导航:首页 > 英语写作 > 第一用英语来写作文


发布时间:2021-03-02 16:49:50

Ⅰ 英语作文怎么,第一个写

What means is pollution ? Pollution is the factors that which are dirty our environment .Now
pollution is a serious problem for human .In jeneral , pollution can be into 4 types.there are air pollution ,sound pollution ,water pollution and land pollution . 1In the 20th century rapid economic development has resulted in environmental problems. Hence, environmental pollution has been a cause for concern for the past few decades. The greenhouse effect caused by the release of carbon dioxide for example has become a main focus in the world. Newspaper headlines, academic material and protests by various environmental activists have forced each one to be aware of their
responsibility towards to environment. There has been an increasing divergence in the views between ecologists and economists whereby the ecologists have a very pessimistic view of the environment in the future, where they believe that the resources are depleting at very fast rate; on the other hand the economists have an optimistic view. Supported by statistical evidence the economic point of view for the future suggests that poverty levels are recing, the natural resources will last for another 150 years
Amongst the various definitions provided for pollution, one of the defines pollution as,the
release of harmful environmental contaminants, or the substances so release.
The air pollution is caused the smoke from vehicles .The smoke that cames from the facetories
also will pollute the air .Burning rubbish publicly also can proce smoke All he smoke mentioned is poisonous .If we breathe in the smoke , it can damenge our lung and cause pneumonia .The people who are not responsibility usually throw the rubbish into the river and sea when taking ferry .Prior to analysing the approaches to solving the problem it is essential to understand the harmful effects of pollution. On various fronts it has been argued that environmental pollution results in serious health hazards like increased risk of cancer, skin damage, disrupting the ecological balance and upsetting the climatic equilibrium. Nowadays everything raging from droughts, floods, and earthquakes to the graal shift in climatic changes, for instance, colder countries expecting abnormally high
temperatures ring summers, is being associated with pollution. Theorists have argued that there is little evidence to suggest whether the change in climate will be a good thing or a bad thing. It is the perception that people have or that has been created by media that everyone believes that climatic changes will not be concive for economic growth.
Gwartney et. al (2000) argue that the need to choose between economic growth and environmental quality may seem obvious when economic activities affect the quality of the air or water. Governments in the developed countries are under pressure from environmentalist to protect the rights of those able to prove that they have been harmed by pollution.

Income growth helps to increase the demand for environmental quality, while technological advances help to lower the cost of recing both resource use and pollution. Yet incomes above the poverty level and an understanding of the technology are not enough to protect the environment.
The problem posed by pollution can be explained by using the theory of market failure, which
occurs when resources are not efficiently allocated. This theory highlights the problems faced by businesses (procers) who feel that the cost of disposing waste is too high and that profits will be higher if costs are kept to a minimum and disposing of waste through a least cost method is highly efficient. Thus according to the theory of market failures, the true cost to the society is much higher than the private cost of the procer.We must take care of our environment.The cleanliness of our environment is responsibility of everyone.

Ⅱ 用英文以第一人称来介绍老虎的作文


Ⅲ 用英文写述第一次上英语课的作文

Two grade next semester, the teacher told us, grade 3 to learn English. Mother afraid I couldn't follow him, he adopted the early bird catches the worm. Abcd... These English letters I had back ground, but ripe melon disorderly as difficult as surrounded by mountains. Only one mind, English is difficult to learn.

School begins, I was exhausted walk on the road, at school, I do in his seat, the students of the scenery of the instrument, what I feel they are like my point.

Ⅳ 意思是第一篇作文的英语翻译


Ⅳ 我的第一个工作,写一篇英语作文

第一 你可以使用网络翻译给你来写
第二 你最好掌握下英语然后用英语的思维来操专作就可以了
第三属 同时建议你平时多读一些英语的原版的读书
第四 祝福你工作顺利 事业发达 生活安康 家庭幸福

Ⅵ 英语作文 用第一人称写一滴水的旅行

hello I am little water drop.....

Ⅶ 一篇用第一人称写的英语作文,要自己写的,35字以上。

Hello!My name is 你的名字 I am几岁years old. My birthday is.几月几日At 6:30 I get up. Then at7:00 I eat breakfast这里写上什么课几点钟上的 .At 12:00 I eat lunch After lunch 你喜欢干什么,然后下面写你回下午的课什么时候上答。I get home at 5:00 I eat dinner at 5:30 After dinner I do homework .At 8:00. I take a shower .Then at 9:00 I go tobed .My favorite subject 你如果喜欢一个科目就用is后面加你喜欢的科目\如果你喜欢两三个科目就用are后面加你喜欢的科目。My favorite teacher is Mr\Miss\Mrs加你喜欢的老师。My favorite color is 加你喜欢的颜色。My favorite movie is 加你喜欢的科目。My favorite actor is加你最喜欢的演员。

Ⅷ 第一次干什么的英语作文

My first time
In our life there are many for the first time, the first wash the red scarf, for the first time in their street, for the first time myself to sleep for the first time ... ...
I also have for the first time, and many, many, the most memorable was the first time I washed a red scarf.
At noon that day, I think of it not washing his red scarf, so I wanted to call her grandmother to help me wash me, I entered the room, heard a slight grunt Grandma, I know that Grandma was asleep, I thought: Grandma morning that a lot of clothes washed, but I forgot to red scarf to her grandmother, now known as Grandma and then take it to wash, not to mention her grandmother were asleep, I called her up, wash clothes very tired the morning Grandma , it is better to wash this scarf I own it! Yeah, so, went ahead.
I took my red scarf to the side of the pond open the water tap to wet red scarf, red scarf on and rub in with the detergent can not rub the bubble, I again rubbed the soap and wipe the red scarf, and useful to the brush in the red scarf on the brush and brush, then rub the rub, and then washed with water useful in clean, dry and sun screwed up. Washing red scarf I was excited and immediately ran to the room, I have to wait for grandma woke up and told her to wash my red scarf. Grandma finally woke up, I am pleased to tell his grandmother to wash the red scarf, and her grandmother is also very happy to say: "Go look at me" I am glad to put my grandmother pulled edge of a pool, "Look!" Red Scarf water Lingling, in sunlight, it is particularly crystal, like the glistening sun. Grandma laughed, I am puzzled that asked: "how not clean?" "Washed, cleaned, and just a little wrong," "what point." "Washing clothes, pants with socks to wash pull it when finished, Dou Yidou that again until after the whole will not wrinkle. "heard this, I know the error and immediately won the red scarf, red a little, then pull on the pull, shake and shake until the sun back, my grandmother met a happy laugh.
This is the first time in life, there are many for the first time in life, sometimes successfully, sometimes difficult, but we have to take it to the bright side, so that your life will be more colorful.


Ⅸ 题目,我的第一个工作,写一篇英语作文

第一 你可以使用网络翻译给你来写

第二 你最好掌握下英语然后用英语的思维来操作专就可以了

第三 同时建议属你平时多读一些英语的原版的读书

第四 祝福你工作顺利 事业发达 生活安康 家庭幸福


Ⅹ 第一人称英语作文怎么写的




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