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发布时间:2021-03-15 20:03:25

1. 适合朗诵的英语小短文!初二水平两分钟内,口语比赛用!

How time flies ,It has past half an month since beginning of the summer holiday .
As the weather getting hotter and hotter ,my parent and me go to the seaside .Last week we are go to the Xiamen.It's a beautiful city , bule sky and bule sea .The Xiamen is an island neal the Taiwan .From top of the Riguan rock we can see jinmen island .
We spent a happy day in Xiamen .


My mother<人教英语初一翻译法>
My mother is xx.She is of medium build and is of medium height(这是第七单元的最新语法).She isn't very good-looking(用于修饰人,而beautiful大用于修饰物或动物),but I think she is really very pretty(这不仅是漂亮,还有在心里的善良等好性情,也有聪明的意思).She loves laughing(love to do sth.一般表示一段时间类喜欢做的事),and she also hopes I have the same bright smile.She is ordinary,(common虽普遍,但英语中有粗俗的意思,容易引起异议)she's a teacher.She teaches me to be strong and teaches me how to be a true man from my yonth(这里指青年时代).She let me free so I have a lovely life,and I remember I had a lovely childhood,too.She is always very good-tempered.
I am thinkful to her for everything. I will never forget her.
When she is old,I'll take good care of her.

2. 适合英语口语比赛的小故事

The Thirsty Pigeon口渴的鸽子
A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she fell to the ground, and was caught by one of the bystanders.

Zeal should not outrun discretion.

3. 中学英语口语比赛(2分钟左右)

说实话,学英语抄没什么好方袭法,电视上那些大都没用,开始学英语时,觉得难是正常的,单词要靠记忆,哥有绝招:快速看一下单词,闭眼睛想想它是怎么拼的,如果一下就回忆出来,就记住了,先从短的单词入手,再记长的.单词记住了再组成短语就不难了。 推荐你去我现在上的在这家看看。

4. 两分钟英语小故事

A Brother Like That

A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile
from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve
when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin[1] was
walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.

"Is this your car, Mister?" he said.

Paul nodded. "My brother gave it to me for Christmas."
The boy was astounded[2]. "You mean your brother gave it
to you and it didnt cost you nothing? Boy, I wish . . ."
He hesitated.

Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He
was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the
lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels.

"I wish," the boy went on, "That I could be a brother
like that."

Paul looked at the boy in astonishment[3], then
impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my

"Oh yes, Id love that."

After a short ride, the boy turned with his eyes aglow
[4], said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad
wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride
home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again. "Will
you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked.

He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Paul heard
him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was
carrying his little crippled[5] brother. He sat him down
on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him
[6] and pointed to the car.

"There she is, Buddy[7], just like I told you
upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it
didnt cost him a cent. And some day Im gonna give you
one just like it . . . then you can see for yourself all
the pretty things in the Christmas windows that Ive been
trying to tell you about."

Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of
his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside
him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride.
That Christmas Eve, Paul learned what Jesus meant when
he said: "It is more blessed to give[8] . . . "

--Dan Clark


1.urchin:淘气鬼,顽童,尤其是指男孩子。比如,a street

语态。He was astounded at the news.那消息让他大吃一惊。

3.in astonishment:和in surprise意思差不多,表示很惊讶。但



6.squeezed up against him:squeeze是挤压的意思,在这里,很


8.It is more blessed to give:施比受更有福。给予是一种幸
















5. 求一个英语口语比赛的自我展示的故事,我要拿来去演讲,速度,2分钟以内的

Hello everybody,today,im happy to be here to take part in this english competion .first let me introce myself,my name is Mary ,I come fromNO.4 middle school,i like play tennis ,table tennis and so on,i love sports very much ,and im good at study too.i always help pepple to do some simple things ,im interested in helping my classmates and parents,im a sun boy (girl),as well as optimistic person,this is my situtation,im gald that you can remember me,thank you .
祝你天天快乐 O(∩_∩)O

6. 初二英语比赛 小故事 两分钟左右 求助

The Wolf and the Lamb

WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf's right to eat him. He thus addressed him:"Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me." "Indeed," bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, "I was not then born." Then said the Wolf , "You feed in my pasture." "No, good sir," replied the Lamb, "I have not yet tasted grass." Again said the Wolf, "You drink of my well." "No," exclaimed the Lamb, "I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother's milk is both food and drink to me." Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, "Well! I won't remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations."

