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发布时间:2021-03-15 16:09:06

Ⅰ 英语基础写作


Ⅱ 英语基础写作,五句表达全部,地道的英语

Known as the origin of the ancient Maritime Silk Road in China, the city of flowers has a history of over 2,200 years. It has a population of more than 13,000,000 and covers 7434.4 square kilometers. Locating in the south of China, its southeast borders on HongKong and south borders on Macao. It is rich in tourism resources, such as the Guangzhou Eight. Many foreign and domestic tourists are attracted by its beautiful scenery.

Ⅲ 求学霸速来回答,英语基础写作


  1. 1.Bread

  2. look at

  3. shopping

  4. theirs

  5. hard或者difficult或者challenging都可以


  1. He likes bananas very much.

  2. Do you have a ball?

  3. June 25th is his father's birthday.

  4. How much are there orange pants?

  5. Can I help you.


My family eats three times a day. In the morning, we usually have a simple breakfast such as noodles, and sometimes I have milk and bread. At lunch, we often have rice with meat and a lot of vegatables, because my mom and dad love vegatables. Dinner is the most important meal, I like beef and chicken, so my mom always cooks a lot of meat for dinner.


Ⅳ 英语基础写作技巧有哪些


Ⅳ 如何零基础学习英语写作










Ⅵ 基础的重要性 的英语作文

With the fast development of our society,life-long learning has become very important for everyone.This is because one needs lo acquire new knowledge continuously in order to meet the needs of his work.
There are several ways for one to learn life-long.One way is to take a part-time ecation program.That means,one is studying part time while he is working.The program could be at undergraate level or graate level.The second way is to study by yourself.You can learn whatever you need for your work on your own.You can learn from books,from TV programs or from radio.
I think that life-long learning is very necessary to us.We can choose either of the two ways mentioned above,It depends on your personal preference and interest.I prefer the first one because this kind of learning is systematic and formal.With the help of the teachers,it is easier to learn and quicker to get what you need for your work..

Ⅶ 基础写作 英语

It''s the first time that people could drive free on high way in China.Believe or not,there were much more people to choice driving themselves this year,and it is a good start for most of them.Many friends who drive to a jerney have a good time with their family.
On the other hand,Some of them think that,they would meet bad traffic if we continue to tree driving.
In my opinion,As more and more people have cars,if we could drive to everywhere we like to.What's a living jerney for us.although we have many things to do,it is valueble to do.

Ⅷ 一篇英语作文关于大学从基础做起

After entering college, we found, to our surprise, that
differences between high school life and college life are great. In high
school, we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all
kinds of difficult problems. At college, however, we have to rely
exclusively on ourselves. What' more, we have to learn how to get along
with our classmates and roommates.
Four years at college is an
important yet very short period of time in our life. So it is always
expected that we adapt to this life as quickly as possible. But it is a
pity that not everyone can do so immediately. Here are some suggestions.
get familiar with the main buildings on the campus. Spend one or two
hours by yourself or with your classmates to go around the campus so
that you can know the location of such important places as the library,
the dining room, the post office, the clinic and classrooms. Next, try
to be independent. Learn to do such things as making sound decisions on
how to spend your time, how to spend your money etc, and washing clothes
on your own. Furthermore, form good study habits. Talk with your
classmates and learn from their good habits. Finally, try to take part
in all kinds of activities to get out of your solitude and get on well
with your classmates.

Ⅸ 英语作文(基础写作)

Li hua was born in 1987 on February 5th guangdong shaoguan. During 1994-2000, ZhiXin in primary schools. During the 2000-2006, shaoguan city in the schools. In August 2006, guangzhou university admission by majoring in English. He likes to China, collecting stamps and listening to pop music.



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