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发布时间:2021-03-16 00:20:35

『壹』 英语口语情景对话有关生病的


『贰』 在医院等候室碰见另外一个病人怎么进行英语口语情景对话

hey de, how R U diong?

en......not bad man.

how is going about ur patient's condition, hope so everything is fine for you.

cheers man!

『叁』 推荐几本英语场景对话的书 马上出国留学了 英语口语不行啊~~~~!!


『肆』 英语场景对话


Having A Dinner in A Restaurant

Waiter: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
Tom: No, we don''t.
Waiter: How many people are you together?
Tom: Just two persons. 来源:考试大
Waiter: Would you like to sit in smoking section, non-smoking section or whatever comes open first?
Tom: We prefer non-smoking section.
Waiter: Awfully sorry, there are no vacancies left now. Would you like to wait for a moment?
Tom: How long a wait do you think there''ll be?
Waiter: About eight minutes, I think.
Tom: OK, we will wait a while.
(Ten minutes later)
Waiter: I''m sorry for making you wait for so long. Now there is a table available in non-smoking section. Please follow me.
Tom: Thank you. 来源:考试大
Waiter: This is menu. Are you ready to order now?
Tom: Sorry, we haven''t decided yet. Could you please give us a little longer?
Waiter: No problem. 来源:考试大
Tom: Well, I think I would like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first. How about you, Jones.
Jones: The same for me, please.
Waiter: Yes, sir.
Jones: What main dish would you like, Tom?
Tom: Well, I''d like the sole, please. 来源:考试大
Jones: I''ll have the sirloin steak.
Waiter: Yes. What would you like to drink?
Jones: Red wine for me. And you, Tom?
Tom: I think I''ll have beer.
Jones: One goblet of red wine and one bottle of beer, please.
Waiter: Would you like a dessert?
Jones: What special kind of desserts do you have?
Waiter: Lemon pie, hot cake in syrup, chocolate sundae and custard pudding.
Tom: Well, I think we''ll order after we finish the main course.
Waiter: All right, I''ll bring the soup right away.

侍者:你们一共多少人? 来源:考试大
汤姆:对不起,我们还没决定要点什么,你再等一下好吗? 来源:考试大
汤姆:我喝啤酒。 来源:考试大


A:Congratulations!You're the 200m free style swimming champion.(祝贺您!成为了200米自由泳冠军。)

B:Thanks.I was in good form today.(谢谢。我今天状态很好。)

A:You're excellent!You've broken the world record.(真是太棒了!您打破了世界纪录!)

B:Yes.But I was lucky.(是的,我很幸运。)

A:Are you competing in any other events?(您有其他项目吗?)

B:The 400m free style and the 4*100m relay.(400米自由泳和4*100米接力。)

A:Good luck!You're the best swimmer in the world.(祝您好运吧!您是世界上最棒的游泳选手。)

B:Thank you.I will do my best.(谢谢。我会竭尽全力。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)

A:I'm LiMing,the Project Manager of the Sport Department of BOCOG.Nice to meet you.(我是北京奥组委体育部的项目主管李明。很高兴认识您。)

B:Nice to meet you too.I'm Tony Smith from the IOC.(我也很高兴认识您。我是国际奥委会的托尼-史密斯。)

A:Here's my business card.(这是我的名片。)

B:Thanks.This is mine.(谢谢。这是我的。)

A:Mr Smith,let me introce my colleagues to you.(史密斯先生,请允许我向您介绍我的同事们。)

B:OK.That's very kind of you.(好的。您真好。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A:May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)

B:Yes,please.Are you David from the IOC?(请进,您是国际奥委会的大卫吗?)


B:Nice to meet you.I'm Zhang Ning.Welcome to the Olympic Village.(见到您很高兴,我是张宁,欢迎来到奥运村。)

A:Thank you.I've been looking forward to visiting the Village.(谢谢,我一直期待着能来奥运村参观。)

B:Can I have a look at your Accreditation Card,please?(我能看看您的身份证注册卡吗?)

A:Sure.Here you are.(当然,给您。)

B:Ok.Let me show you around.(好了,让我带您四处转转吧。)

A:Great!Let's go.(好啊,我们走吧。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Beijing Olympic Tower is?(打扰一下,请问北京奥运大厦在哪?)

B: Well. It's on the North Fourth Ring Road.The address is 267 Beisihuanzhonglu,Haidian District.(嗯,在北四环,地址是海淀区北四环中路267号。)

A: How can I get there? Does any bus go there directly?(怎么才能到那呢?有直达的公交车吗?)