The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.




7. 小学英语口语大赛用的英语故事(3分钟左右)

Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。

There was once a shepherd to the sheep and found that the sheep pen was broken, someone advised him to fill the hollow as soon as possible, he did not listen, the next day the sheep indeed stolen. So he finally sheep pen good repair.




8. 二分钟左右英语小故事 五年级水平 口语比赛

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in a little village. My friend and proud father Bobby Lewis was taking his two little boys to play miniature golf. He walked to theticket counter and said, "How much is it to get in?"

young man replied, "$3.00 for you and $3.00 for any kid who is older than six. We let them in free if they are six or younger. How old are they?"

Bobby replied, "one is three and the other is seven, so I guess I owe you $6.00."

The man at the ticket counter said, "Hey, You could have saved yourself three bucks. You could have told me that the older one was six; I wouldn't have known the difference." Bobby replied, "Yes, that may be true, but the kids would have known the difference."

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "Who you are speaks so loudly I can't hear what you're saying." In challenging times when ethics are more important than ever before, make sure you set a good example for everyone you work and live with.







9. 英语小故事(两分钟左右)

Last week, Mrs Black went to London. She didn’t know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop. She went up to the man and said, “Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?” The man smiled. He didn’t know English! He came from Germany. But then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out an English dictionary. He looked up some words. Then he said slowly, “I’m sorry I can’t understand you.” 上周,布莱克夫人去了一趟伦敦。她不太熟悉伦敦,结果她迷路了。突然她在一个公共汽车站附近看见一位男子。她急忙向这位男子走去,说道:“劳驾您一下!请您告诉我去医院的路,好吗?”这位男子笑了。他听不懂英语。他来自德国。但是他将手伸进了自己的衣袋里,从里面掏出了一本英语词典。他查找到了一些单词。然后他一字一句地说:“我很抱歉我听不懂你说的话。” Dick was seven years old, and his sister, Catherine, was five. One day their mother took them to their aunt's house to play while she went to the big city to buy some new clothes. The children played for an hour, and then at half past four their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nice cake and a knife and said to him, "Now here's a knife, Dick. Cut this cake in half and give one of the pieces to your sister, but remember to do it like a gentleman." "Like a gentleman?" Dick asked. "How do gentlemen do it?" "They always give the bigger piece to the other person." answered his aunt at once. "Oh" said Dick. He thought about this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his sister and said to her,"Cut this cake in half, Catherine.". 迪克年龄七岁,他的妹妹凯瑟琳五岁。一天,妈妈把他们带到姨妈家去玩,自己就到大城市去买些新的衣服。 孩子们玩了个把小时,在四点半的时候,姨妈领着迪克走进了厨房。她交给迪克一块精美的蛋糕和一把刀子,并对他说:“喏,迪克,给你刀子,把这块蛋糕一切为二,给你妹妹一块。不过,你得记住要做得像一个绅士那样。” 迪克问:“像一个绅士?绅士怎样做呢?” 他姨妈马上回答说:“绅士总是把大的一块让给别人的。” 迪克说了一声“噢”。他对此想了一会,然后,他把蛋糕拿给妹妹,并对她说:“凯瑟琳,你来把这块蛋糕一切为二吧 到网络上搜搜也行,我也参加过英语故事比赛,最好找故事中对话多一点的,这样能读出感情来

10. 2分钟英语小故事

Last week, Mrs Black went to London. She didn’t know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop. She went up to the man and said, “Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please?” The man smiled. He didn’t know English! He came from Germany. But then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out an English dictionary. He looked up some words. Then he said slowly, “I’m sorry I can’t understand you.”

Fox and cock
One morning a fox sees a cock.He
think,"This is my breakfast.''
He comes up to the cock and says,"I know
you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''The
cock is glad.He closes his eyes and begins
to sing.The fox sees that and caches him in his mouth and carries him away.
The people in the field see the fox.They cry,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''The cock says to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''
The fox opens his mouth and says,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock runs away from the fox and flies into the tree.



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