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发布时间:2021-03-15 18:40:33

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❷ 外研社杯全国英语写作大赛中的优胜奖用英语怎么说

Winning prize FLTRP Cup National English writing contest.

❸ 外研社杯全国大学生英语演讲大赛用英文怎么写

❹ “外研社杯”用英语怎么说

"Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Cup"

❺ 外研社英语写作大赛

College Entrance Examination, as the name implies, is a qualifying examination for high school students to enter into an ideal university. It originated from 1952, but was abolished in 1965. Since the recovery of the College Entrance Examination in 1977, it has been implementing effectively till now.
College Entrance Examination is held every year from June 7th to 9th in most provinces. In small part of regions, it lasts for only two days from June 7th to 8th. The examination is also for universities to select talents. It involves in subject knowledge of various areas. Chinese, math and English are three compulsory subjects. Generally speaking, high school students will major in liberal arts or science according to their preferences ring the second academic years in high school. Liberal arts consist of politics, history and geography while science is made of biology, physics as well as chemistry. Distinct regions have different cut off score. Furthermore, there are some aspects for students to get extra credits, for example, the children of revolutionary martyrs, high-level sports players, outstanding students at the provincial level and so on.
The College Entrance Examination is considered as a critical turning point of the whole learning career for students of grade three in high school. The review for the exam includes three major parts. The first review plays a fundamental and essential role in the whole process and students also need to spend much more time and vigor. During the first review, teachers ask students to pay more attention on textbooks, including basic definitions, formulas, examples and more. It is a golden time for students who have deficiency in basic knowledge to make up. Therefore, the purpose of the first review process is to consolidate the basis and to make preparation for the second stage.
The second review is a transition stage, which focus mostly on special exercises. Students need to take advantage of their acquired knowledge to solve relative questions as much as possible. But one more thing needed to pay attention, they need to deal with the questions accurately and efficiently. Thus, the second review process is to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of solving questions based on the fundamental knowledge. The significance of the final review process ranks next to the first one. Students have experienced the first two stages and summarized the experience and lessons, which can better help them to reflect and get down to correct the errors.
The College Entrance Examination is not only examine the knowledge which students have learned but also the attitude. It is a long and protracted war, also a psychological warfare. During the review process, knowledge is the most important weapon. However, when it comes to the real battlefield, mental and psychological condition play an increasingly important role in applying knowledge to practice. The College Entrance Examination is a transfer station that students say farewell to high school and then start the next excursion for the wonderful life journey.

❻ 外研社英语写作大赛用英文怎么说

◆English writing contest of Society for foreign language research

❼ 外研社杯全国英语写作大赛是全国性的吗,获奖了,是属于国家级的吗






考试发布由大赛专用赛事系统“ iTEST大学外语测试与训练系统”支持。大赛指定“ iWrite大学英语写作教学与评阅系统”进行机评支持。


1. 大赛首先采用线上比赛的方式,请参赛选手提前登录大赛官网或关注外研社微信号(外研社Unipus),熟悉比赛流程;线上比赛结束之后,学校会选拔优秀的参赛选手进行线下比赛,结合线上线下比赛成绩推荐优秀选手参加省内复赛。关于校内初赛的后续通知,请留意校园网上的通知公告。

2. 参赛之前,请务必进行模拟环境测试,以保证顺利参赛。 请使用谷歌或火狐最高版本浏览器进行测试。




❽ 外研社全国英语写作大赛是免费的吗

顺便提一下 我现在复学的制ABC天丅口语的老师说过 其实要掌握好英语应该是不费力地。绝对要拥有一个好的研习环境及熟练口语对象 这取决于外教资质 标准口音(建议找欧美外教)才行,持续每日口语沟通 1v1个性化学习才能有最.好.的学习效果~完成课堂后记得回放复习课堂录音档 更可以加深印象..实在是真的没有练习对象的环境 那么就到听力室或沪江拿到课余学习材料练习,多说多练迅速的语感就提升起来 学习成效是绝对突飞猛进的 the first “FLTRP Cup” national teenager network video spoken english competition

❾ 外研社杯大学生英语翻译写作大赛




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