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发布时间:2021-02-27 06:00:12

Ⅰ 描写小鸟的英语作文3句话

The Singing Life
Looking deeper into bird songs
For half my birding life, I’ been trying to learn bird songs. They’re not so easy as visual images. Not so simply recible to key phrases (yellow in front of the eye, keel-shaped tail, white rump). Often forgettable, at least for a person who has never demonstrated a good ear or musical talent. I’m still fooled sometimes into taking a scarlet tanager for a robin. And every spring I must learn the warblers’ songs all over again. It’s a task I enjoy, an annual initiation that keeps me connected to the earth.
I know birdsongs the way I know French and German. I can often tell which foreign language I’m hearing, and I comprehend merci and nein, but I can’t understand a sentence. And that’s about where I think I am with bird songs. Still, I’m grateful for what I do recognize.
Walking along the brushy trail beside certain a willow thicket on a late summer morning, when most of the birds had stopped singing, I heard a song from deep in the foliage. It was scratchy, rapid: Wouldja switch a witch’s widget witz a switch? Only half a song, really. The full version would have followed up with the answer: Witches switch a scritch’s stitches witz a chew! But even half a song was enough to tell me that the invisible singer was the question-and-answer bird, the Bell’s vireo. (Spectrogram of that bird's song above.)
Born to recognize bird songs
It seems rather wonderful to me that a bird declares its identity with every utterance, and that our human ears and brains are built to sort out such sounds and recognize the singer. Lately I’ve come to realize, though, that I’ve barely begun to study bird sounds, and that it’s possible to learn much more than simply which species is singing.
Donald Kroodsma’s ear-opening book, The Singing Life of Birds, made me realize that I’d been simplistically identifying birds by their songs and letting it go at that, like some life-listers who glance at a bird only long enough to name it and rush on. Kroodsma listens deeply into the lives of birds, gaining new insights from their songs. I want to do that too.
The Raven key
After I read Kroodsma’s book, I got some recording equipment and started going out every day to capture the songs of the morning. Suddenly, every robin, titmouse, and cardinal was new and fascinating. I downloaded Raven Lite (free, from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology) into my computer. Among other things, Raven translates my recordings into pictures, called spectrograms, which show details in the songs that I didn’t notice in the field. It also lets me slow a recording down to further reveal fine details too brief for the human ear.
What a revelation! Out of my own spectrograms jumped field sparrows, meadowlarks, and yellowthroats. (See thewichity- wichity- wichityof the common yellowthroat at right.)
As I learned the shapes of their songs, I could see at a glance which species sang on each recording, even before I played the selections. I relished seeing subtle details, such as the difference between the question and the answer of the Bell’s vireo.
Hearing with your eyes
Kroodsma says that he hears with his eyes, letting the birds’ spectrograms show him what he would not have discriminated with his ears alone. I too found that my eyes started ecating my ears. Taking Kroodsma’s lead, I used Raven to chart scarlet tanager songs frombirdsong CDs I’d purchased and compared them to spectrograms of my own robin recordings. Once I saw the difference in their timing and noticed the robin’s odd shrieky note spliced in between the musical ones, I started hearing the difference outdoors, too. I don’t think I’ll ever confuse scarlet tanager with robin again.
Kroodsma found that he could tell some birds from others of their species by the variation in their repertoires. That suggests the possibility of getting to know my neighboring birds better than I’ve ever done before. I can hardly wait for next spring. If the five singing male Bell’s vireos I listened to this summer come back, I’d like to see if I can learn to distinguish them as indivials, to see where they first show up in spring, where they nest, and how far they stray from their home territories. Now that’s going to be fun.
— Diane Porter

Ⅱ 鸟的英语作文

Protecting birds is part of our jobs of protecting our own living environment. Imagine you live in a place with green trees and colourful flowers. The little birds are flying around and singing happily. It's such a wonderful place to live. On the contrary, if we damaged the nature, chopped all the trees and kill all birds, we will live in a desert where has no living creatures. What a boring live would be! Therefore, we should protect birds as we protect our childern and ourselves future.

Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic. We bought some cakes with us for lunch. We left quite early before there was too much traffic. After aborn two bours we came to a nice place. It was near a river, with some large trees beside it. So we parked our bicycles under the trees and went for a swim. It was a very hot day and the water was very refreshing. After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees. Then we went for a walk.

We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies. After walking for about an hour we re turned to our bicycles and began to ride home.

We got home very late and terribly exhausted. But we enjoyed it very much, for it was one of our most interesting weekend’s outings.

Ⅲ 描写小鸟的英语作文


Ⅳ 关于鸟的英语作文200字左右

Today, the weather was fine, I was going to the school library library, suddenly, not far came a crisp sound of birds. I went over to see, turned out to be a not yet fully learned to fly the bird. This bird body green, there is a golden mouth and a pair of slim, sleek little paws, very cute. I was holding the bird immediately returned home, put it inside a box.
Library back, I gave the bird to catch a bug, bird can eat incense it! At noon, Mom and Dad came home from work, I put the bird to catch something with Mom and Dad say. My mother said: "It is the bird back home now!" But I could not bear.
After lunch we going to sleep, I hear a loud sound of birds. We went out to look, coming four or five birds, the bird is probably my father and mother and brother and sister now! They anxiously cried. It is pathetic how they die, I thought of the bird is the friend of mankind, we should take good care of them. I agree with my mother's advice. I put the bird on the ground, however, a few birds around the bird can jump around, there is no way to put it away, we are very anxious. So, my father is taken to a bamboo, and let the bird standing on bamboo top, put it in the tree. They Cha cried, like to express our gratitude. AIDS in the United States in my heart.

