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发布时间:2021-03-15 15:37:49

㈠ 英语写作教程1punetuation课后习题答案

( )1. She has many kinds of fruits,() apples, bananas and oranges.
A. like B. for example C. such as D. as well as
( )2. Tony is ________ in collecting stamps. He has an _________ hobby.
A. interesting, interested B. interest, interesting
C. interested, interesting D. interested, interest
1.我知道他来自抚顺。 I know _____ ______ ______ ______ .
答案:he comes from Fushun
2.银行离学校很远。 The bank is very _________ __________ the school.
答案: far from

㈡ 哪位大神有英语写作教程1第二版知识整理嘛急求!谢谢


㈢ 英语(阅读与写作教程)5答案

哇哦 我也在做耶。。。有缘哈><
其实答案可以买到的 书店有。。(具体答案叫什么我忘了 反正也是董校长的一本书啦···)
如果你不想买的话等我做好了传给你怎么样哈哈哈 人工的哦~><

㈣ 怎样提高科技英语写作

Technology is a necessary force in modern life. We use technology to develop economy, change our life and quicken the pace of development. Without it, we might still stay in a poor society. We might have no TVs, no computers and even no lights. We might have to work by hands instead of by machines and read many books to gain new knowledge instead of making use of computer nets. It's believed that technology improves our life.
technology is not always a positive force in modern life. If it is not used in the right way, it may be harmful and even dangerous to people. For example, as a result of advanced technology, computer viruses have been made by some people with personal purposes, and obviously everyone knows what harm they do. We can see that under the influence of the negative effect of technology, our society may be faced with a great danger.
So we should make use of the positive force of technology to develop our modern life and rece its negative effects.

㈤ 英语作文:科技

Science and technology have changed our life thoroughly throughout the history, especially in the last century. There is a prevailing understanding about science and technology among the general public that they are the same thing of two different names but they are acutally two things. Science is kind of series of theorrtical concepts and people can accept it or not, and it will not affect commom people's life to a large extent, but it's a different way when it comes to technology because technology has more pratical effect on people. People have to enre the results of the pactical applicance of technology whether they are good or not, such as the air pollution, and it all happens without people's acceptance, for it all depends on the local governments' or even the nations' decision.
The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions.
Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.
Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel.
Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become treatable.
However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer virus. Outer space exploration has proced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Instrialization is making natural resources become scarce.
Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.

㈥ Rosetta.Stone.v3.4.5.主程序.+.美式英语教程.1-5级.(Win32.云端版)下载


㈦ 英文写作教程电子书txt全集下载

英文写作教程 txt全集小说附件已上传到网络网盘,点击免费下载:


㈧ 求科技英语阅读教程(主编:张敏 杨秀芬 主审:韩哲)的翻译。满意再追加50




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