B: Yes. You can take the bus No.740.(有的。你可以乘坐740路公交车。)

A: Where is the bus stop?(公交车站在哪?)

B: Turn right at the second traffic lights.(第二个红绿灯往右拐。)

A: Where do I get off?(在哪站下?)

B: At the Beijing Chengshi Xueyuan Stop. You will be able to see the "Beijing 2008"logo on the Tower as soon as you step off the bus.(在北京城市学院那站下。您一下车就能看到大厦上的“Beijing 2008”标志。)

A: I've got it. Thank you.(我明白了,谢谢。)

B: You're welcome.(不客气。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A:Hello,this is David speaking.(您好,我是大卫。)

B:Hello,David!This is Peter.I have two basketball tickets for tonight.(您好,大卫!我是彼得。我有两张今天晚上的篮球票。)


B:Tonight.Would you like to come with me?(今天晚上。您愿意和我一起去看吗?)

A:I'd love to,but I have an important appointment.I'm really sorry.(我很愿意,但是我有个重要的约会。非常抱歉。)

B:That's all right.(没关系。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A:Good afternoon, sir.(下午好, 先生。)

B: Good afternoon.(下午好。)

A:Are you Mr Smith from the United States?(您是来自美国的史密斯先生吗?)

B:Yes,I am.(对,我是。)

A:Did you have a nice flight?(旅途愉快吗?)


A:Is this your first time to Beijing?(您是第一次来北京吗?)

B:Yes,I've been looking forward to coming to the Beijing Olympic Games.(是的。我一直期盼着来北京奥运会。)(奥运培训协调小组办公室)


A:Excuse me.Can you do me a favour?(对不起,您能帮我一个忙吗?)

B:Of course.(当然可以。)

A:Do you know where the nearest souvenir shop is?(您知道最近的纪念品商店在哪儿吗?)

B:There's one downstairs.(楼下就有一个。)

A:Thanks a lot.(谢谢。)

B:You're welcome.(不客气。)(奥运培训协调小组)


A:What would you like to have for dinner?(今晚你想吃点什么?)

B:How about some traditional Chinese food?(吃点儿传统中餐怎么样?)


B:It tastes good.What's this dish called?(这个很好吃,叫什么?)

A:This dish is called jiaozi or mplings.They are delicious,aren't they?(这是饺子,很好吃吧?)

B:Yes,really delicious.I'd like to have some more.(是的,太好吃了,再给我来点儿吧。)

A:No problem.We have a saying “no food is better than jiaozi”.Would you like something else?(没问题。我们中国人有句话说的是“好吃不过饺子”。还要点儿别的吗?)

B:That's enough.I'm almost stuffed.Cheers!(这就足够了,我快吃饱了。干杯!)



Let's go for a walk this evening.咱们晚上去散散步。


A:Let's meet this evening and go for a walk round Houhai Lake.(咱们今晚见面,然后绕后海湖散散步。)

B:Good idea.(好主意。)

A:We can have dinner there.There are lots of good restaurants all round the lakeside.(我们可以在那里吃晚饭。在湖边有很多好饭店。)

B:OK.What time is best for you?(好,什么时间对你最合适?)

A:Shall we meet at six this evening?Then we can take a taxi to Houhai.(我们今天晚上6点见面好吗?然后我们可以乘出租车去后海。)

B:That's good for me.See you then.(我可以。到时候见。)(竞报)


Have you visited other places in China?你去过中国的其他地方吗?


A:Have you visited other places in China?(你去过中国的其他地方吗?)

B:Yes,I've been to Shanghai and to Xi'an.(是的,我还去过上海和西安。)

A:So you know Shanghai and Xi'an quite well?(这么说你也很了解上海和西安了?)

B:No,not really.I only visited them once.(不,不太了解。我只到过那里一次。)

A:They're different to Beijing.(它们和北京不一样。)

B:Yes,I agree.But I prefer Beijing.It's my favourite place in China.(是的,我同意。但是我更喜欢北京。它是我最喜欢的中国城市。)(竞报)


Have you been to Beijing before?你以前来过北京吗?


A:Have you been to Beijing before?你以前来过北京吗?

