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发布时间:2021-03-02 15:59:31

⑴ 英语考试用铅笔写的作文能给分么


⑵ 写文具的英语作文

中文:我有一个文具盒,那是爸爸在过节时送给我的。它是个身长二十厘米,高九厘米,厚三厘米的汽车文具盒。 这个文具盒底下有四个可以滑动的轮子,车身是红色的,里面坐着一个小人。这个小人正笑嘻嘻地向我招手,好像在对我说:“小主人,你快来呀,我带你兜风去。” 里面是三层的。上面一层躺着我的铅笔,中间一层是我的圆珠笔,最下面那层放着几块橡皮擦、一套尺子和一个卷笔刀。 每当我要写字时候,铅笔就跳出来为我服务。当我写错字时,橡皮擦就蹦出来帮我把写错的字擦掉。我要画横线时,尺子就冲出来让我用它来画横线 。我喜欢这个文具盒不仅仅是因为这些原因。还因为每当我考试没考好,垂头丧气的时候, 汽车文具盒就会安慰我说:“小主人,不要难过了,失败是成功之母。更何况这只是一次小小的考试而已。这次没考好,不要紧只要找出哪儿出了问题,改正好,下次还有机会的。”每次听完了它的话,我的烦恼便会烟消云散了。 这个文具盒天天陪伴着我,是我的好伙伴。 我爱我的文具盒!英文:I have a pencil-box, that's dad was at the feast gave me. It's a long twenty centimeters, high 9 centimeters thick, three centimeters car pencil-box. This pencil-box under four sliding wheels, body is red, sat inside a mean person. The SIMS is grinning waved to me, as if to say to me: "small host, you quick come, I take you for a ride to go." There are three layers. The dimension above lay my pencil, middle layer is my ballpoint pens, most in the bottom layer lay several pieces eraser, a set of ruler and a pencil sharpener. Whenever I want to write, pencil, jump out to serve me. When I wrote something wrong, eraser just jumped out to help me put misspelled words erase. I'm going to draw line, ruler rush out a let me use it to draw a horizontal line. I like this pencil-box not just because of these reasons. Also because whenever I the examination didn't test good, depressed, automobile pencil case will comfort me say: "small master, don't be sad, failure is the mother of success. What's more, it was just a little exam just. This failed the exam, it doesn't matter as long as find gone wrong, correct good, will have the chance next time." Every time after it, my troubles will vanished. This pencil-box every day with me is my good partner. I love my pencil box!

⑶ 铅笔描述它至少六句话英语作文

My favourite shape is round or circle. A circle has no corners, therefore a round object is a sign of harmony and fair. Round shape are commonly used in our daily life. There are used in tyres, rollers, balls, bearings, meatballs, clocks, plates and bowls. Circle has the shortest perimeter with the biggest area. Likewise a sphere has the smallest surface area with the biggest volume.

⑷ 个小女孩的铅笔丢了,可以怎么写成英语作文

On my home from work, I met a little girl about six years old with tears in her eyes. She was scouting around carefully. I asked her what was wrong with her. She told me her pencil was lost when she finished her school. The pencil was given as a birthday present by her mother, so it was very precious. Hearing this, I decided to help her looking for it. Finally we found it near a trash bin. The girl jumped with joy.

⑸ 关于买铅笔的英语作文


⑹ 一篇文具作文英语作文

权My Pencil-box
I have a pencil-box.It is nice and big.It has many colours.There are two blocks on my pencil-box.One is yellow,the other is orange.In my pencil-box,there are pens,pencils,a ruler and an eraser.I like my pencil-box very much and my pencil-box looks like my best friend.

⑺ 以这是谁的铅笔为题的英语作文

in my pencil-box ,there are too many thing!whatever you want that you will ues it for study ,you can also find them.exampl,erasers,pens(in different colours),pencils,corect pens,rulers...
I like my pencil-box,because while I see it,I could feel I am now a student,I must try my best to study lessons and there is also a friend goes with me ..and it brings me many happynesses

⑻ 一篇简单的英语作文 根据文具盒里的文具(铅笔,尺子,钢笔、、、、、、)写一篇三十词左右的短文.

I have a beautiful red pencil-box with three pens,two pencils,a rubber and two rulers.Every morning before I goto school I put it into my backpack.In class I take it out to write with pens or pencils.If I make some mistakes,I use my rubber to erase the wrong words.When I do maths,I use my lovely ruler.Everything in my pencil-box is useful.I love my beautiful and useful pencil-box.

⑼ 一个小女孩的铅笔丢了,可以怎么写成英语作文




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