导航:首页 > 英语写作 > 我喜欢在写作业的时候听音乐英语


发布时间:2021-02-25 21:29:01

A. “当我写作业的时候,我正在听音乐”英语怎么说.when后用什么时态. 用过去进行时,从句放后面

I am listening to the music while I am doing my homework.
when 后面用瞬间动词(时态不确定)

B. 翻译: 我喜欢在写作业的同时听音乐. 应该要用到at zhe same time

I like listening to music while I am doing homework.

C. 现在好多同学都喜欢,一边做作业一边听音乐,英语怎么说

Now many students like to do their homework while listening to music.

D. “当我写作业的时候,我正在听音乐”英语怎么说。when后用什么时态.

I am listening to the music while I am doing my homework.
when 后面用瞬间动词(时态不确定)

E. 写作业时该不该听音乐呢 观点 英语作文怎么写

Listening to Music while Doing Homework
As we know,music can relax us.What's more,the popular music can make us cozy.Somebody like listening to music while doing homework,it is good or not?
In my opinion,listening to music while doing homework disturb us to finish homework.First of all,while we are doing homework,we focus our thoughs.Music will disturb our attentions.Secondly,listening to music while doing homework will decrease our memory.Finally,the examination room is very silence,there is no music for you.
with regard to the above,listening to music is harmful while we are doing homework.

F. 他喜欢一边做作业一边听音乐翻译成英文

He likes doing homework over (listening to) music. 括号里面的内容可要可不要

G. 我喜欢听音乐 用英语怎么说


1、用“like”来表示:I like listening to music .

2、用“love”来表示:I love listening to music.

3、用“enjoy”来表示:I enjoy listening to music.

4、用“be fond of”来表示:I am fond of listening to music.

5、用“be keen on”来表示:I am keen on listening to music.

6、用“adore”来表示:I adore listening to music.

7、用“delight in”来表示:I delight in listening to music .



例句:Do you like their new house?(翻译:你喜欢他们的新房子吗?)


例句:He loved the way she smiled.(翻译:他喜欢她微笑的样子。)

3、 enjoy:享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱。

例句:Ross had always enjoyed the company of women.(翻译:罗斯向来喜欢有女人伴其左右。)

4、be fond of sth:指喜爱(尤指已爱上很长时间的事物)。

例句:We were fond of the house and didn't want to leave.(翻译:我们喜欢上了这座房子,不想搬家。)

5、be keen on sth:指喜欢、喜爱。

例句:She's not keen on being told what to do.(翻译:她不喜欢别人向她发号施令。)


例句:I simply adore his music!(翻译:我简直太喜爱他的音乐了!)

7、delight in:喜欢…,以…为乐;深嗜笃好;赏玩。

例句:I enjoy seeing your parents take such a delight in the boys. (翻译:看到你父母如此喜欢这些男孩子,我很高兴。)


“music”中的“mus”=muse 娱乐 , 来自希腊神话“缪斯”女神, 是文艺音乐女神。

1、mus娱乐+ic 某种药,即“让人开心的药物——音乐”:music。


3、a加强+mus 娱乐+e ,即“一再娱乐”:amuse。

4、amuse娱乐,使高兴+ment 表名词,即“娱乐”:amusement。



H. 中学生该不该写作业时听音乐 英语作文


I. 英语作文,20分 “写作业听音乐”

Listening to Music while Doing Homework
As we know,music can relax us.What's more,the popular music can make us cozy.Somebody like listening to music while doing homework,it is good or not?
In my opinion,listening to music while doing homework disturb us to finish homework.First of all,while we are doing homework,we focus our thoughs.Music will disturb our attentions.Secondly,listening to music while doing homework will decrease our memory.Finally,the examination room is very silence,there is no music for you.
with regard to the above,listening to music is harmful while we are doing homework.

translation of composition:



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