B:Yes,I have.Many times.是的,来过。来过很多次。

A:Really.You must know it quite well.是吗?你一定非常了解北京。

B:Well,this is my sixth visit,I think.I get to know it a little bit more each time.哦,我想这是第六次来北京了。我一次比一次更了解它。

A:Six times!That's a lot. It's nearly your home city!六次!不少啊。差不多成了你的家乡了!(竞报)


I'm going to the Lama Temple with a friend.我要和一个朋友一起去喇嘛庙。


A:On Sunday I'm going to the Lama Temple with a friend.(周日我要和一个朋友一起去喇嘛庙。)

B:The Lama Temple?I've heard that is very interesting.(喇嘛庙?我听说那里非常有意思。)

A:Yes,it is.Would you like to come with us?(是的,是这样。你想和我们一起去吗?)

B:Yes,please.What time are you going?(想,带我一起去吧。你们什么时候去?)

A:About 10 o'clock in the morning.Is that ok for you?(大约上午10点。时间对你合适吗?)



I’m looking forward to the swimming events.(我期待着观看游泳项目。)


A:The Olympics will be really exciting.(这次奥运会是非常令人兴奋的。)

B:Yes. I’m looking forward to the swimming events.(是的,我期待着观看游泳项目。)

A:Me too. I love swimming.(我也是, 我非常热爱游泳


B: booking-office clerk
X: passenger 1
Y: passenger 2
Z: passenger 3

X: Excuse me. Is there any bus to Shanghai, please?
B: When?
X: Pardon?
B: I mean, when do you set out?
X: Ah, as soon as possible.
B: The earliest you can get is at 2o'clock this afternoon.(最早的是今天下午两点的。)
X: What? That's a little bit too late. Isn't there any earlier?
B: I'm sorry, but we're completely booked up this morning.
X: OK, then. 2pm. would be all right.
X: How much is the ticket?
B: 150 Yuan.
(150 块.)
X: I want a seat next to the window. For I have some carsickness.
Y: Excuse me. I'm in a hurry, so can't you just be a little......
X: OK, OK, just a second, please.
B: It's 150 Yuan, sir.
X: Here it is.
B: Thank you. It's exactly 150 Yuan. And it's your ticket. Next please.
Y: Is there any train to Nanjing, please? I want two.
B: Yes, of course. 10 am.Set out in 30 minutes.
Y: OK, I want two.
B: I see. 350 Yuan each. So, it's 700 altogether.
Y: Here it is.
B: Thank you, Madam. Here are your tickets. Have a nice journey. Next please.
Z: Excuse me, sir.
B: Yes? What can I help you?
Z: I have to get on the bus in ten minutes, but I just can't find it.
B: Show me your ticket.
Z: Here you are.
B: It's on the ground floor. Get out from the elevator, and you can see it on your left.
Z: Thank you very much, sir.
B: You're welcome, young man. Good luck.



『伍』 英语口语现在医院服务如何

How is the hospital service now?

『陆』 关于生病,看病的英语对话,越多越好

Patient: Good morning, doctor.
Doctor: good morning. What seems to be thetrouble?
Patient: I’m suffering from insomnia.
Doctor: How long have you had thisproblem?
Doctor: Three months.
Doctor: Have you take any medicine?
Patient: I tried some sleeping pills, butthey have done nothing for me.
Doctor: Do you have headaches?
Patient: Sometimes. I have no appetite andalways on the edge.
Doctor: Let me take your blood pressure. Youlook anemic. (Taking the patient’s blood pressure.)
Doctor: Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about.You are just a little exhausted from overwork.
Patient: What should I do then?
Doctor: I think you need more rest. Try toget outdoors more. Don’t strain yourself too much.
Patient: Thank you. Doctor. I’ll do as yousay.
Doctor: Here is the prescription for you. I’msure the medicine will cure your insomnia.
Patient: Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!
Doctor: Bye!

Dialogue Two (make an appointment for one’s familymember)

