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发布时间:2021-02-27 06:24:17

1. 应用文写作 英语怎么说啊

practical English writing

2. 求英语应用文写作,语言简短精练!翻译内容如下

Yesterday wangfang and lihong made a appointment to visit the ji county,but wangfang took a classmate to the hospital temporarily so that she couldn‘t keep the promise. As a result, wangfang wrote a letter to express her regret while she plans to go to the ancient street with lihong anther time.

3. 英语应用文写作

September 12,2009 Sundy Fine
It`s a colorful day today.In the morning , I arrived at a park with my fridends by riding a bike .Then my friends dig a hole ,and I went to carry some water . When all of them finished , we put the tree into the hole and finishied it.Then we leaved there . All of us felt tired, but we are also very happy .

4. 大学各个课程的 中文解释 及英文翻译

大学英语 College English Language
体育 Physical Ecation
思想品德修养与法律基础Cultivation of Ideological Morality(Philosophy and Ethics Training)and Fundamentals of Law
数字逻辑 Mathematical Logic
计算机文化基础 Cultural Foundation of Computer
高等代数 Elementary Algebra/高等数学 Advanced Mathematics (不知道你学的哪个)
C++程序设计 C++ Programming Design
计算机组装与维护 Computer Assembly and Maintenance
形势与政策 Trends and Policies
马克思主义基本原理 Marxism Philosophy Principles
劳育 Labor Ecation
应用文写作 Practical Writing Skills
基础乐理 Basic Knowledge of Music
局域网与组网工程 LAN and network engineering
大学美育 Aesthetic(Art)Ecation(不加college比较好,正好与劳育对应)
大学英语 College English Language 3
多媒体应用技术 Application Technology of Multimedia
VB程序设计 VB Programming Design(老外没有课设这个说法,可以用导论之类的,不过我觉得你可以把这两个并成一个)
数据结构 Data Structure
毛泽东思想邓小平理论与三个代表 MAO zedong thought, Deng xiaoping theory and The Three Represents(1)
大学生职业生涯规划 College Student Career Programming
操作系统 Operating System
数据库原理与应用 Principle and Application of Database
JSP程序设计 JSP Programming Design
微机原理及应用 Principle and Application of Microcomputer
网页设计与网站开发实训 Webpage Design and Website Development Practice
网站规划建设与管理维护 Website Planning and Design Management
网页制作与网站建设 Webpage and Website Construction
JSP程序设计实训 JSP Program Design Practice
毛概邓论及三个代表 MAO zedong thought, Deng xiaoping theory and The Three Represents(2)
计算机专业英语 Specialized English of Computer
软件工程导论 Introction of Software Engineering
网络安全与网络管理 Network Safety and Management
网络规划与系统集成 Network Planning and System Integration
网络操作系统 Network Operating System

5. 英文 应用文写作


6. 课程英文翻译~!急~!

计算技术 Computing Technology
政治经济学 Political Economics
财经法规 Financial regulations
企业财务会计 Enterprise Financial Accounting
邓小平理论 Deng Xiaoping Theory
应用文写作 Practical writing
思想品德修版养 Thought personal character training
会计电算权化实务 Accounting computerization practice
会计专业模拟试验 Accounting profession simulation test
会计信息系统分析与统计 Accounting information system analysis and statistics
金融企业会计 Finance business accounting
电子商务Electronic commerce

7. 跪求!! 中文课程名称翻译英文!!

foreign trade English letters and telegrams
the securities investment analyzes
Chinese foreign trade topic
modern science method introctory remarks
5、货币银行学 currency banking
international trade practice curriculum project
7、国际贸易理论 international trade theory
8、应用文写作 the practical writing to write 9
the university students' innovative undertaking instructs
10、军训Military training

8. 请问以下课程如何翻译谢谢

英语口语 Spoken English
语音 Phonetic
基础写作 Basic Writing
商务函电 Business Correspondence
秘书学与实务 Secretarial Science and Practice
旅游地理学 Recreational geography
英语应用文写作 English Practical Writing
笔译 Written Translation
口译 Verbal Translation
外贸实务英语 Practical on Foreign Trade English
汇兑与结算 Exchange and Settlement
第二外语:法语 Secondary Foreign Language: French
汽车驾驶 Automobilism
英美概况 Background of Britain and America
大学语文 College Chinese Language and Literature
商务英语精读 Business English Intensive Reading
英语词汇学基础 English Lexics Basis
剑桥BEC考证 Cambridge Business English Exam
心理学 Psychology
形势与任务教育 Teaching of Situation and Policy
劳动 Work or Labor
社会调查 Social Investigations
专业实习 Specialized Practice
管理学 Principles of Management
英美文学导论British & American Literature Introction
国际商务谈判 Negotiation on Business Affairs
英语视听说English Through Video and Speaking

要求楼主加分 Ask for bonus from Louzhu



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