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发布时间:2020-12-26 04:29:44

㈠ 大学英语口语看图作文

Last Sunday, it was raining heavily outside. Tom had nowhere to go, so he decided to study at home. He took out his books and sat by the desk in the sitting room. It went quite well at the beginning, when noise from other parts of the room started to bother him. His mother was knitting nearby him, with the TV on. While his elder brother and sister were playing cards in one of the cornes of the room. They were so absorbed in playing that they forgot to keep an eye on their voice. The loud noise from the TV also kept distracting him from focusing on the book. Tom then became very impatient. Because the environment inside the room in which he was sitting was so unpleasant. He tried to study, but other family members kept disturbing him and made him anxious and weary. He was so upset about this experience that he made a decision to move to his bedroom. In his bedroom, Tom studied attentively, without being bothered any more. What an unforgettable Sunday! (不知道时间够不够,只附文,仅供参考。)

㈡ 英语口语考试:看图说话的技巧


  1. 通看一遍全部的图片,并且能确实地描述它们。也就是要了解整个故事的脉络。

  2. 把整个故事尝试用一个句子表达出来,并且为每幅图做上一些小注解。

  3. 开始重述整个故事,要一幅图一幅图地来重述。以简介(如谁who,为什么why,在哪里where等)来作为开端。

  4. 在故事的主要部分尝试着使用“演说speech”和“日常动词living verbs”如:cry, shout or feel (Tom shouts angry:"Stop smoking. It is dangerous out here.")

  5. 关注最后一幅图,它展示了事情的高潮或是关键点(笑点)。 这是非常重要的喔, 要让你的读者发笑^^或是哭泣><

  6. 哈哈,发现你的故事没有标题了吧, 现在给整个故事起个强有力的标题吧。


  1. Look at all pictures.

  2. Summarize the plot

  3. Start with the introction

  4. Use speech and living verbs.

  5. Do not forget the pointe

  6. Find a strong headline

㈢ 英语口语考看图说话应该怎么讲啊高手


㈣ 英语口语 看图说英文 ,每个图片一个内容。 共三个。求帮忙组织下,谢谢了!!!

1 this is a tiger, the king of animals. it is very strong, right? it lives in Asia 、Africa and America. it is usually lazy in the day time, for it almost sleeps all the time. it will never go hunting until it is really hungry. there used to be a lot of tigers in the world,but now it is a kind of animals in danger. take care of the rare animals, take care of our plant!

2 this a picture of Big Ben. it looks just the same as other clocks in the world. but in fact, things are not so simple. it was built in London hundreds of years ago, and now it is still standing there. it is an tourist attraction in the UK, and also a simble of the long history of the United Kingdom, just as the king of Bratain.

3 moutains and rivers seems everywhere in the world, but every mountain and every river has its own beauty, so every year, numbers of people come to different places to see different mountains and rivers. mountains and rivers in the picture are totally different from the real ones.
you don't have to see them when you want, all you need is to sit on the sofa,open them and enjoy yourself!


㈤ 急求一篇英语看图作文 口语考试两分钟

There are many different kinds of in the word,like juice,coke,milk,coffee,tea and so on.And my favorite drink is milk.Every day,no matter whether I thirsty,I drink a glass of milk. There is some sweet in it. When I drink milk,I like to eat some pieces of bread.bread is my favorite food.I usually eat bread as my breakfast.I think milk and bread are good for my health. 给分哦! 祝你考好版!权

㈥ 英语口语考试中看图说话的技巧有哪些



㈦ 继续英语口语看图说话的图片



㈧ 怎么搞定高考英语口试的《看图说话》呢

快速应答 / 情景问句
“What is more important,health or wealth?”
What does the Internet bring us, something good or something bad?
"girls go on a diet"
"development of transportation"
Who is your favourate sports hero? Why?
why should we preserve our triditional buildings when we recostruct shanghai?

㈨ 英语口语考试中的看图描述有什么万能句

第一句话:源look at the picture!然后用there be句型 中间可以的话 可以加:first next then 最后一句:what a goog boy/girl ..(最后一句用感叹句又简单又好)

㈩ 英语口试 看图说话 英语好的帮忙翻译一下

Picture 1 some students are discussing in the classroom.
Picture 2 One students is carrying a basin of flowers to the office.
Picture 3 There are two students in this picture, one is cleaning the car,the other is repairing the bike.
Picture 4 a girl who will give ta batch of flowers to the teacher,is talking to the teacher.



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