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发布时间:2021-03-02 15:43:30

Ⅰ 为什么你选择写作这门课 英语作文 题目是为什么你选择写作这门课 用英文写,急用,

The Sorrows of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werther, originally published as Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) is an epistolary and loosely autobiographical novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, first published in 1774. A major scene prominently features Goethe's own German translation of a portion of James Macpherson's Ossian cycle of poems, which were originally presented as translations of ancient works, and were later found to have been written by Macpherson.
Werther was an important novel of the Sturm und Drang movement in German literature. It was one of Goethe's few works in the movement before he, with Friedrich von Schiller, began the Weimar Classicism movement. It also influenced Romantic literature that followed.

Ⅱ 为什么英语写作那么重要

第五、 即使是有偏科倾向的学生,如果她的英语口语或者写作或者翻译有一技之长,将来即使是没有考上大学,他也会被社会广泛需要的,比如从事翻译、口译、英语教师、幼儿园老师、外贸行业等。
第六、 语言好的学生,其右脑的智商相对更高,反应更灵敏、沟通更快捷易懂、给人印象更深刻,在竞争激烈的社会中,更有优势,更容易夺得一些机会。

Ⅲ 为什么你选择写作这门课 英语作文

The Sorrows of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werther, originally published as Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) is an epistolary and loosely autobiographical novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, first published in 1774. A major scene prominently features Goethe's own German translation of a portion of James Macpherson's Ossian cycle of poems, which were originally presented as translations of ancient works, and were later found to have been written by Macpherson.

Werther was an important novel of the Sturm und Drang movement in German literature. It was one of Goethe's few works in the movement before he, with Friedrich von Schiller, began the Weimar Classicism movement. It also influenced Romantic literature that followed.

Ⅳ 求英语作文 为什么选择英语专业 200词

If you ask me why I choose English as my major(作为我的专业课), my answer is I love English. In my mind, English is the second most beautiful language in the world. 如果你问我为什么选择英语作为我的专业课,我的答案是我爱英语。在我看来,英语是世界上第二个最美的语言(第一当然是中文了)
I love reading, listening to and telling stories in English. In my spare time, I like watching Hollywood blockbuster and American TV series and listening to English songs. I’ve learnt quite a lot from them and it’s just wonderful that I make progress every day.
Besides, I choose English as my major because it promises a good career prospect. English is so important nowadays since more and more foreigners aim to do business in China. Our country is so short of English talents.
As for me, I want to be a translator in the future or an TV anchorman/anchorwoman(看你的性别了) for an English program. So cool, right? I know it is quite hard to achieve my dream, but I will manage to realize it. All in all, I’m quite proud of my major. Learning another language is learning another culture. By learning English, I’ve also learnt the culture and social customs of English-speaking countries. I become more open-minded and internationalized .对我而言,我期望我可以在未来当翻译或是电台英语节目主持人。是不是很酷?我知道实现梦想很困难,但我会努力实现。总之,我对我的专业选择很自豪。学习另外一种语言就是学习另一种文化。 通过学习英语,我也学到了说英语国家的文化和习俗。我变得更开放更国际化。

Ⅳ 为什么选择上大学的英语作文

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstance they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.” Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer. This view has been shared now by more and more people. I’m very glad to receive college ecation and i reached the conclusion that i have come to college not for one single reason, but for many.
First, university is such an ideal place to broaden my horizon and make more friends. The youth of 21stcentury should be open-minded, instead of being a person with a tunnel vision. I’m ready to meet more challenges and make more friends ring the four years.
Second, I’m unwilling to step into the society straight after high school. I’m afraid I’m not fully prepared for the working environment: complicated interpersonal problems, jockeying for position, a tremendous amount of pressure and etc. I have to face various kinds of major conflicts as well as trivial things. I seem to be over-pessimistic, but that actually accounts for part of my choice.
Finally, thanks to the all-out support from my parents, i am able to further my study in university. I’ll spare no efforts to live up to their expectation on me to be a well-trained and well-rounded person.
I will learn experience and challenge myself in my college life and be an outstanding person of future.

Ⅵ 求一篇150词的英语作文.写我为什么选择这个专业


Ⅶ 我为什么选择英语写作这门课

s a gull. The lad leaps ashore, and is patteded from head

Ⅷ 英语作文以我们为什么要选择你为题

because I can spend a long holiday to stay with my families.

Ⅸ 求一篇150词的英语作文.写我为什么选择这个专业(要求包括:1.我为什么要选这门专业 2.我有什么

Teaching has been my favorite occupation all the time. My dream of being a teacher was rooted in my childhood. The good natured, patient and strict teachers in primary school made a strong impression on me. As I grow up, I know more about my desired career.Teachers are considered as the greatest occupation in the world. Teachers are the engineers of human soul. That is to say, they play roles in the forming and shaping of students' intellectual and psychological make-up.They try their best to help their students obtain the knowledge. Teachers are also lifelong learners while instructing students.



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