Ⅳ 介绍鸟的英语作文

Go Outing

Last weekend we went to the countryside to have a picnic. We bought some cakes with us for lunch. We left quite early before there was too much traffic. After aborn two bours we came to a nice place. It was near a river, with some large trees beside it. So we parked our bicycles under the trees and went for a swim. It was a very hot day and the water was very refreshing. After having a swim, we had lunch in the cool shade under the trees. Then we went for a walk.

We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies. After walking for about an hour we re turned to our bicycles and began to ride home.

We got home very late and terribly exhausted. But we enjoyed it very much, for it was one of our most interesting weekend’ outings.

Ⅵ 描写鸟的英文短文













The little egret is a delicate poetry.

Pigment, gestures, everything is appropriate.

The White crane is too large, too stiff, pink Ibis or grey heron, also think big, and too unusual.

However, egrets are because it's common, and oblivion its beauty.

The snow-white body hair, it s a streamlined structure, the iron color growing, cyan's feet, one of the increasing by one of recing too long, too short branch, one of the suspicion of swells and white Diane come at the expense of one of the suspicion of the dark.

In clear water when there is a field only two standing fishing, the entire field has become a site of embedded in the glass box. The size of the field as Egret design seems to people from all walks of the mirror box.

Sunny in the morning, saw it alone at the apex of the tree stand, it seems as if it is not stable, yet it is. This is the other birds difficult performance hobby. People say that it is within our grasp whistle, it really is in sight whistle? twilight sky rare low-flying egret is a rural life in favor. It was clear to visualize, and have a life.

Some people might feel beauty, Egret can't sing. However, egrets are not of itself is a very beautiful songs?-no, the reason the song too.

The little egret is a poem, a charm in the heart of prose poems.

Ⅶ 关于鸟的英语作文


Ⅷ 关于小鸟的英语作文

你可以去一些作文网站去找 我这有一篇抓鸟的作文,不知行不行:

Our family around the house there are many tall trees. Every day, there are many unknown trees, birds in the "chattering," cried, a variety of voices very nicely, as if birds in open concerts. One afternoon, my neighbor's little brother, little brother in the room playing chess. Suddenly, a beautiful bird came flying, and we quickly closed the door window to catch the birds. Suffered a shock in the room where the birds kept flying, it was finally too tired to fly no more, stopping at the table. I quietly walked over, grabbed it carefully. Little brother immediately sent for a rope, tied the bird's feet, we are afraid of birds fly away,
The other end of the rope still tied a small iron bar. Then we put the bird in the yard, but dragging an iron bar that it does not matter how fly up and hurry toward the sky Zhi Jiao. At this time, my mom and dad came back from the outside, and my father asked: "Liang-liang, are you doing?" I said to the father: "Daddy, Come see us catch a bird." Daddy go came a look, said: "Liang-liang, you did not know even the Flying Swallow啦!" I am curious to ask: "That's why it does not grow with the big swallows the same?" Dad said with a smile: "Swallow the time is so small , and wait for it to grow up, and body feathers and it would slowly become Dad
Dad, Mom the same. "At this time, there are two big swallows the sky fly over, directed at Flying Swal low cried loudly. I think: Yes, it's father, my mother came to see it. So, I unlock it feet of rope, it flew off.
我们家房子周围有许多参天的大树。每天,树上有很多不知名的小鸟在“叽叽喳喳”地叫着,各种各样的声音好听极了,好像在开小鸟音乐会。 一天下午,我和邻居家的小哥哥、小弟弟在房间里下棋。突然,飞进来一只漂亮的小鸟,我们赶紧关上门窗去捉小鸟。受了惊吓的小鸟在房间里不停地飞来飞去,它终于累得飞不动了,停在了桌子上。我悄悄地走过去,小心翼翼地一把抓住它。小哥哥马上找来一根绳子,绑住了小鸟的脚,我们怕小鸟飞走,还在绳子的另一头绑了一根小铁棒。然后,我们把小鸟放在院子里,可是它拖着铁棒怎么也飞不起来,着急地朝着天空直叫。 这时候,爸爸、妈妈从外面回来了,爸爸问:“亮亮,你在干什么?”我对爸爸说:“爸爸,快来看我们抓到了一只小鸟。”爸爸走过来一看说:“亮亮,你连小燕子都不认识啦!”我奇怪地问:“那它为什么不跟大燕子长得一样?”爸爸笑着说:“燕子小的时候是这样的,等它长大了,身上的羽毛就慢慢地变得和它爸爸、妈妈一样了。” 这时,天空中有两只大燕子飞过来,冲着小燕子大声地叫着。我想:一定是它的爸爸、妈妈来找它了。

Ⅸ 描写鸟类的英语作文(最好只写一种鸟)不要保护鸟类的。在线等。


My Pet Bird
I like birds very much,so I keep a bird as a pet at home.He's a sparrow.I put him in a cage.He's very cute.He has two strong grey wings,two little green eyes and a small black beak.He's very active,jumping from this place to another all the time and letting out wonderful voice.But the voice is different in different occasions.He's so lovely that I like it very much.Everday I get up,I go to see him,giving him some rice to eat and some water to drink.On weenkends,I release him from the cage to let him fly freely.He looks very happy and fly away after letting a voice of thanks.But soon he flies back home.



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