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发布时间:2021-03-14 11:59:47

① 全国英语演讲大赛和全国英语写作大赛可以同时报名嘛


② 第三届全国高职高专英语写作大赛有奖金吗

在决赛获奖:一等奖将获得奖金1500元和获奖证书;二等奖将获得奖金700元和专获奖证书;三等奖将获得属奖金300元和获奖证书。另外学校给的还有奖金,各个学校具体不一样,应该不少于400元 。声明一下我有参加决赛

③ 全国高职高专英语写作比赛三等奖怎么翻译

The nationwide higher vocational and higher vocational - technical English writing contest prize three

④ 外研社杯高职高专英语写作比赛决赛

  1. 省(市、自治区)复赛:
    2. 全国总决赛:

  2. 二、赛制

  3. 参赛方式

  4. 初赛:符合参赛资格的学生可直接向本校外语院(系)或英语教研室咨询、报名和参加初赛。

  5. 复赛:初赛结束后,举办初赛的外语院(系)或英语教研室向大赛组委会指定的承办院校报名参加复赛。参加复赛的选手名单由大赛组委会确定并公布。

  6. 决赛:复赛结束后,各省(市、自治区)承办院校向大赛组委会提交获得决赛资格的选手名单,并报名参赛。

  7. 大赛组委会不接受选手个人直接报名。

  8. 参赛注册

  9. 大赛官方网站(http://www.writing-contest.org)将于2015年9月起开放注册窗口。所有参加复赛的选手必须在大赛官网实名注册,准确填写个人信息。

  10. 特别提示

  11. 1.参加复赛的选手须在大赛网站注册、报名。没有注册的选手无法参加复赛和决赛。

  12. 2.参赛选手注册的个人信息须准确、真实。如经组委会查证与真实情况不符,将取消其参赛资格。且由于注册信息不准确而导致组委会无法颁奖、发放奖金等,结果全部由个人承担。

⑤ 全国第二届高职高专英语写作大赛范文

Summer day, we went to Zhujiajian saw sand sculpture. This year's sand sculpture theme is "sand sculpture of Disney."
We sat ship to zhujiajian, and rode the car to the Spratly Islands. Yeah, there were so many people ah! Crowded, packed roads packed. We bought the tickets, ran eagerly to see the sand sculptures. The sand sculpture is divided into "Welcome to Disneyland, Disney's classic scenes, Disney's classic movie magic and adventure games" four parts. That sand sculpture grotesque, a wide range. Lifelike characters, vivid scenes, I feel like really came to the Disney fairy tale world.
First presented in front of Mickey Mouse - Mickey. She opened her arms, as if to say: "Welcome to the Disney theme park sand sculpture." We walked, I saw Sleeping Beauty lying quietly in bed, his calm, standing next to a handsome prince. This brings to mind the "Sleeping Beauty" story. "Look, Snow White!" Mom pointing to, and sure enough, I saw seven adorable dwarfs standing in front of a house, that house lifelike, like structures made of wood. Good beautiful Snow White and they lived happily. I walked and saw a car. Yeah, really cool! It has a pair of sparkling eyes, Fang Fang body, cute. I really want to sit in the car go ah! I saw a log cabin, filled with former wooden boxes made of wood, there is an Indian standing in front. I thought: Well lifelike it! Sculpture carved out of people is how? So delicate, so lively, so interesting. It took much effort ah! After reading the sand sculpture, I play sand. I piled up a big cake and a bottle of cocoa powder.
Time is not late, I reluctantly left the sand sculpture Disneyland. I thought: sand sculpture artists can be too much, even to such prosaic sand became so exquisite works of art, I really admire it!

⑥ 2019年第十届全国高等职业院校英语写作大赛,国赛证书奖金什么时候能发


⑦ 全国英语写作大赛在哪里可以看到自己的作文




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