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发布时间:2021-02-25 10:30:06

㈠ 一边写作业,一边听歌用英语怎么说啊

I'm listening to music while doing homework.

㈡ 用英语怎么说‘做作业时听音乐不利于集中我们的注意力,会让我们的心里感到烦

It is bad for us to concentrate on the study when we are doing our homework with listening to music. And it makes us feel bored.

㈢ 写作业时该不该听音乐呢 观点 英语作文怎么写

Listening to Music while Doing Homework
As we know,music can relax us.What's more,the popular music can make us cozy.Somebody like listening to music while doing homework,it is good or not?
In my opinion,listening to music while doing homework disturb us to finish homework.First of all,while we are doing homework,we focus our thoughs.Music will disturb our attentions.Secondly,listening to music while doing homework will decrease our memory.Finally,the examination room is very silence,there is no music for you.
with regard to the above,listening to music is harmful while we are doing homework.

㈣ 边做作业边听音乐是不好的 用英语怎么说

it is not good to listen to music while you are doing homework.

㈤ 不能在做作业时听音乐 的英文句子

You can't listen to music while you are doing it.

㈥ 英语翻译:一边做作业一边听歌不好

it's not good to do homework while listening to the music.

㈦ 当你做作业时不要听音乐用英语怎么说

Don't listen

㈧ 用英语翻译:你做作业时不要听音乐.

Donnot listen to music while doing (your) homework!


㈨ 写作业时该不该听音乐呢 英语作文怎么写







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