Mrs. Lee: Can I speak to Dr. Johnson, please?
Dr. Johnson: Yes. This is Dr. Johnson speaking. What can I do for you?
Mrs. Lee: Oh. This is Mrs. Lee. Please help me, Dr. Johnson.
Dr. Johnson: What’s the matter with you, Mrs. Lee?
Mrs. Lee: Oh, no, it’s not me. My son Bill is sick.
Dr. Johnson: What’s wrong with Bill?
Mrs. Lee: He has red spots on his arms, on his shoulders…
Dr. Johnson: Does he have red spots all over his body?
Mrs. Lee: Yes, he does.
Dr. Johnson: Does he have a fever?
Mrs. Lee: Yes, he does. This morning his temperature was 39 degrees incentigrade.
Dr. Johnson: Well, that’s too bad.
Mrs. Lee: What’s wrong with Bill? He cried all day long. I just can’t stop him.
Dr. Johnson: He has the measles.
Mrs. Lee: Measles? Oh, dear. Can you come and see him now?
Dr. Johnson: I’ m going to have an operation this morning. But I can come thisafternoon.
Mrs. Lee: Thank you, Dr. Johnson.
Dr. Johnson: Remember, you must keep him from scratching the spots.
Mrs. Lee: No, no. I won’t let him do that. See you then, doctor.
Dr. Johnson: Goodbye.
spot n. 斑点
shoulder n. 肩膀
fever n. 发烧,高烧
temperature n. 温度
centigrade n. 摄氏
measles n. 麻疹
operation n. 手术
scratch vt 抓,搔

Dialogue One (make anappointment with the doctor for oneself)
Clerk: Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson’s office. What can I do for you?
Mrs. Reed: Yes, this is Mrs. Reed. I’d like to make an appointment to see thedoctor this week.
Clerk: Well, let’s see. I’m afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Reed: How about Thursday?
Clerk: Sorry, but I have to say he is also occupied on Thursday. So, willWednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed?
Mrs. Reed: I have to work on Wednesday. By the way, is Dr. Johnson available onSaturday?
Clerk: I’m afraid the office is closed on weekends.
Mrs. Reed: well, what about Friday?
值班护士:星期五。让我查一下。太好了,约翰逊大夫本周星期五下午有空。Clerk: Friday. Let me have a check. Oh, great. Dr.Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week.
雷德太太: 很好。谢谢你。到时我会来的。
Mrs. Reed: That’s fine. Thank you, I’ll come then.
appointment [[5pRintm[nt] n. 预约
fully adv. 完全地,充分地
book vt 预定,预约
occupy vt 占据
available adj 可以见到的,有空的
check n. vt检查,查看
would like to 想要
make an appointment 预约
have to 不得不
by the way 顺便问一下
be available 有空,可以见到
see a doctor 看医生
Sentence Patterns
What can I do for you?
I’d like to make an appointment to see the doctor this week.
I’m afraid he is fully booked on Monday and Tuesday
Is Dr. Johnson available on Saturday?
Will Wednesday be O.K. for you, Mrs. Reed?
Dr. Johnson will be available on Friday afternoon this week.
Related Words
body 身体
head 头部
brain 脑
skull 颅骨
hair 头发
forehead 前额
temple 太阳穴

『柒』 医院里常用的治疗口语--英文

I have a sore thrit
you should drink lots of hot wate with honey!

『捌』 豪斯医生和实习医生格蕾哪个适合医学生学学医院用的英语口语就是那种涉及医院场景比较多的


『玖』 关于在医院的六年级英语口语对话

I Love Chinese
My name is ***,I come from ***primary school .Today my oration title is I love Chinese.
I am a Chinese,I shartto speak Chinese after Iwas born.Chinese is very interest to me,when I feal unhapy,Chinese may make me happy.There are many things in Chinese,like Tang poetry,a phonetic transcription.Many experts say that Chinese is the very important language in the world.I am pride that Ican speak Chinese.
In my Chinese studying.I also have
problems.For example,one day when Iwas on my way to shool.A old wowan call me back.She asked me to read a latter for her.I fond I have some Chinese character I daven't saw before.But I still love Chinese .
I think I can study Chinese well with my heard learning.
回答者:gujunxian198 - 魔法学徒 一级 4-26 23:24
提问者对于答案的评价:虽然结尾不很好,但前面不错。总之很感谢。评价已经被关闭 目前有 2 个人评价

100% (2) 不好
0% (0)

对最佳答案的评论 共 6 条
靠! 晕!
评论者: 838900512 - 试用期 一级
评论者: 525428818 - 试用期 一级
靠 这是小学生写的?! 真牛*
评论者: 第五美乐迪 - 试用期 一级

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其他回答 共 2 条
Today and tomorrow这篇不难的,可以参考下:)~~

Yesterday\'s Tomorrow is Today,Tomorrow\'s Yesterday is Today,Today ,as a bridge,is more important,so Do Cherish Today!

