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发布时间:2021-03-02 19:03:48

① 以解决担忧为话题的英语作文30词左右带翻译

在瓷器上看到这个 bgbyct是什么意思
提问者: 李博鑫天下为公 | 来自手机知道 在瓷器上看到这个 bgbyct是什么意思
提问者: 李博鑫天下为公 | 来自手机知道

② 英语作文(年轻人的问题)范文

nowadays,reading science fiction rather than classics or romantic fiction has become more and more popular.why it has become a hot topic in recent years?

it difinitely has a lot of reasons.first things firs,Because of the whole 60 years of development,china's national economy has gained great achievement,which has become the third lagrest economy just behind USA and Japan and its export last year has overtaken the Germany,becoming the top exporter in the world.so it is not suprising to see a lot of people love the science fiction.

besides the plots of science fiction are really attracting,the story is lively and interesting and it also describes some things that haven't happened in real life,which is the biggist selling-point for the youth ,especiall the generation of eighties and nineties.another reason is the sci-fi movies of American hollywood which makes great contribution to the increasing the chinese science awareness.

but Word gets around ,if we are immersed in the sci-fi,it will do harm to our health. for instance,our eyes or our brain will be under huge stress.so we shold read those masterpieces in proper ways and never inlge in .

③ 我们青年人总是在担心什么求列条一一深入,写英语作文用,急求

watermelons, apples, bananas, grapes, strawberries and so on.

④ 年轻人担心什么英语作文1000

As more young people choose to get married at the late age or some of them haven’t found the suitable soul mates, so they are single when they go back home. Then the parents worry about their future and urge these young people to get married as soon as possible.
The parents’ pressure annoys the young people, they want to get away from it, some even find the excuse to avoid getting home.

⑤ 英语作文《担心的事情》5句话

Today is Mother’s day. I wanted her to have a rest. So in the morning, I cooked breakfast for her. And I did all the cleaning and washing. In the afternoon, we went out and had a walk. We talked a lot. On our way home, I went to the supermarket and bought a nice gift for Mom.

⑥ 我对未来环境的担心 英语短文

Hundreds of desert in the world, although the water on the earth for 70% of the earth, however, there are many sewage on earth? Scientists statistics, the water in the world have 40% by human pollution, cannot use the more can not cycle. Hundreds of millions of people in the world, if each day, then the global will waste a drop of water is wasted; hundreds of millions The rather than a drop of water...... In the world, you can know how many people drink less than a glass of water, day, how many students like us so big, because of water shortage, is in Wisconsin next!世界上有几百处沙漠,虽然地球上的水占地球的70%,可是,有多少的污水在地球上呢?科学家统计,世界上的水有40%被人类污染,不可使用更可不可循环。世界上有上亿人,如果每人一天浪费一滴,那么全球就有上亿滴水被浪费;更何况不止一滴水啊……,你们可知道世界上有多少的人,一天喝不到一杯水,有多少人像我们这么大的学生,因为缺水,正威在旦夕!
The future of the world flourishing, indeed, however, Now, if people start without restraint, abuse of ecological resources
then,If in a two hundred years later, the world will have so beautiful brilliant? If at that time,... Humans have a flying car, so, the clouds of heaven is not white, but dark grey, make the person touched direction, the sky is blue also no longer ausgestorben black; If, then, when a 200 years, have go diving train, then, is not the vast sea, not blue, but a dry yellow scene, no sea creatures, not even the freedom of fish; If, again lead 200 years...
The human will still live in a beautiful world? And they will travel to countries admire the view? Never......
So, because we have such a beautiful earth, we should like to cherish the most precious similar cherish it! Don't let the tears become the world last drop!

⑦ 关于年轻人不能自己动手的英语作文


⑧ 年轻人都在担心什么英语作文三百字左右


⑨ 那一次我真的感到很担心 英语作文

In China, there are three week-long holidays, which are Spring Festival, Labor’s day, and National Day. Week-long holidays are welcomed by many people. During week-long holidays, we don’t need go to work, so that we can relax ourselves.

We can do anything we are interested in ring week-long holidays. For example, we can have a good rest at home; we can get up late in the morning; we can watch interesting TV programs; we can listen to some music we are fond of; we can surf online all day long; we can visit our relatives and friends whom we haven't seen for a long time; we can accompany with our parents at home; we can invite our friends to have a get-together; we can travel to some beautiful places that we always dream of; and we can also learn something we like the most without any disturbance. In a word, week-long holidays are the time for us to entertain ourselves. So how I hope we have week-long holidays every month!



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