导航:首页 > 英语写作 > 金宫花园小学英语写作寒假班


发布时间:2021-03-15 19:01:19

1. 小学英语作文《我的寒假》

I had a good vacation.In my vacation,I went to the movie with my parents.I think it was very interesting.I went swimming with my friends.We were very happy.There was a good vacation.I felt very happy.

2. 小学英语基础不扎实,哪有寒假辅导班可以提高


3. 我的小孩今年读小学4年级,英语水平不错,比较爱表现,这个寒假想报个英语培训班,什么培训机构比较好啊

长沙新东方酷学酷玩有个演讲与口才班,很适合你的孩子哦! 孩子的未来掌握在我们手中,我们需要去好好把握。

4. 我是一名六年级小学生,好不容易放个寒假,想休息一下,结果妈妈给我报了一堆奥数班,英语,作文班,把我的...


5. 我要一篇三年级下小学英语作文“我的寒假生活”30-40词左右,两小时以内,谢谢了,真的很急啊!!!!!!

I really had a busy and happy winter holiday. I did my homework and helped my parents with the housework every day. I sometimes went to the library to read books and borrowed some. I also surfed the internet and went to movies with my friends. Isometimes played table tennis with my friends. The most interesting thing was that I went skiing five times with my parents and it was really cool. During the Spring Festival, i visited my grandparents, friends and relatives. We really had a great time together. I prepared for the new lessons and read English,too. I really enjoyed my winter holiday. 我寒假的确过得很忙很快乐。我每天做作业并帮助父母做家务。有时我去图书馆看书并借些数。我也上网和朋友去看电影。我有时去拜访朋友并和他们打乒乓球。最有趣的事情是:我和父母滑了5次雪。那的确很棒。春节期间我去拜访祖父母,走亲访友,我们过得非常愉快。我也准备喔的新课程和读英语。我寒假过得非常愉快。

6. 三年级小学英语作文 :我的寒假计划,很急,一小时以内


7. 广州哪里有少儿英语寒假班


8. 想给孩子报个英语寒假班,有望京的妈妈推荐一下。谢谢

去昂立儿童外语学校看看吧 我家立立在那学的 特别喜欢那的老师 现在一天不去都不行 教学很有方法

9. 小学英语作文:寒假计划

My traveling plan I hope to go on a trip to Beijing,but my mother always tells me "you can't".She thinks i am too young to go to beijing,and i am too busy at school.This term is over,To my surprise,my mother will take me to beijing.i am very excited! i have a traveing plan for this trip:first I will go to the tian'anmen square,i will take many pictures.then i am going to the place museum,i can see many old builds there.second,iam goingto the wangfujing street,we will buy many things,for example,foods,clothes and some books.then i will go home. i think i will have a great trip to beijing.



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