导航:首页 > 英语口语 > 英语场景口语买衣服


发布时间:2021-01-19 19:35:06

① 英语口语情景对话,关于服装店make a complaint的对话

A:Can I help you?(What can Ido for you? )
B: I want to buy a skirt
A:What size do you want ?
B:can I have a try?
A:Yes ,of course.Follow me ,please
How do you like?
B:Not bad.How much is it?
A:A hundred yuan.
B:Do you have a cheaper one ?
A:Sorry.I think it is fit for you.
B:Ok, I will take it.
A:Thank you.

② 英语实用生活日常口语买衣服怎么说

Buy clothes
English practical life everyday spoken language buys clothes

③ 以购物习惯为话题的情景英语口语对话,急用考试


④ 求在商场买衣服的英语情景剧 大概四个人 而且不要太长 大概2分钟左右 我们口语测试 很急 谢谢


⑤ 用英语地道的口语怎么说”你这件衣服是在哪里买的”

where did you get it ?

⑥ 30分!关于服装的英语口语小短文! 你喜欢买时髦服装吗说明一下原因. 100个词左右

Do you like fashion clothes
As a youngster,I definitely enjoy buying and trying on new clothes.It's natural for someone my age to have interest in it.The colourful outfits seem to give me the joy that effect my day.When dressed in fashion,I feel like that I was carried away.It's right to say that the things you wear tells who you are.Others like you for your creativity,and you can enjoy the day.So just try on the pop hits and get around.It's worth it.

⑦ 店里经常有外国人卖衣服,常用英语口语表达 该怎么说

可以学习一些询问用语 以及衣服质地 和颜色 size 和价位表达 相关的单词

⑧ 我是一名导购,店里经常有外国人卖衣服,常用英语口语表达 该怎么说不胜感激~

1. Hello, welcome to......
2.Thanks four your presence, mind your steps.
3.Six in all, five thousand altogether, card of cash?
4.Please put in your password/code.
5.Please sign your name

⑨ 求一段买衣服时英语对话情景

A.Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?B.Yes,please.l want a sweater .是的,我想买一件毛衣A.What color do you want ?你想要什么颜色的?B.Blue蓝色A.Here you are.给你B.How much is it ?多少钱版A.Nine dollars 9美元B.l'II take it .Thanks我买了,谢谢A.YOU"RE WELCOME不必客气权



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