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发布时间:2021-02-25 02:57:44

『壹』 写一篇英语作文

Happy Mid-Autumn
Today is the Chinese traditional festivals-----Mid-Autumn Festival, my mother took me to grandfather's family holiday.
In the morning, we went to the supermarket shopping. Although today is Typhoon weather, but still can't resist the Mid-Autumn Festival. The great crowd that everyone in the supermarket to buy a scrambling gift and delicious food. We also bought some things, hurry to the grandfather's House. Grandfather see us coming, quickly opened the door, help us to buy things to go into the House, big people started to cook. I'm not busy, and grandfather to quail eggs cooked, I began to call the eggshell. And so, another of the dishes are cooked, we started worshipping ancestors JI, as indicated on the memory of our ancestors. The dinner, we have to eat with a spatula with sumptuous feast of reunion, at this time, her mother stood up and said: "this year is the Olympic year, after a while we come to the ' Olympic ' a!" " Good! " We all agreed to this proposal. After dinner, we took a rest, do a warm up, start with our "competition" for the Olympic Games. The first field is the tennis tournament, the first game in the mother of all humility, I lost the game, alas, after all, is the beginners! second Board, I met more strong opponent-small ' uncle. Needless to say, this Board I was defeated. However, the second field is skipping contest, "hee hee, it's my strong suit!" I feel proud. In decision-----grandfather of the moment, the game began. "1, 2, 3 ..." I jumped aside counting, after a while, my mom and little ' uncle strength team, being crushed. Oh, sure enough, not what I expected, finally let me roll onto a Board.
The game is over, we took a rest. Supper, although it is not possible to get to see the mid-autumn moon, but the CCTV mid-autumn evening party, or brings us joy. In this way, we're happy laughter in had a tuanyuanjie. I believe we are no exception? this is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation-----Mid-Autumn Festival.

『贰』 怎么写英语作文


『叁』 写英语作文的时候,写星期六一整天(具体的活动时候时间的表达 在星期六上午下午晚上 )怎么写规范


『肆』 怎样写好英语作文

说实话, 我大学时候的专业与英语一点也不挂钩,并且就大一的时候学了点英语, 说学了点, 其实就是混下个及格而已,可想而知,我的英语水平很差劲。 但是谁知道造化弄人,毕业后却找了个整天与英语打交道的工作, 客户是美国人,领导是韩国人, 整天要给美国的客户用英语回邮件,每天都要用我那蹩脚的英语跟领导确认东西,并且韩国领导的声音很小但是语速很快,每当我刚竖起耳朵要听的时候,谁知道领导已经说完了,正在瞪着小眼等我回答呢,但是我还不知道他问的是啥啊 ?哈哈, 那一阵子真的是很苦闷。。。
每天回个邮件都要想半天, 修过来,改过去,为的是用最简单的英语表达出来, 并且坚持每天写一篇英文的日记,领导跟别人说话的时候, 我就一边装作工作,实际上在偷听他们说的英语,以锻炼我的听力。但是就是这样,一天一天的过去了,慢慢的,我回客户的速度也快了, 措辞用得也很恰当,再也不用为一个单词到底是这个好还是那个好来改过来改过去了, 领导说的英语就算离得很远也知道他在说什么了。。
总之我觉得要写好英语作文, 最关键的是多写多练,这样的话, 可以锻炼我们平时英语在我们脑子中的语境等,再者,下载个有道词典或者是金山词霸, 有不会的可以立即查。。。。
希望我的亲身经历能帮得上你, 祝你早日成功~加油!1!!

『伍』 求写一篇英语作文 ! 在线等。。。

More and more parents find that English is important,a number of them make their children start studing English since they are very young.
They think English studing are benefit for kids' metal development.Bisides,the earlier they start studing English the efforts of mother tongue will be fewer.The last but not least is that it will build a firm foundation for their furture development.
But from my point of view,although early Eglish ecation for kids is important,mother tongue is the most important languege that we should learn first.And asle,let kids study too early will make kids' childhood unhappy.
So,children'English ecation start too early is not really good for them.

