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发布时间:2021-03-01 00:34:53

⑴ 高中英语作文写作一(16)

Bicycle riding has many advantages. It is the least expensive way of traveling apart from walking. If you travel by bicycle, you don't have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars. Besides, it develops much less mechanical troubles than a car.

bicycle riding is especially good for health. It is good exercise. If you go to work by riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking a bus, you can have a better chance of getting enough exercise you need everyday. Bicycling is also good for our environment. It is less noisy and does not pollute the air. I am glad to have ridden a bicycle to school when I studied in the high school.

⑵ 英语作文(高中知识)

My model airplane club experience
When I was a fresh student in senior high school, I joined a model airplane club because my physics teacher was organizer, of course, I like to play remote control plane as well.
The club actives was that a person uses a wireless controller to control an airplane which was made of wood, plastic film and an engine which were burning with alcohol do some special motion to exhibit it to other people. And you will take part in the match per summer vacation, if you get a perfect achievement, you will acquire a chance to participate in a national championship. And then, if you have excellent technology in the aspect of control model airplane in the nationwide. You could participate in a global match in a foreign country.
In the past, I was usually did some ship model, robot model, car model. But, model airplane was numbered. I remember that I was just made two models of an airplane which was not burning with alcohol. I felt I were a fresh student and less experience in an aspect of control model airplane. Therefore, I swore that I will be hard to practice the plane special motion. Afterward, I went to the club every day after school. Even more, in order to achieve a well achievement before match two weeks ago, I wake up at 5 o'clock to practice the plane motion in the morning.
Finally, that's year was an important. I won my first nationwide award. When you get the award, you will remember a word, no pain, no gain.

The meeting
What is the meeting? Meeting requires at least two people to stay together take a discussion.
In China, people's meeting is quite much. They could make money through it. Sometimes, meeting is not benefit for the people. Because, we discuss too much that we will become a giant on the speech, while, not good at action. However, meeting is necessary to hold, if we have a club, company, or some organization.
Etiquette is important to the meeting, at least you can't be late before your boss arrives the meeting room. Furthermore, when you participate in the meeting, you would better turn off your cell phone or something like communication tool. On one hand, you won't be affecting other people speech whom maybe your boss. On another hand, you will save the meeting time. Final point is that don't whisper to each other from time to time.
If you put those points to action, your meeting will be quiet and health.

⑶ 高一英语怎样英语作文讲解1.ppt

I have been learning English for about three years in this school. During the process, I have encountered many problems. However, with the help of my teacher, I overcame one difficulty after another.
In the first year, English was almost a new course for me. The grammar learning was kind of difficult for me. I took detailed notes in class, and asked my teacher for help if I couldn't understand any questions. Then, in the second year, I got my own way of learning English. I often listened to the English tape while I was on my way home. Every morning, I read English books for about thirty minutes.

⑷ 高考英语作文邀请信PPT

the...will be held on....

the activity is in honor of ...
you caan also bring...together with you.
may i have the honor of your accompany at dinner?
we sincerely/faithfully hope you can attend..
you will be my most respected guest to come to ...
please confirm your participation at your earliest conveience.
please let me know soon if you decide to come.

i shall be much oblined by a reply at your convenience.
——(活动的主题,时间. 地点)。i am writing to invite you to ...
the are some points you may to know about____./ring the____,we will have lots of activities you are interested in.first,______(具体内容1)sesond _____(具体内容2)
i believe that you will be interested in ______(受邀人参加理由).
for one thing,——(参加理由1).for another ____(参加理由2).
since the ____will begin ____,is it possible ________?i am looking forward to your attending._________?i am looking forking to your attending,

