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发布时间:2021-02-27 15:50:46

A. 高一英语作文(100字)

My dear Uncle,
i am sorry to hear that you didn't feel well in recent days. as your nephie, i hope you can recover soon. and i have asked some proffesional and they gave me some advices to help you.

hereinafter, there are some advices from they. for your own benefit, please try to have a healthier life style to make you better soon. for example, in your everyday life, having more fruit and vegetables can supply your vitamin so that let you recover soon. on the other hand, please try to advoid too much fat and suggar in your eating. secondly, please have enough rest instead of staying up late. and doing regular exercise would help you in another way. finanlly, smoking is not a good habit for your health.

good luck

Li Hua

B. 关于花费半个小时写作业高中英语作文

Dear Peter,
I read your letter, and am sorry to learn that you have difficulty to communicate with your parents e to generation gap. You must be very sad not to be understood by them.
If I can offer some advices, I will recommend you sit down with them, and try to understand them first. Then, after they fully deliver their opinion, you ask them to be patient and listen what you want to say.
Listen, Peter, your parents are the people who most love you. They ask nothing from you, but their only wish is that you are happy and successful.
I do hope you are your parents can set up such an open talk soon. Looking forward to any news from you.
If there are anything I can be of help, please feel free to let me know.
Best regards, Tao

C. 英语作业 写作文

Part 1:

  1. What is one of your favorite subjects?

  2. Where is your teacher from?

  3. Do you like your classmates?

  4. Who is her best friend?

  5. What do you want to be in the future?

Part 2:

He is a sporty boy with an attractive appearance who wears a pair of casual sneakers.


希望可以帮助到内您(* ̄容︶ ̄)

D. 英语作业写作

A man came into a clothes store. He bought a shirt. He was busy answering a phone call when the salewoman passed him the shirt. Then ,he went out in a hurry. But he left his bag on the sofa.The salewoman saw it. She opened the bag and found a card with the man's phone number.So, she called the man and asked himto get his bag back. Finally, the man got his bag and said thank you to her.

