宠物吗?""有,我有三只兔子和一只乌龟。"
"Have you got any pets?" "Yes, I've got three rabbits and a tortoise."

4. 乌龟以极其缓慢的速度爬行着。
The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.

I. 乌龟的英语怎么写

tortoise 英[ˈtɔ:tɪs] 美[ˈtɔrtɪs] 复数:tortoise
2.行动迟缓的人(或物) 名词 n.
The elephant dwarfed the tortoise.
The tortoise spends the winter months in hibernation.
The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.

【动】龟, 甲鱼; 海龟; 海鳖
(食用)海龟肉, 甲鱼肉
(=turtle dove)[古]斑鸠
捉龟, 捕鳖
凸的, 凸形的
高而紧的衣领, 高领绒衣



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