⑸ 如何有效进行高中英语 写作教学.ppt 全文免费在

我们该如何进行有效地进行英语写作教学?如何批改他们的英语作文才能有效提高他们的写作水平?以下我提出几点自己的看法:一、提高英语写作课堂教学的效率及学生写作水平的对策 1.重视写作,坚持抓好写作教学 英语写作是英语语言的一种综合性表达方式,它涉及到用词、造句、语法知识、逻辑思维等。学生要想掌握这门技巧,必须经过长期有系统、有计划、有步骤的严格训练。在教学中应充分利用教材中出现的词汇、句型及语法,把词汇教学、句型教学和语法教学相结合来训练学生的英语表达能力,始终做到词不离句,寓句型和语法教学于句子之中,提高学生造句能力。2.强抓基本功,扎牢基础英语属于结构语言,有着自己的固定短语,习惯用语和基本句型。这就要求我们在日常教学中加强学生对这些基本功的操练,让学生牢记五种基本句型:s+v;s+v+o;s+v+o+o;s+v+o+c;s+v+p,并对这五种基本句型进行不断的强化和拓展练习,对学生进行英语表达的基本语感训练。3.重视仿写训练,提高表达能力。要注重仿写的针对性和目的性,教师可以根据学生的具体情况进行安排。教师讲解范文时应系统分析文章的内容、意义、篇章结构和写作技巧等。在练习前,要给学生一些适当的提示。要指导学生学会用英语打腹稿,边构思、边将关键词和短语记下来,鼓励学生在写作时一气呵成。4.注重多样化英语写作训练在学生掌握了最基本的写作技巧和能力后,我们如果想要进一步提高学生的英语写作能力,就不能再一味的进行仿写训练,不然会抹杀学生的写作个性,出现英语写作的单一化!听、说、读、写四种技能是互相依赖、相辅相成的。要在获得足够输入量的基础上保证学生的输出能力。因此,写作训练要与对话教学、阅读教学、听力教学等紧密结合。学过对话课以后,可让学生把对话改成一段短文。在进行课文阅读教学、培养学生阅读能力的同时,对学生进行多种形式的写作技能训练,培养学生初步运用英语进行书面交际的能力(包括听写能力、造句能力、组词成句与组句成篇能力、书面概括能力等)。听力练习后,采用写的方式巩固听的学习效果,让他们以此练习作为线索将听到的内容写到作文本上,听与写的结合训练可促进学生书面表达能力的提高。5.注重学生的主体学习和教师的指导相结合因为英语和汉语的表达方式不尽相同,教师若不进行指导,就会出现大量的中国式英语(chinglish)我们应在教学中体现学生的主体作用,指导学生的写作训练:(1).指导他们如何扩大词汇量和英语习语;(2).教他们掌握英语基本句型,尤其是动词句型;(3).教他们动笔前如何分析材料、审题;(4).教他们利用已知的知识背景;(5).教他们用不同的词和结构表达思想(6).教他们如何评品一篇作文;(7).教他们阅读时记笔记。上述每一件事都由学生完成,能极有效地提高学生的写作能力。教师的指导作用表现在决定学生该干什么,指导学生该如何干,纠正学生的错误。即使是新词和易错的词的选择、语法的学习,教师也只是提出问题,引起学生的有意注意,然后自己通过讨论和查找资料来自己解决问题。让学生既能学到新知识和技能发挥自己的主体作用,使学生体会到写作的乐趣! 6.学生自我评估和教师点评相结合,促进学生写作水平的全面提高。要有意识地引导和帮助学生对自己的英语习作进行恰当的自我评估。成文后的评估应从主题是否突出,有无中心句,段落安排是否得当,语言是否流畅地道,是否有拼写错误或重复使用词语和表达方式的现象,文章的开头和结尾是否合理,文章是否有条理、有逻辑等方面去衡量作文的写作质量,让学生再过程中学会自我评估。二.英语写作答题技巧1、仔细审题,弄清大意。审题是写作的关键所在,仔细审题才能深刻理解题目所要表达的主要意思。不论是汉语提示写作还是看图写作,都要仔细审题,弄清写作内容,如背景、人物、时间、体裁等的要求。 2、编写提纲,拟出要点。 在弄清了题目所要表达的主要意思后,便可根据主要内容列出提纲,即整理出内容要点。清理要点的目的就是为了把握短文的脉络,不至于遗漏内容的要点。 3、紧扣要点,扩写成文。 要列出要点后,依据要点扩写成文。可运用想象适度发挥,但切记不可随意乱写,要紧扣画面或汉语提示,适当描述,连贯通顺即可,不能把汉语提示全部译成英语。 4、反复检查,修正错误。 扩写成文后,考生应将扩写后的文章认真读一读,检查是否有错误。在检查时,着重看短文是否扣住了提示或图画的内容,要点是否有遗漏。同时,还要注意有无语法错误,如时态、人称等,是否符合文体特点、格式等等。 5、写作,要注意留够时间,一般需要15-20分钟。写作时,最好能先打草稿,这样可以减少错误,书写也比较清晰工整,作文要注意内容要点全面,语言通顺,提倡用简单的词、句来写,适当用复杂结构。总之,英语写作是一种学生综合能力的书面体现,是一个长期复杂的训练过程。因此,培养学生的写作能力不能一蹴而就,我们应在平时的英语写作教学中从学生的实际水平出发,有目的、有计划、有要求、有检查、有反馈地进行,由易到难,循序渐进。只有这样,才能提高英语写作课堂教学的效率,促使学生写作能力的提升达到英语新课标的要求,在中、高考时才能做到厚积薄发、思如泉涌、下笔如有神。

⑹ 英语作文(初中+高中) 写作方法指导




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