导航:首页 > 英语口语 > 鞋店英语销售常用口语


发布时间:2021-03-14 20:54:54

1. 请帮我翻译一些鞋店的日常销售英语

Welcome to our store. Many styles of the shoes we have here have discounts. Please select at your leisure and feel free to try on any pair you would like.

Which type of shoes would you like, boots, heels, or casual shoes?

All our prices are set by the company and are the same at all the stores of our chain. Prices cannot be change. These're the lowest possible prices.

How about if you buy this pair of shoes, I open a VIP card for you. When you make purchases at our stores the next time, you can use the card to enjoy special discounts, which give you 20% disount the first time, 30% the second time, and 40% the third time.

This style is very graceful and elegant. It goes with all kinds of outfits and the most trendy right now. It looks very good on you.

Have you decided to buy this pair? You have very good taste. This style of ours is very popular.

Our shoes are made of calf/lamb skins. You can rest assure with the quality.

Hello, sir/miss, which size do you wear? How does this pair feel? It is the right size?

Here's your change. Thank you for shopping here. Please come back soon. Be careful on your way out.

2. 服装导购常用英语口语

这些嘛,你可以直接找些例句去背。因为你是有明确范围的,所以其实死记硬专背一下也是可以的。 例如属: what kind of colour do you have?有哪些颜色? Can you get me a bigger/smaller one?可以帮我换件大/小点的吗? Do you have anything like this of my/her/his size?这个款式有我/她/他的尺码吗? Can you show me some……可以拿……给我看吗?

3. 求服装销售类常用英语口语。

clothes 衣服,服装
wardrobe 服装
clothing 服装
habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装
ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes 成衣
garments 外衣
town clothes 外衣
double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣
suit 男外衣
dress 女服
tailored suit 女式西服
everyday clothes 便服
three-piece suit 三件套
trousseau 嫁妆
layette 婴儿的全套服装
uniform 制服
overalls 工装裤
rompers 连背心的背带裤
formal dress 礼服
tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服
evening dress 夜礼服
dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服
nightshirt 男式晚礼服
dinner jacket 无尾礼服 (美作:tuxedo)
full dress uniform 礼服制服
frock coat 双排扣长礼服
gown, robe 礼袍
tunic 长袍
overcoat 男式大衣
coat 女大衣
topcoat 夹大衣
fur coat 皮大衣
three-quarter coat 中长大衣
st coat 风衣
mantle, cloak 斗篷
poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)
sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克
pelisse 皮上衣
jacket 短外衣夹克
anorak, ffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣
hood 风帽
scarf, muffler 围巾
shawl 大披巾
knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾
fur stole 毛皮长围巾
muff 皮手筒
housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:ster)
short dressing gown 短晨衣
bathrobe 浴衣
nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣
pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas)
pocket 衣袋
lapel (上衣)翻领
detachable collar 假领,活领
wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领
V-neck V型领
sleeve 袖子
cuff 袖口
buttonhole 钮扣孔
shirt 衬衫
blouse 紧身女衫
T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫
vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt)
polo shirt 球衣
middy blouse 水手衫
sweater 运动衫
synthetic fabric 混合纤维
acryl 压克力
polyester 伸缩尼龙
nylon 尼龙
worsted 呢料
cashmere 羊毛
patterns 花样
tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan)
dot 圆点花
stripe 条纹
flower pattern 花纹花样
veil 面纱
short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫
roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫
round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫
suit, outfit, ensemble 套服
twinset 两件套,运动衫裤
jerkin 猎装
kimono 和服
ulster 一种长而宽松的外套
jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣
cardigan 开襟毛衣
mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣
trousers 裤子
jeans 牛仔裤
short trousers 短裤
knickers 儿童灯笼短裤
knickerbockers 灯笼裤
plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤
braces 裤子背带 (美作:suspenders)
turnup 裤角折边,挽脚
breeches 马裤
belt 裤带
skirt 裙子
divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤
underskirt 内衣
underwear, underclothes 内衣裤
underpants, pants 内衣裤 (美作:shorts)
briefs 短内裤,三角裤
panties 女短内裤
knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤
brassiere, bra 乳罩
corselet 紧身胸衣
stays, corset 束腰,胸衣
waistcoat 背心
slip, petticoat 衬裙
girdle 腰带
stockings 长袜
suspenders 袜带 (美作:garters)
suspender belt 吊袜腰带 (美作:garter belt)
socks 短袜
tights, leotard 紧身衣裤
handkerchief 手帕
bathing trunks 游泳裤
bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣
bikini 比基尼泳衣
apron 围裙
pinafore (带护胸)围裙
shoe 鞋
sole 鞋底
heel 鞋后跟
lace 鞋带
moccasin 鹿皮鞋
patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋
boot 靴子
slippers 便鞋
sandal 凉鞋
canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋
clog 木拖鞋
galosh, overshoe 套鞋
glove 手套
tie 领带 (美作:necktie)
bow tie 蝶形领带
cravat 领巾
cap 便帽
hat 带沿的帽子
bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽
top hat 高顶丝质礼帽
Panama hat 巴拿马草帽
beret 贝蕾帽
peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽
broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽
headdress 头饰
turban 头巾
natural fabric 天然纤维
cotton 棉
silk 丝
wool 毛料
linen 麻

4. 关于销售英文方面的一些简单口语!

