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发布时间:2021-03-15 10:25:01

Ⅰ 英语口语:介绍一个二战中的英雄


Ⅱ 关于英雄的口语对话

Who would be called hero?
In my oppinion, Huangjiguang is a real hero.
Beacuse he contibuted his life to win the battle

Ⅲ 英语口语考试,五人小组对话,题目:每个人心中的英雄(急求啊,采纳后有追加奖赏!)


Ⅳ 几个英文词 请诸位英雄翻译一下

79.3 seventy-nine point three
0.67 zero point six seven
5+3= five and/plus three is/equals
6-2= six minus two is/equals
2*3= two times/multiplied by three is/equals
9/2= nine divided by two is/equals
1068年 one thousand and sixty-eight/ten sixty-eight
1700年 one thousand and seven hundred

Ⅳ 英语口语考试,五人小组对话,题目:每个人心中的英雄(急求啊)


Ⅵ 英语口语-Hero


A Hero (Greek: ἥρως), in Greek mythology and folklore, was originally a demi-god, the offspring of a mortal and a deity.[1] Later, hero (male) and heroine (female) came to refer to characters that, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self-sacrifice, that is, heroism, for some greater good, originally of martial courage or excellence but extended to more general moral excellence.

The literal meaning of the word is "protector", "defender" or "guardian" and etymologically it is thought to be cognate with the name of the goddess Hera, the guardian of marriage; the postulated original forms of these words being *ἥρFως, hērwōs, and *ἭρFα, Hērwā, respectively. It is also thought to be a cognate of the Latin verb servo (original meaning: to preserve whole) and of the Sanskrit verb haurvaiti (to keep vigil over), although the original Proto-Indoeuropean root is unclear.

It has been suggested in an article by Roma Chatterji that the hero or more generally protagonist is first and foremost a symbolic representation of the person who is experiencing the story while reading, listening or watching; thus the relevance of the hero to the indivial relies a great deal on how much similarity there is between the two. The idea of "identifying" with the hero takes on a very real meaning, in that the hero/protagonist becomes our only key to becoming part of the story rather than remaining merely an observer. If the hero is one with which the observer can't identify very well, the story can seem inaccessible, distant or even insincere. Conversely, insomuch as the reader or viewer relates to and is therefore capable of becoming the hero, they can feel pangs of remorse at the hero's defeats, and relish in his or her triumphs.

The most compelling reason for the hero-as-self interpretation of stories and myths is the human inability to view the world from any perspective but a personal one. The almost universal notion of the hero or protagonist and its resulting hero identification allows us to experience stories in the only way we know how: as ourselves.

One potential drawback of the necessity of hero identification means that a hero is often more a combination of symbols than a representation of an actual person. In order to appeal to a wide range of indivials, the author often relegates the hero to a "type" of person which everyone already is or wishes themselves to be: a "good" person; a "brave" person; a "self-sacrificing" person. The most problematic result of this sort of design is the creation of a character so universal that we can all identify with somewhat, but none can identify with completely. In regard to the observer's personal interaction with the story, it can give the feeling of being "mostly involved," but never entirely.



Ⅶ “英雄所见略同”的英文口语是什么

既然是说话就一定要看语境,看你在和几个人说。口语不是写作不能死搬硬套句子。比如说和你说话的只有一个人你就可以说"two great minds think alike." 这样就可以强调是你们两个。如果你是在和好几个朋友在讨论问题就可以只说"great minds think alike"这样就人人都算在内了。最后要说的是学习口语一定要活用。

Ⅷ 英雄的英文是什么


读音:英 ['hɪərəʊ] 美 ['hɪro]

1、n.英雄;豪杰 [C]

英文解释:person who is admired by many people for doing sth brave or good

This story figures the growth of a hero.


2、男主角,男主人公 [C]

英文解释:the main male character in a story, novel, film / movie etc.

The hero has to save his girlfriend who has been taken away by a bad man.




读法:英 ['kaʊəd] 美 ['kaʊɚd]


1、I know that imprisonment will be harder for me than it has ever been for anyone, filled with cowardly threats and hideous cruelty.


2、I am not a bad woman at bottom,it is not cowardliness and gluttony that have made me what I am.



Noël Coward编剧诺埃尔·考沃德

coward d胆怯者 ; 胆小鬼 ; 懦夫 ; 懦弱的人

Nol Coward科沃德

Coward Angrily胆小鬼愤然道

Coward unit考华德维生素D单位

T coward太空摇滚

Ⅸ 帮忙写关于英雄的英语短对话,3分钟以内的

A:hey,you‘re always so early for history classes.
B: yeah, i'm pretty interested with these heroes.
A:ohh. then which one you are interested most?
B:well.. let me see...it shall be barack obama!
A:barack obama! I thougt it would be Lincoln!
B;well...he is so talented, it's said that all of his speech drafts were prepared by himself. and he is an amiable president, was there any other presidents who have showed up in variety shows?
A well, but has this anything to do with history?
B, every American president, you know, shall be recorded in history!
A well...that's it.



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