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发布时间:2021-03-02 15:54:41

『壹』 急!求一篇国外电影的影评,中英文夹杂的。 播音主持考试模拟主持用,中英文夹杂的,主要体现英语口语


『贰』 泰坦尼克号英语影评

泰坦尼克号英语影评为:Titanic enriches us with a romantic story of young love, passion and feelings, full of utopias and dreams, mother and child fighting for power and greed, idealistic and self-identified clashes within a consenting human ambitions society and victims of their own vanity and pomposity. This is one of the films that most shocked the general public in the last twenty years. The huge collections that are logical because they got obvious that Titanic has one of those stories full of strength and feeling, with great dramatic content. If we add the stunning beauty of the image, thanks to advances in digital technology, success is understandable. Very successful movie, which tells the story of the sinking of the ship, but in the background shows a passionate love story. It achieves a harmonious balance in that, in the mix of history and feelings, and makes it almost perfect.

『叁』 口语化的简短简易的电影《海蒂》(Heidi)的英文影评

Some people have said this is Shirley Temple's best film. It's not my favorite but I admit it is very, very good....and it has some of the most touching, wonderful moments of any of her films. In fact, there were several times in the first part of this film that proced tears in my eyes.A funny part of this film is that Heidi receives a music box with her grandfather's house inside it. She has fond memories of him. This is one of my favorite movies of all times. Love of family, love of friends, interesting locations and people all make this a great family movie. And to boot, it's one of Shirley's best, which puts it at the top. Put your sophistication and thinking hat away, and sit back and enjoy the emotions this film evokes

Director Allan Dwan ensured that the book's high points were included in the film & Fox gave HEIDI very good proction values - note especially the scenes of village life in Dorfli - and a fine supporting cast: gentle Jean Hersholt, perfect as the old Grandfather, gruff & lovable; droll Arthur Treacher, his comic English butler is definitely not in the original book, but he is hilarious nonetheless; Marcia Mae Jones as crippled Klara; Sidney Blackmer as her wealthy father; Sig Ruman as a police captain and elderly Helen Westley as the blind Grandmother.

Perfect entertainment for youngsters who will probably fall under Temple's spell by the time the movie is over.

『肆』 功夫熊猫3英语影评带翻译200词

the dream factory has always been the high standard,the screen exquisite detail,vivid characters vivid,touching story twists and turns,the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token,that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats,the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.
More do not want to repeat the story,because it really well.Look at the process,appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh,the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go.This film has done very authentic,a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling,no matter which story or convey the moods,whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern,such as,for example ok

『伍』 跪求最近的英文电影的双人对话影评,课堂作业,速7最好

呵呵,我就是看电影学英语的。 用英语学电影,首先演员的口语一定要地道,但不一定标准,实际上也没有那个欧美演员是完全标准的。但是也不能太离谱,比如勇敢的心和辛德勒名单里口音就太重了,对于初学者来说是不合适的。所以好的电影并不代表有好的英语学校效果。一定要找相对发音比较标准的,英音就是英音,美音就是美音,不能混,也不能和其他地区的混。 如果你想学英音不妨试试《真爱至上》,里面几乎全是大牌演员,都是比较纯正的英音。而且电影本身也很有趣,很轻松。《新傲慢与偏见》里的英语太老了。罗马假日也不错,就是片子老了点,我个人不喜欢黑白的—当然你自己看着办。 如果你想学美音,可以试试《录取通知》和《超人高校》《奇迹灰姑娘》《舞出我人生》一类的美国校园青春喜剧。这类电影里的台词都比较时尚,发音都比较准(你叫它没个性也行),而且娱乐性很强。 如果你想学得轻松一点,不妨看看《功夫熊猫》《海底总动员》《冰河世纪》等动画片,这些电影都是给孩子看的,发音准,语速相对慢,娱乐性更强。 动作片的话。。。我推荐尼古拉斯凯奇的 勇闯夺命岛,国家宝藏,空中监狱。 都很经典(入过你能忍受BW的话),其实凯奇也有不少好看的文艺片比如《居家男人》 经典的话我觉得还是 《拯救大兵瑞恩》和《乱世佳人》比较好,就看你喜欢不喜欢类型了。 再有,如果你想了解黑人英语的话 《绝地战警1,2》是绝对值得看的,相信我。 最后推荐一部我个人很喜欢的:《恋爱假期》,两个人英音,两个人美音,俊男美女,大牌演员。不可救药的浪漫。。。 另外可能有人会说,老友记。老友记是一部很优秀的美剧,我也很喜欢,不过老友记为了塑造人物形象,里面的演员除了瑞秋说话不是颠三倒四就是没文化,要不就是发音极端,所以不适合你这样的初学者。何况你是主要学口语,还是等有了一定基础再看这个比较好。说到美剧,我建议你看英雄《heroes》,电驴上能搜到 yyets 的双语版本。越狱太紧张,我们老师就直呼受不了,当然我也喜欢越狱只是感觉不适合你现在的情况而已。 其实说这么多,最后还的靠你自己练,就好象一个手艺,你看的再多,自己不亲手做一下,是永远不会的。电影看得多,不练,也是没用的。

『陆』 求几部电影的观后感(英文版)

Or the dream factory has always been the high standard, the screen exquisite detail, vivid characters vivid, touching story twists and turns, the most important thing is it in the most simple and easy to understand that the way of a token, that is - there is no shortcut to the world and Cheats, the only winning Famen is believe in themselves.

More do not want to repeat the story, because it really well. Look at the process, appeared frequently Huiyi people laugh, the whole atmosphere is relaxed and go. This film has done very authentic, a little bit by the Westerners did not interpret the feeling, no matter which story or convey the moods, whether the screen or the details are all the way east; only special is probably the Speaking of modern, such as, for example ok



『柒』 音乐之声 英语影评或者观后感



『捌』 求一份悲惨世界英文影评 用作雅思口语部分

Les Misé is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the nineteenth century. In the English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title, which can be translated from the French as The Miserables, The Wretched, The Miserable Ones, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor, or The Victims. Beginning in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris, the novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, focusing on the struggles of ex-convictJean Valjean and his experience of redemption.
Examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. Les Misérables has been popularized through numerous adaptations for the stage, television, and film, including a musical and a film adaptation of that musical.
The appearance of the novel was highly anticipated and advertised. Critical reactions were very diverse, but most of them were negative. Commercially, the work was a great success, not just in France, but also in the rest of Europe and the world.

『玖』 我们老师说,《电影口语》要教神马英文影评,怎么办啊急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


『拾』 求马达加斯加3 英文观后感 口语考试用

One of the fundamental philosophical questions of our time is why Goofy is a person and Pluto is a dog. From their earliest days when Mickey Mouse was still in black and white, cartoons have created a ...
One of the fundamental philosophical questions of our time is why Goofy is a person and Pluto is a dog. From their earliest days when Mickey Mouse was still in black and white, cartoons have created a divide between animals who are animals and animals who are human -- or, if not human in the sense that Paris Hilton is human, then at least human in the sense that they speak, sing, have personalities and are voiced by actors like Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer and Jada Pinkett Smith.Now comes "Madagascar," an inessential but passably amusing animated comedy that has something very tricky going on. What happens if the human side of a cartoon animal is only, as they say, a veneer of civilization? Consider Alex the Lion. In the Central Park Zoo, he's a star, singing "New York, New York" and looking forward to school field trips because he likes to show off for his audiences.



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