1.hello ladies/ gentleman please have a look of our newset selections/procts.

2.elenven pounds -11
one hundred eleven and one pounds -111
a thounsand a hundred ,eleven and one pound -1111

27 -twenty seven inches
28-twenty eight inches
29-twenty nine inches
30-thirty inches
31-thirty one inches
32-thirty tow inches
33-thiry three inches
34-thirty four inches
35-thirty five inches
36-thirty six inches
-thirty seven inches
38-thirty eight inches


size -号码,尺寸

39-thirty nine
41-fourty one
42-fourty two
43-fourty three

5.休闲裤-track suite
外套- coat


1 点- one'o clock
2 点-two'o clock
3 点-three'o clock
4 - four'o clock
5 -five 'o clock
6- six'o clock
7 -seven'o clcok
8 -eight 'o c lcok
9- nine'o clcok
10 -ten'o clcok


go straight and then turn right

8- take care

9-please pay to the counter

10-1500- a tounsand and five hundred pounds please

然后记得要说thank you

老外有时很狡猾,爱何人砍价, 还有时候态度很不好,别理他们。
11-eleven'o clcok
12-twelve'o clcok

5. 急求关于鞋店卖鞋流程的英语对话~~

W:Hello,what can I do for you,sir?
S:I want a pair of fashion shoes.
W:OK.What about this one?It is made of cotton.You can walk a long way with it.And you feel comfortable.
S:That sounds really good.Iwill buy it.How much is it?
W:It is XXXX.
S:OK.Here is the money.