『陆』 写一篇英语作文。

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.
Before Spring Festival we clean our houses,paint doors and windows red,decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts,buy clothes and have a haircut
on New Year's Eve,we get to together and have a big dinner,we eat mplings,sweet rice mplings.We watch TV and at midnight,we play fireworks.On New Year's Day,we put on our new clothes and visit our family and friends,There's dragon and lion dancing.
The New Year Festival finishes at Lantern Festival after two weeks we usually eat rice mplings.They are round and so they bring us good luck.

『柒』 写一篇英语作文,150字。

有人说:现在社会进步了,物质丰富了,医疗条件也好了,为什么人的健康反而差了? 生活质量反而下降了?
从医学角度说,人类不该带着心事睡觉,因为只有这样才能保证睡眠质量:且最佳睡眠时间应是晚上10点---清晨6点,成人每天睡眠量应保证7小时,即半小时内入睡 基本整夜不醒,而睡眠深沉,是健康的生活的基础!
俗语说“寅吃卯粮”, 从身体角度讲,繁重的工作就是"体力透支",如果只是偶尔,或许还撑得住,如果长此以往,不早死才怪呢!
1. How to spend my weekend
Iam going to prepare for my lessons because the Mid-term exam is coming. I am sure if I have good preparation, I will get good grades. I am going to help my parents do some housework because they work hard every day.Of course I will visit my good friend and play table tennis with him because doing sports is good for our health. I will surf the internet and listen to music because they are good ways to relax. I am sure I will have a busy and meaningful weekend. 我打算复习功课,因为期中考试即将到来,我相信如果做好充足的准备,我一定会取得好成绩的。我打算帮父母做些家务,因为他们整天忙于工作。当然了,我要拜访我最好的朋友并和他一起打乒乓球,因为做运动有益于身体健康。我要上网并听音乐,因为他们是最好的放松方式。我肯定我会过一个忙而有意思的周末的。

2 How to learn English well
Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our homework carefully. Listen to English radio programmes, read English stories and newspapers, watch English films and TV programmes ,keep a diary in English and attend English debbates and speech contests. If we make mistakes, correct them at once and try not to make the same mistakes. What's more, we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. I believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well.学习英语就象学习其他语言一样是艰辛的。因此我的第一个建议是每天花多点时间练习使用英语。除此之外,我们应该上课认真听讲、记笔记。定期复习所学内容,认真做作业。听英语广播,读英语故事和报纸,看英语电影和电视节目,用英语写日记,参加英语讨论和演讲比赛。如果我们犯错误,就要立刻改正,尽力下次不要犯同样的错误。而且,我们在上课前要查字典,认真准备每节课。我相信如果我们努力学习、有好的学习方法,我们会学好英语的。

『捌』 要写一篇英语作文

Reform of college English Ecation
As college English ecation is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global communication, the defects that exist in the current ecational system are open to more criticism. It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English ecation should be under way.
Ecators definitely should be responsible for the inadequacy of College English Ecation. It is known to all that interest is the best teacher, but a large part of college English teachers underestimate the effect of interest and keep preaching in class. Besides, “ environment” is needed to learn a foreign language and the lack of it in Chinese universities has hindered the student’s English learning.
Some problems of the students’ learning habits is also the source of the inadequacy. Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing and therefore their English is also “broken” in this way. In addition, they are generally reluctant to practice speaking. This has greatly contributed to the “mb English” of Chinese students.
The success of the college English ecation reform requires efforts of both ecators and students. The universities should encourage students to speak English in their daily communications and hole more activities with the purpose of promoting students’ speaking of English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with charms and interest of English in their classes. Students should try to be participants of the learning activities rather than passive receptors. With the collaboration of ecators and students, the reform of college English ecation will surely yield plentiful fruits



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