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发布时间:2021-03-02 16:05:24

Ⅰ 以我有一个目标并且下定决心去实现它为题写一篇英语作文

There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities,which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed. The medium-term goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase. Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.

Ⅱ 要写一篇关于人生目标的英语作文300字左右应咋写


Ⅲ 写英语作文的时候怎么写开头,比如作文的主题是你上大学的目的是为了找工作,有更好的生活 然后每一段开头

第一段给出主题 上大学有很多好处
第二段写有什么好处 1如何为人处事 2.丰富自己的内涵 3.为以后的更好的生活奠定了基础
第三段 总结概括一下

Ⅳ 有关你为什么上大学,怎么去学习大学英语和目的的英语作文

When I was a little girl, I always wanted to go to college. Now I am a freshman of a key university. I have asked
myself the same question so many times

Why I go to college? You may say: you go to college just because you
want to have a good job after graation. Well, why I come to college is not for one single reason, but for many.

The major reason is that I need to further my ecation and know more about the outside world. In high school,
I was always feeling not enough to get knowledge from the textbooks and I didn’t have enough time to travel to
see the outside world. But in the college, I have abundant time to read the books I’m interested
in and travel to
different places to broaden my horizon.

, college is such an ideal place to make new friends who come from different places and I can learn
about the different culture. As I am a typically southerner
, I find there are many differences between north and
south after I come to college, such as the way they talk, and the food they used to eat. Before I went to college,
I admit I never pay attention to these. And I don’t want to be a p
erson with a tunnel vision; I want to make more
friends ring the four years.
南方人,来到大 诚实发言,这地我来说很重要!

Ⅳ 关于生活有目标的英语作文

What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time. 如果失败了你会怎么做?很多人可能会选择放弃。然而,要想成功,最可靠的方法就是坚持你的方向和目标。 在通往成功的路上,你必须坚持你的方向。它就像一盏灯,在黑暗中为你指路,帮助你度过难关。否则,你很容易就会迷失方向或犹豫不前。 方向意味着目标。人生如果没有目标,将一事无成。 你可以试着把你的目标写在纸上,并制定实现目标的计划。这样,你就会懂得如何合理安排时间,如何正确地支配时间。而且你还要有这样的信念:只要你一直坚持自己的方向,你就一定可以成功。

Ⅵ 写英语作文的时候怎么写开头,

Sometimes people ..........

Many more people ...........

Over people ............

Ⅶ 怎样写一篇英语作文

最后用一句总结性的主题句来概括。 3。一个主题句可以从以下几方面展开, rather than。 3, since, before. 有体现中心思想的关键词或短语:for; 写好结尾句 结尾句要紧扣段落主题。 2,因果等逻辑顺序展开:if,工整 2. 关联词对扩展句来说很重要,也不能随意扩大范围 2. 段落开端。写好扩展句要注意以下三点。 2.段落结尾, … 表示原因.形式上的一致也是运用英语进行表达时需要十分注意的 a, even though/, thus. 以简洁明了的句子为主:前面提供细节的支持句, though. 主题句在段落中常出现的位置由两种; 写好主题句。从属于一个主题句的几个扩展句不能简单地堆砌 在一起了事, …。 二,有要有所扩展. neither… nor; if … 表示条件的词, after. 写好段落主题句的三原则 1,避免为追求使用复杂结构而导致理解错误或主题不鲜明的句子,… ?,而要用丰富多采的连词连接起来,结果关系的词,条理清晰,拼写) 书写规范:or.概括全段主要内容,… 表示并列关系, both … and.书面表达注意衔接与连贯 表示转折关系的词..:although,英文强调 形式相联, as,… 表示选择关系的词: 1:not only … but also, unless, … 表示时间关系的词。汉语注意思想相联。 ?. 人称, while, as/, whereas、指代要一致 c, … 表示让步关系的词, either…or, however。这些扩展句只有按照时间, because. 扩展句的层次很重要。 结尾句可以借鉴一下几种方法. 表示目的的词,空间.扩展句要紧扣文章中心和主题句的内容; so long as: 后面的句子提供支持信息或论证, yet。扩展句是主题句的补充和支持,每一个方面就是一个扩展句, in order that,既不能以偏概全,文章才能层次分明, not … but。 结尾句要力求简洁有力, so that. 引用法 引用名人名言是使作文大放异彩的好方法, and:for this purpose。 ?:when怎样写好一篇英语作文 ?, while.整体要求 了解短文写作的内容及要求 把握好写作步骤 写作时要注意“三忌” 形式上要一致 避免犯小的笔误(语法.时态(语态)的起点要一致 3,意味隽永: 一.主谓一致 b; 写作中需要注意的问题 1。 3. 总结法 2. 平行(对称)关系要一致 d:but, as well as。 1; 写好段落扩展句 扩展句是主题句的具体例证或有力支持: 1

Ⅷ 写一个关于学习目标的英语作文

Dear teacher, dear students, Hello everyone尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家好



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