Today is the first day of new week.Not a good begin I think ,I lose something and feel so sad, I know I am growing up.Never look back ,cherish what I have now and make my future brighter!! I should learnt how to live how to deal with thing and learn to do everything as a infant. The world changes so quickly!! People change so quickly, just find I am so puerility that didn\'t know how to deal well with the relationship between people and made myself so hard. I think I am a simple boy but frankly I find I think too much and most of the thing I thought will never happen.

Anyway! Don\'t worry Be happy!! You have so many great friends!! Life is so beautiful!! The world is waiting for you ! Get it !!

Music Classroom (Grade Six) 六年级演讲稿

Last Friday was really not my day. Do you want to know why? All right, let me tell you why it was not my day. First of all, my music teacher asked me to see her in the music classroom. I got there on time, but saw no one in the classroom. So I thought I might as well play around with the musical instruments. As I looked around the classroom, there were a piano beside the door, and drums, flutes, saxophones etc. sitting on the table. I was bored and walked around touching any instrument that I could touch. To be honest, I wasn’t really interested in anything at that time.
Then all of the sudden, Susan, one of my classmates, showed up in the classroom, and she really was a pill. She looked at me and started yelling at me for touching a saxophone. I was totally shocked by her shouts.
What’s more, she acted like she’s my mother or something! I probably knew more about music than she did. I got very, very, very upset. I said to her, “why don’t you mind your own business?” “Go away!” And next time you should never surprise people like that way.
Then she kept saying it wasn’t her fault and …... I guessed it was no point of talking to her. I thought she’s just so impolite and arrogant that I couldn’t stand a second with her in the same room. I left the message on the board for the teacher and walked directly out the classroom.
In the hallway, I met John who likes Susan very much. I questioned him how he could get along with her. He just told me she is beautiful, talented, friendly etc… Well, I didn’t want to argue with John. My brain told me to shut up and forgot about that girl. I told John, “hey, stop talking about her, let’s go playing basketball, all right!”
回答者:020510101 - 高级经理 六级 4-26 23:05
Hello! My name is ....
I'm nine.

I study in WZ children arts school.

I'm in Class one Grade three .

I like French fries、 chicken、 hot dog and


I don't like hamburger、cake and bread.

I like juice、Coke、coffee and milk.

I don't like water and tea.

I can sing this song in English.

Dinner Time

Chicken and fries, Smell the chicken,

Chicken and fries, Taste the fries.

What a surprise! Dinner is ready,

Chicken and fries, Open your eyes!

New Beijing, Great Olympics

——Greener Beijing 2008 Olympics

I still remember the excitement of July 13, 2001. It’s a big day for Beijing because it is the hosting city of Olympics 2008!

“Beijing won!” “We won!”

Upon hearing the news, my parents and I clapped hands and cheered with joy.

“Hooray!” “Great!”

Many Chinese, old and young, male and female, went to Chang’an Street to celebrate the victory, all very happy with the result. After all, it came after our defeat by Sydney years before.

We Chinese have got the chance this time through our repeated efforts. We Chinese have also shown the world we can host the Great Olympics 2008 with Greener Beijing.

In my mind Greener Beijing means blue sky, clean water and green land.

These years our city has been doing everything possible and trying hard to build a green Beijing for the coming 2008 Olympics. Now more trees are planted. Grass and flowers grow well to add the beauty to the city. People can breathe fresh air. The government has decided no environmental pollution will occur in building and operating Olympic stadiums and projects.

It is reported that 14100 tons of garbage are proced every day in Beijing. Experts suggest earthworms should be used to help handling the garbage because they can eat some wastes. This method has already been a success ring Sydney Olympics2000. Garbage recollection has also developed. Many volunteers gather and work together for Greener Beijing. They say to the public, “Don’t litter. Don’t spit. Don’t use disposable chopsticks.”

We students and citizens should bear in mind to protect the environment. Try not to use the plastic bag and even the paper cards. We can use the cloth bag and E-cards in Internet instead. We should recollect the wasted batteries and paper. We should also save the energy and use more solar energy in our life.

Through our joint efforts, Beijing will become a garden city. In the daytime, people can smell the fragrant flowers in the air. Birds can be heard chirping and singing in the trees. In the evening, children can sit on the lawn to count stars in the blue sky.

In 2008, players can achieve a great success in Olympics Games under such comfortable environment. People will live a healthy and happy life in Greener Beijing.

I’m looking forward to the day. Let’s work together! I believe Greener Beijing will impress the whole world!















回答者:chq0621 - 首席运营官 十二级 4-26 23:29

&;2007 Bai



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