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发布时间:2021-03-14 22:10:21

1. 翻译一句英语,请口语化一些

呵呵 我说怎么这码熟悉

女马哟,搞忘了, 老子该怎么把这个pi东西寄出去哦!

2. 口语化英语翻译


make sense是有意义的意思
make no sense 就是没意义,没作用

3. 英语翻译,口语化英语翻译,越简单越好,


4. 求较为口语化的英语翻译

During the period of school served as school student cadre, for my school organization federation propaganda department and news center minister. Involved in organizing and planning for many large-scale activity, it is precisely because of this experience make me have good communication and coordination ability.
In the professional practice class showed excellent, manifests the good beginning ability, can not familiar with parts of some on the divergent thinking and the lines.
With pleasure in 2010 Shanghai world expo was elected as a volunteer, and in April expo 2010 congress of the volunteers, volunteers sworn coordination rehearsal and order maintenance. August in the park, experienced ring the work for three consecutive days, 39 degrees high temperatures and 57W large passenger flow test. Cultivate self willpower and responsibility, leave me a memorable experience.
Here I would like to special mention ring school in FSAE project, we together from scratch, never understand to self designing and manufacturing a race car and participated in the first held in China FSAE contest. During our own seek teacher's guidance, and other participating schools exchanges, oneself contact suppliers and manufacturers. Greatly improves oneself start work ability, and teamwork.

5. 英语翻译 口语化

Hope you back to work and life from holiday with an easing heart.
Stay in touch!

6. 帮忙翻译成口语化的英文。


7. 翻译一下(口语化)[翻成英语]

I reckon everybody knows Ke Nan, the cartoon character in " Ke Nan, the famous detective" , although it is not a true story, I nevrtheless admire him and he is the hero in my eyes. Ke Nan, who is a detective of senior school students, always calmly probes his cases without any impulse. Being a detective, he never hurts any prisoners, as he said: " I am a detective, if I hurt a prisoner, am I not precisely a prisoner myself? Ke Nan influences me a great deal. I consider him to be the hero in my eyes. I respect him. Therefore, I want to be like him.He calmly tackles any matters and never hurts anyone. This help me to become mature a lot. The person that I want to thank is Ke Nan. Perhaps, many students say Ke Nan is fictitious and is not real. But I consider his spirit is real, regardless of whether or not he is a true or invented character.

8. 请帮我翻译成英文一下 尽量口语化(翻译好的追加50分了!)

My English is not quite good now,
but I can communicate with my clients with some basic vocabularies,
I've travelled with a friend from Norway (注意这里没有逗号)
so basic communication is not a big problem.
I believe that "life is too short for a wrong job" (依然没有逗号)
so I think the job you provide to me is quite appropriate (没逗号)
and I think I'm able to join your company and do my job perfectly.
I hope that I can have a opportunity of interview.
Thank you



9. 英文翻译,口语化一些

You often say thanks to me.
Please don't say thanks to me in future.
I sent you those gifts 'cause I consider you as my friend.
Isn't it fun to be in China? Just remeber to come here a lot when you finish your movie. Work hard, buddy.


10. 翻译成英文,要简单,口语化,谢谢!

Teachers should have what basic qualities, skills

One, have good moral quality

The virtue of teachers is a teacher the most basic and most important quality, want to be successful in students' quality ecation, teachers must strengthen their own moral integrity, to become a model student. Because in the whole quality of teachers ' morality in the leading position, is the soul. Teachers' personality on students with influence character by environment effect, therefore, teachers should pay attention to their own moral self-cultivation, upright style, elegant taste, broad-minded, such, students will be respected, beloved by teachers from the bottom of my heart to accept ecation, then internalizes for own knowledge ability and consciousness, this is the quality ecation requirement.

Two, have rich cultural knowledge

Solid system of professional knowledge is constituted of teachers" teaching " basic content. English is the primary school English teachers' professional, engaged in primary school English teaching teacher, master professional knowledge in English is adapted to English teaching. Although the primary school English teaching content is some basic knowledge and basic skills, but if the teacher is not solid, systematic professional knowledge in English is very difficult for primary school English teaching. English specialized knowledge in general refers to the English language, the cultural content, including accurate and fluent in English pronunciation and intonation, some close to children's life vocabulary, grammar and style of firm knowledge as well as domestic and English national historical geography, customs, traditions, social system, political structure, values and other fields cultural knowledge. Master the professional knowledge is the primary school English teachers must possess the professional knowledge.

Three, have good teaching ability

Evaluation of teachers teaching ability is the core ability. It refers to how teachers teach skills, specifically refers to the teachers in the teaching design, classroom activities, teaching organization and operation in class and outside class and fully display the English language in communication tool capacity. Teaching English to children in a large extent by the class characteristics, student age and language level restrict, teachers should not only have always understood the class requirements, and according to the teaching content design and corresponding teaching activities, help yourself effectively organize classroom activities in order to achieve better teaching effect. Of course, because English is the Chinese students' foreign language, to make students understand what to do and how to do the first step is the teaching of teachers, teacher's classroom instruction is not clear and let students feel at a loss to make English teaching becomes empty. According to the students the physical, psychological characteristics in teaching should fully embody the Humanistic Language teaching. In addition to know how to teach, the more you know why the aim of teaching. So the psychology and pedagogy, theory of knowledge. Especially the children's knowledge of psychology of primary school English teachers is particularly important. The English teacher should study and master the teaching of the general law and basic teaching principles teaching organization, familiar with the steps and measures, the theory of English teaching and ecation, psychological theory, to improve the teaching ability of organization and the ability of teaching practice.



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