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发布时间:2021-02-28 17:46:29

Ⅰ 英语作文,看图写作

In today's society, even though medicine has been greatly developed, but very expensive medical bills, either surgery or drugs, there is profiteering. Many poor people have no money treatment. Also, some people just appear a little sick, but also spend a lot of money treatment. Bad influence on society. If our country can build a good system, regulate the medical profession, then I believe that our lives in better shape, we will be happier.——高一水平~~~所以会有很多专语法错误!属

Ⅱ 看图写作,英文作文。

Last Sunday,I went to Haimen to go shopping.I saw a lot of people standing in front of the supermarket when I was walking down the street.
I wondered what was happening there.I hurried to go there to take a look.I ran quickly.To my surprise,there was a girl sitting in the street.The girl with a school bag was about 17 years old.There was also a piece of paper in front of her.It said,“…my family don’t have enough money for me to go to school

Ⅲ 看图 英语作文 急

Hi, dad and mum
I want to write this letter to notify you that my grades won't be affected if I join in the school soccer team, which I can promise! I understand that you worry about my time for study, and that I might be too interested in soccer that I would no longer study hard. However, I want to make a deal with you that I will get straight A's for the final exam, if you let me do what I like. If the deal sounds good, could you sign me up?
Love you,
Xiao Xiao

Ⅳ 看图写英语作文的软件有哪些


Ⅳ 大学英语作文,看图写作


Ⅵ 英语看图作文英语作文怎么写






Ⅶ 英语作文 看图写作


On Bridge Street there is a hospital. There is a xxx(看不清版,权自己写)between the xxx (看不清,自己写)and the hospital. There are some trees on Center Street. There is a bank on the right of Long Street. And there is a hotel across from the bank.


Ⅷ 看图英语作文

In the picture above, there are four pencils but only one is adversed(该词表示“不友好的,不利的,相反的”,用于此处不恰当) which is different from the others. Noticeably, there is a sentence:"don't be afraid to be different." in the middle (改为bottom,由图可知,那句话在图片底部而不是中间)of the photo. It is no doubt that the photographer wants us to respect indiviality. Steven Jobs, the representive(拼写错误,改为representative) of indivility(拼写错误,改为indiviality), creates the brand Apple(改为Apple brand) and then prodominantes(拼写错误且词性使用错误,改为dominant) intellectual mobile phone market by its procts. What makes his succeed(改为success,词性使用错误) is that he put the conception of indiviality into his proct--iphone, which contains so many appealing Apps and each one(建议改为it) is different from the ordinary (加ones,表示普通的手机). Therefore, he estabilished(拼写错误,改为establish) an empire of Apple and become famous for everyone around the world. Hence don't be afraid to be different because the indiviality is valuabe(拼写错误,改为valuable), which is the source of creativity. More importantly, it conributes(拼写错误,改为contributes) to the development of diversified world and the prosperity of culture and economy.

Ⅸ 英语作文 看图

Good afternoon everyone, welcom to our Englisgh broadcast. We had earthquake drill today to practice and learn self-save skills in disaster. But it was found that some students didn't take it seriously and played with each other ring the drill. I think those student lost a chance to learn the skills to survive in disaster. All of us should have cherish this chance, and learn the skills sersiously , so that when can survie ourselves when a real disaster happened.
Thank ytou for listerning.

Ⅹ 看图写英语作文

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