6. 服装销售的常用英语

I help you?
Can I be of any assistance to you?
How may I help you?
What can I do for you?
Can I help you find something?
Is something waiting on you?
Is there anything I can help you with?
There is a mirror over there.
The changing room is over there.
If you need help,I'll be right here .
Just call me if you need any help. My name is ...
If I can be of any help, just let me know.
What kind are you looking ?
Would you like to have any particular brand?
Do you have something specific in mind?
What size, please?
What colour would you like?
Are you looking for any special colour?
What pattern would you like?
What material do you prefer?
How do you think of the design?
This is just your size.
I've got the colour you're looking for .
I've got exactly what you need.
May I recommend this new design to you?
That's on sale today
Do you need anything else?
What else can I do for you?
Is there anything else I can interest you in?
Do you need anything to go with that?
Is there anything else I can get for you?
Is there anything I can help you with?
Where do you have ties?
Where is the men's clothing department?
Where is the ladies' wear?
Where is the shoe department?
Where can I find childern's clothes?
Is there a public rest room here?
Where is the book corner?
I'am looking for the stationery section
Do you carry Nike bags?
What sort of accessories do you have?
I want to buy a white shirt
I'm looking for some wool sweaters
I'd like to buy some ties
I want to buy bathing suit
I don't know my size
Would you measure my waist,please?
I need a belt.
I need a pair of socks.
I need some jeans
I'm looking for some gifts for my wife.
I need something for my husband.
I'am just browsing
Thank you.I am just looking.
Just looking
I'll look around some more.
I'll try some other place, thank you very much.
I'd like to see some skirts.
Please show me some ties.
Can you show me that one in the case?
I like that one , would you show it to me?
Do you have this in black?
May I see some dark-blue ones?
May i see some others in a different colour?
What other colours do you have?
Don't you have any plain colour ones?
Do you have any other design?
Do you have this jacket in a smaller size?
Do you have something just a bit bigger?
Do you have this in size 11?
Have you got more expensive ones?
Have you got anything cheaper?
Will you show me one with a better quality?
Is this bag strongly made?
Is it shrink proof ?
What's it made of ?
What kind of leather is it?
Do you have any 100 percent silk dresses?
Do you have any wool ties?
Is the fabric silk?
Do you have gold accessories?
Is this ring made of gold?
I would like to try these shoes on
do you mind if i try it on ?
may i try this suit on ?
where is the fitting room?
how many items can i take into the dressing room?
it will go with just about anything .
That suits you very well.
That looks great on you.
this is you.
that's your size.
that's very flattering .
that really flatters your figure.
this one is more rable than that one.
that's the most popular brand.
this is good for the price.
that is very reasonable .
it's a good buy.
this style has just come onrto the market.
these are on sale.
it's awfully expensive.
Don't you have cheaper ones?
Please show me some less expensive ones?
Can you make it a little cheaper?
Is that your last price?
Can't you come down just a bit more?
I'll buy it if it's 50.
I'll buy them all together if you give me a discount.
Sorry,we don't have that in your size.
We don't have the colour you like.
sorry,but we are out of that kind of ties.
We don't have any woolen ones,would you like to see some cotton ones?
This jacket doesn't fit me.
it seems to be a little too big.
i don't like the colour.
it's too big .
it's too loose.
it's too small.
it's too tight.
it's too expensive.
is it on sale?
will it be on sale soon?
can you hold it for me ?
do you take credit?
can i apply for a credit card?
would you please gift wrap that?
can i get if wrapped?
may i get this gift wrapped?
is there a charge for gift wrapping?
check out.
let me ring that up for you.
Mind your steps!
欢迎光临! Welcome!
我可以为您服务吗? Hello, May I help you?
给您买还是给别人买? Is it for you or for others?
给男孩还是女孩? For boy or girl?
他/她多大了? How old is he/she?
It's a lot of styles here, you can pick out yourself, check these out, which is your favorite?
请问想买T恤还是牛仔裤? Excuse me, would you like T-shirt or jeans?
这件您喜欢吗? Do you like this one? / How about this one?
您喜欢这个款式吗? Do you like this design?
您喜欢什么颜色? What color do you like?
我们有红色、浅蓝和白色。We have red, light blue and white!
这个颜色怎么样? What about this color?
您穿多大型号? What is your size?
我找一件给您试试好吗? May I pick one that you can fit on?
您可以试试。 You can try it on!
这个尺码穿得合身吗? Is this size fit you? / Is this your size?
试衣间在那里。 The fitting-room is over there!
请随我来。 Please follow me!
这件衬衣配你的裤子。 This shirt can match your pants.
这件看起来很好! This one looks good!
合适吗? Does it fit?
它非常适合您。 It fits you very well.
您穿着真漂亮。 You look beautiful in.
大号现在没货了。 Queen-size is not stored now!
明天下午能到。 It's available tomorrow afternoon.
这款很受欢迎。 This design is popular.
它很畅销。 It sells like hot cake.
多少钱? How much is it? / What’s the price? / How much does it cost?
五十九元。 It’s fifty-nine yuan.
太贵了。 It’s too expensive.
纯棉面料,穿起来舒服。 The material is pure cotton. It's comfortable to wear.
这种材料质量很好。 This material is good quality and holds quite well.
品质优良。 Quality is excellent/ superior/ very good/ fine.
物有所值。 You will get what you pay for. / It’s good value for money.
我可以给你打八折。 I can give you a 20% discount.
这款打完扣是48元。 Its price is fourty-eight after rebate.
不用谢。(这是我的职责) It's mypleasure.
欢迎下次光临。 Welcome next time!
尺寸—size 价格—price 面料—material 款式—design
打折—discount 可得的,有用的—available

7. 关于卖货的常用英语口语

This month we are holding a promotion. That means you can enjoy a 10% discount once you take one.This is the best brand in this instry in Guangzhou.More information can be taken from here.http://hi..com/englishphone/blog/item/f185a400e9847ae708fa9314.html

8. 鞋店营业员日常英语怎么说

您好,欢迎光临。请问有什么能帮到您的吗?Hello, welcome to our shop. How may I help you?请问您今天想挑选什么款式的鞋子?您喜欢西装鞋,运动鞋,还是休闲鞋?What style of shoes are you looking for today? Would you like dress shoes, athletic shoes, or casual shoes?请问您穿多大尺码的鞋子?May I ask what size would fit you?请问您喜欢什么颜色?What color would you prefer?您有特别喜欢什么质料的鞋吗?比如纯皮,亮漆皮革,塑胶或是别的什么?Is there any specific material that you would prefer, such as geniune leather, patent leather, plastic, or anything else?您介意告诉我您是否有价格预算吗?Would you mind telling me if there is any price range that you would prefer?【再来就是数量词了。如果你已经会了的话,下面可以忽略。】1 = one2 = two3 = three4 = four5 = five6 = six7 = seven8 = eight9 = nine10 = ten11 = eleven12 = twelve13 = thirteen15 = fifteen14,16~ 19 用 4,6~9 后面加上teen就可以了20 = twenty30 = thirty50 = fifty40, 60 ~ 90 以十为单位,用 4, 6~9 后面加上ty 就可以了,比如60 = sixty21 ~ 99 在十位数后面加上个位数就行了,比如 65 = sixty-five, 29 = twenty-nine100 = one hundred,165 = one hundred and sixty-five, 829 = eight hundred and twenty-nine1000 = thousand, 1180 = one thousand one hundred and eighty, 3499 = three thousand four hundred and ninty-nine 希望对你有所帮助。如果有任何疑问,请随时追问。谢谢!

9. 销售英语口语

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