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发布时间:2021-02-25 03:45:31

1. 英语作文《推荐信》推荐王伟做新班长

Dear headmaster
I'd like Simon to be the youngth winner of this year. Simon is a hard-working student. He is good at all the subjects. He loves sports very much. He is a football fan and he is one of the football members of our school team. Simon is always ready to help others and he always thinks others first. He often gives his seat to the old on the bus and he raises things for the Hope Project.

2. 推荐信 英语作文


推荐 recommend (V.)

英汉/汉英词典 The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary (ECCED)

新华字典 Xinhua Dictionary (XD)













I m so pleased to learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese.

I d like to recommend the following two dictionaries.

The English-Chinese/Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18,000 English words and 20,000 Chinese words. Besides plenty of examples, it has many notes telling you bow to use a word. Xinhua dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary , and it has a vocabulary of 10,000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECCED is the more expensive, costing 52 yuan, and XD costs 11 yuan.

Please let me know if you want me to buy these dictionaries.


Li Yue


3. 英语作文:推荐信

My name is Li Hua, I am a high school student, in the China Daily, Shanghai World Expo saw an ad recruiting volunteers, you think you qualify, I have in recent years, eighteen, good health and good English, can use daily to communicate in English. I am happy to help others in life, with dedication. If I can become a member of the volunteers, I was able to fifteen days of continuous service, willing to participate in the necessary training, subject to the management of the organizers.
I want to give me a chance, I will strive to become a good volunteer. I will be waiting for your reply.

4. 英语作文:推荐信


5. 推荐信写作英文


6. 英文作文 我的一封推荐信

The Second Department of English
Beijing Foreign Language Institute
Beijing, China
July 17, 1989
Lemon Language Institute
Sidney, Australia
Dear President,
It is a great honour for me to introce to you one of my very best student, Miss Shen Ming, a 21-year-old graate of our institute this year. Miss Shen entered our institute in 1985 and she has ever since been hard-working at her lessons and made rapid progress. During the four years of study, she has always ranked high in her class. In 1987, she came out first at the National College Students English Speech Contest. Coming from a family of English teachers, Miss Shen has a particular interest in the teaching of English. It is her wish to further her studies on linguistics, methodology as well as on the English language. It will certainly be of great help to her if she could have such a chance in your Institute .
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Wang Shen

7. 英语作文(推荐信)

My name is Li Hua, I am a high school student, in the China Daily, Shanghai World Expo saw an ad recruiting volunteers, you think you qualify, I have in recent years, eighteen, good health and good English, can use daily to communicate in English. I am happy to help others in life, with dedication. If I can become a member of the volunteers, I was able to fifteen days of continuous service, willing to participate in the necessary training, subject to the management of the organizers.
I want to give me a chance, I will strive to become a good volunteer. I will be waiting for your reply.

8. 英语作文推荐信dear mr smith,i am writing to

name is Li Hua, I am a high school student, in the China Daily, Shanghai World Expo saw an ad recruiting volunteers, you think you qualify, I have in recent years, eighteen, good health and good English, can use daily to communicate in English. I am happy to help others in life, with dedication. If I can become a member of the volunteers, I was able to fifteen days of continuous service, willing to participate in the necessary training, subject to the management of the organizers.
I want to give me a chance, I will strive to become a good volunteer. I will be waiting for your reply.

9. 用英语写一篇英文书籍的推荐信




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