E. 高中英语作文寒假作业

假期见闻 春节假期马上就结束了!想到过年期间看到的见闻,我在感叹世间变化无穷的飞速时,也在感慨那久远而深厚的民俗情!不管外来文化怎么流进我们的国度,而那份浓厚的民俗情意总会让人感到温暖! 串亲戚 待客人 年前,人们开始忙碌过新年,车水马龙,人流不息,过年的味道仍然很浓厚,人来送往好不热闹!匆匆回家的人还没卸下倦容就开始忙活程式化又不能改变的乡俗。他们不管离家有多远,不论学习和工作多忙,也不论离开家乡多长时间,在这个万家团圆的时刻,纷纷赶回家里跟亲人团聚。中华民族的浓浓亲情是世界上任何一个民族都做不到并由衷的羡慕的。 过年少不了走亲戚待客人。我们工薪族一般都是在年前把亲戚都走完的。因为过年后,农村的亲戚会陆续的赶来,就只能在家里等待客人的到来,一般家里有老人的,都会有很多农村亲戚的。农村至尽还保留着过了年才开始走亲戚拜年的习俗。还有一种习惯,就是不出正月就算新年,如果大年前后实在没有时间就在正月十五之前或者正月以前,抽空看望亲戚,这样的情况也很多。 走亲戚免不了带礼物的,可礼尚往来,每家都有很多礼物送出去又有多少礼物收进来。因此,真正吃到这个礼物的还不知要等到什么时候,有时一盒点心等打开时已经发霉了,好在,还可以做酱引子,不会浪费,否则,仍掉是很可惜的! 做家务,露一手绝活 让家人开心 过年了,难得有这样长的时间蜗居在家里,做些平时没有时间动手的事情。 收拾屋子和做饭是最经常做的,虽然可以找保洁来做很多难做的家务,可我们家的习惯,仍然是自己动手,从不请保洁的。在人们看来,一身疲惫两手粗糙才似乎可以证明你是勤劳的,谁都讨厌懒惰。其实,真的很累的,为什么不让自己轻松呢?有这样的想法也不会付诸行动,毕竟自己的行为要跟周围的习惯相协调,否则就会失去很多好口碑,还是累点吧! 而做饭,也是人们平时不常动手的,有客人的时候往饭店一安排,合情合理。可到了过年就不能这样做了,人们会认为你不是过日子人,浪费不节俭,有了这样的口碑会影响到下一代的。再说,很多礼尚往来都会有很多吃的东西,不吃也会烂掉的。 每到过大年的这一天,我就会做一条美味的糖醋浇汁鱼,金黄色的鱼身浇上一层番茄酱做的汁,又甜又酸又脆,还没等大人都落座,孩子们已将一条有造型的鱼儿吞进肚里。大人只能看着那根鱼骨头而“望鱼兴叹”,孩子开心,是每个大人都希望的!今年的春节,小妹妹一家去了山东老家过年,大妹妹家的老人又病了,因此,今年显得比较冷清,做饭都是我和老公动手。几乎每天都有客人来的,我们家的餐桌还比较讲究丰盛,公婆为人好,待人热情,老公和我自然不敢随便凑合。呛一身油烟味,眼睛熏的直流泪,看着满桌子的美味佳肴,老人高兴。这很难得,我从不惹老人生气的,知道他们的喜好,因此,老人常常当着外人的面自豪的夸奖我,我很得意! 矛盾冲突,在这个团聚的时刻也会显现 亲朋好友平时联络不多,很少碰面,在这个休闲和放松的时机就会聚到一起,叙一下本来的情意,聚会少不了喝酒、打牌,以此来延续感情。而人们只要聚在一起,就会出现很多不同的观点和分歧,矛盾是避免不了的。也常常听同事和朋友说,难得见面闹矛盾,觉得很遗憾的!不过我倒认为这是正常现象。 人不接触就没分歧,就不会有矛盾。而有了矛盾只要能够及时调节,就没问题,本来生活就充满着矛盾,没什么好大惊小怪的,更不可以随便指责的。 两件事,都因误会引起。 其中的一个是,我婆婆和大妹妹之间的矛盾瞬间而起。因为误会,老人的意思被大妹妹所不理解。我们当着老家的亲戚很快平息了她们的愤怒情绪,大妹离开家门时是掉着眼泪走的,我们平时关系很好,很心疼她,人家到家就干活,忙活了大半天,饭没吃好,还委屈着走的。我自然跟大妹沟通了很多,她首先想通了,给婆婆打电话道歉!毕竟母女情深,矛盾好解决。 亲朋之间的走动,很多家庭都是在饭店就餐的,在平时很火热但并不嘈杂的场所,发生争吵引起人们的好奇心,仔细一听,是家人或者朋友的争论。家家有本难念的经啊! 有矛盾是正常的,没有矛盾说明彼此不在乎。因此,尽量理解矛盾着的双方,有利于今后亲情是否快乐的延续。竟有反目的亲人,很痛心的!大过年的,别聚出病来! 电话,信息,情感 过年期间,感受最深的恐怕是电话和信息传递情感了。 大家都有这个深切的体会,信息堵塞,电话占线成为这几天的最头疼的问题,信息收不到,电话打不进去是经常的事。 最让我感动的是除夕夜,当新年钟声即将敲响和零点钟声响过之后的信息大量的发进来,让我目不暇接,一通忙活。很多新老朋友和亲人用电话和信息表达着深切的祝福,我也一样。女儿为她爸爸发信息累的直嚷嚷,也难怪,她爸爸大笔一挥就是近五十个电话号码,虽然是同样的内容,可能发出去,就很难得了,因为信道好象不太通畅! 新年晚会的主题,让我和朋友都很激动,我们用电话传递彼此的感受,是以前从来都没有经历过的。她老公在外地工作,很辛苦,经常一个月不回家,她为此不太理解,经常跟老公生气,弄的老公无法塌实工作。他们夫妻都跟我倾诉过,我深知他们矛盾的原由,看到春节晚会的美好主题,适时的通过信息跟朋友传递夫妻相处之道,她很感动!欢快的笑声又弥漫在他们温馨的家里。 逛街,观赏民间工艺 闲来逛街是大家都爱做的事,老在家里闷着,这对平时忙碌的人们感到很闷的,希望出来透透气儿。 大街上尽是人群,三三两两的结伴而行。或匆匆赶路,或忙着挤公交车或者打的,或者伫足观看。我一般都是因为买东西而到外面的,否则就几天不出家门,我怕冷! 最吸引我的,是民间手工艺人,那经过巧手瞬间摆弄出来的精细工艺品,让我惊奇的同时,更佩服他们的灵巧和智慧!有编织蚂蚱的,有吹糖人的,有写对联画画的。他们的专注和作品赢得一阵喝彩。 平时基本听不见的叫卖声,此起彼伏,热闹非常,感觉很新鲜。剪纸艺人的窗花更另人叫绝,红红的纸张随便就出来人物或者动物的影子,让人忍不住多看几眼,喜欢的就顺便买下了。而真正的贴窗花,我们这里还不常见,也许在农村能够看到吧?倒是去天津的时候,看到家家户户都帖上窗花和对联,远看红红的一片,煞是好看!

F. 高一英语作文 学习英语的方法

初高中英语学习有着不同的特点:初中阶段的英语单词少,课文短,内容简单,考试前只要强记一番便能得高分,更多的是模仿,机械训练;而高中阅读量大,课文篇幅长,语法集中,教学内容多而深. 高中生要着力培养自己的概括,归纳能力,自主学习,消化,整理,巩固,形成良好的学习习惯在高中英语学习阶段显得尤其重要.
(1) 搜寻性阅读:搜寻文中的信息,注意文章的标题,开头,结尾及其它概括性的段落和句子.
(3) 评价性阅读:对文章中某些内容做出鉴定和判断,在对文章信息做出判断之前必须仔细阅读,深入理解.在阅读时要把作者的观点与材料分开,明确作者的观点,研究论据的类型以及论据与论点之间的关系,注意作者明确提出或暗示的假设和设想,最后决定自己的态度.
(4) 记忆性阅读:对文章进行记忆性训练,把握文章的人物,事件,时间,地点等.
(5) 创造性阅读:带着自己提出的某些新见解去阅读,结合作者的观点与自己的问题提出问题,同时根据词根,词缀猜测生词意思.

G. 求2篇高一英语作文,是寒假作业,没有题目,要通俗易懂,单词要简单。100词左右。

July 9
Dear Mr Smith,
I was so pleased to hear from you and am writing to tell you something about my school. You are right. Quite a few changes have taken place. On one side of the road there is a new classroom building. On the other side, where the playground used to be now stands another new building-our library. In it there are all kinds of books, newspapers and magazines. The playground is now in front of the school. We have also planted a lot of trees in and around the school. I hope you come and see for yourself some
Best wishes,
The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind. As we came to the crossroads a young man and a girl came up and stopped us. ‘We‘ve found you at long last,’ they said. But we didn’t know them. Pointing to a policeman not far away, the young man explained, ‘He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the next offender. So come on, stand here. Hope you don‘t have to wait as long as we did . Good luck.’
My name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning province in February 1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After that I went to No.62 Middle School of Dalian and graated this summer. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer. I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won first prize in the school computer competition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to popular music and collecting stamps. My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.
June lst,1995
Dear Peter,
We’re so gald you‘re coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. We’ll have our picnic in the People‘s Park. You know where that is, don’t you? After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on till you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while you‘ll come to a hill. Walk around to the other side of the hill. There you’ll see a lake. We‘ll have our picnic there in the small woods by the lake. I’m sure you‘ll have no trouble finding us. Do come!
Li Hua
May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building . It will begin at 7:30 P.m. There will be music, dancing ,singing, games and exchange of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose. Remember to wrap it up ,sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.Don‘t forget: 7:30, Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. There’s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.

H. 大家来帮我写篇高一的英语作文

Dear Nick
I'm glad to hear that you're coming to Sichuan in August.It is neither too hot nor too cold in autumn. You can wear sweater and pants. You'd better take an umbrellar with you because it rains sometimes. When you come, Sichuan province has lots of famous places which are well-known around the world. Such as, Jiuzhai Valley which is famous for its beutiful lakes. They are colorful with clear water which you can see the bottom. Dujiangyan Irrigation has two thousand history. It is still used now. And the other famous place is Wolong reservation which is famous for pandas. There are lots of local dishes, too. Hot pot is the most delicious of all. If you want to know more about Sichuan you can search it on the internet. That's all. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
Li Hua

I. 英语高一作文

In our school, there is seemed to be a much stronger emphasis on the core subjects such as mathematics and Chinese as compared to the subjects such as art and PD/H/PE (personal development, health and physical ecation). Although the core subjects are important, I believe art and physical ecation are just as important. Lessons on physical ecation gives us knowledge of how to maintain our body at an optimum state, and it improves our health and regular exercises enhance our concentration in class. Through art lessons, we express our thoughts through paintings, drawings and sculpting. Through practicing art, we become more imaginative. Most importantly, we must also recognize that everyone has their own special talent. For people who have a talent in art or athletics, they may be undermined e to the school's undervaluing of those other subjects.

J. 求二十篇高一适用的英语作文,寒假作业!拜托效率点

1.Last week, I had my final examination. Some of my classmates seemed to be nervous about it and showed symptoms such as dizziness, lack of energy, insomnia and lack of appetite. I agree that we should take our examinations seriously, but we need not be so worried about them if we plan ahead well. I have three suggestions. First, we should devise an appropriate plan for reviewing what we have learned before the examinations. This will avoid any last-minute preparations for the examinations. Second, ring the examination period, we should have adequate rest. We are tempted to stay up late, but this will affect our ability to do well at the examinations. Third, before we go to bed, we should take a hot shower or have a glass of warm milk. This could help us to have a good sleep.

2.What is your dream house? My classmate has a good idea. He would like to build a sea-side villa. In front of the villa are a courtyard and a garden. Another courtyard and a swimming pool are behind the villa. On the ground floor of the villa is a hall. To the left of the hall is a sitting room where people can relax. To the right are a computer room and a study. On the first floor are six bedrooms, each equipped with a bathroom. The villa is equipped with modern equipment such as a computer-operated security alarm, an elevator, a vision phone and an automatic door



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