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发布时间:2021-03-02 13:04:53

⑴ 初中英语口语话题作文


⑵ 求初中英语口语练习文章!


⑶ 初中英语短文


构建英语的基专石(Practice and Progress)在掌握一册语属法知识的基础上,由浅入深、逐步讲解语法要点,使你轻松掌握枯燥的语法;通过对句型想方设法的分析及对词汇、短语的讲解,使你在听、说、读中能真正运用地道的句型。掌握后,可以参加高考一类考试。

⑷ 找一些初中英语的文章来读读~~练口语


⑸ 求英语口语短文、3篇


What is success?
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and
enre the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;
To find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded.












⑹ 急求十篇英语口语短文 时间在三分钟左右

1.english is very intresting and easy, many of us chinese students hate english,because they are afraid of it, they scared of english. that may caused by the way our teacher teaching us,the way most of chinese syudents are suffering, the endless test and less practice, they treat it as a mounster not a language. Actually, if we just look it as a tool, a communication tool, we using it just like we speaking chinese, just think about that, there is one day you can talk with the foreigners if you learn english well, what a cool thing! isn't it?
2.yes, the adventage is very convenient if you want to connect with you parents and friends,and the cellphone can serf the internet now, so it's very easy for usto find some useful study informations. the disadvantage, well, the cellphoe have radiations, so it's not health for our body, and some students may addicted into the joy of surfing the internate.

⑺ 求初中一篇英语口语考试作文

Yue Fei in China can be regarded as a person knows. The Ministry of Ecation idle for a while before the people doing all right, probably would like to learn the Japanese textbook revision of Yang Er, the national hero Yue Fei from the throne of the pull-down, either on-line network to denounce the next one after another, and indeed Yue Dashuai Of a red fire. And the storytelling is that the history of Yue Fei died of Qin Hui's frame-up. Qin Hui Fei jealous repeated to build great service, they encourage even the Emperor Zhao Gou under 12 gold medals are called back to Yue Fei, Yue Fei and then framed to rebel, kill him in prison. At that time, another marshal had to ask Qin Hui Han Shizhong: Yue Fei in the end committed a crime, what? Qin Hui said: "The fly-Yun Zhang and although the book is unknown, making trumped-up body." Trumped-up that may be, may have some meaning, that is, in other words there is little evidence. After listening to Han Shizhong, of course, against, said: " 'fabricated' words, how can serve the world?" 岳飞在中国可算得上个妇孺皆知的人物。前一阵教育部人们闲着没事儿干,或许是想学学日本人修改教科书的样儿,把岳飞从民族英雄的宝座上拉了下来,惹得网上网下纷纷声讨,岳大帅着实又红火了一把。 评书和正史上都说岳飞死于秦桧的陷害。秦桧嫉妒岳飞屡建大功,于是怂恿皇帝赵构连下十二道金牌召岳飞回都,然后诬陷岳飞要造反,把他害死在监狱里。当时另一个元帅韩世忠曾经去问秦桧:岳飞到底犯了什么罪?秦桧说:“飞子云与张宪书虽不明,其事体莫须有。” 莫须有,就是也许有、可能有的意思,换句话说也就是没有什么证据。韩世忠听了以后当然不服,说:“‘莫须有’三字,何以服天下?” 这里就有点儿奇怪了。秦桧要置岳飞于死地,肯定和岳飞仇深似海,为什么不编造点儿证据出来呢?‘莫须有’ 三个字连韩世忠这样的武夫都骗不过去,怎么能取信于天下?常言说“欲加之罪,何患无词”,那秦桧是个状元出身、满肚子典故的人,要捏造出点儿证据来整岳飞还不是小菜一碟?为什么偏偏要说出个“莫须有”的千古笑话来?秦桧的“莫须有” 三个字,会不会有弦外之音呢?真实意思是想告诉韩世忠——岳飞有没有罪我也不清楚,反正也不是我想杀他。可是,如果不是秦桧想杀岳飞,那么究竟是谁想杀他、而且能杀他呢?结论只有一个,这就是赵构。

⑻ 初中英语口语考试 读文章


⑼ 适合初中生参加英语口语比赛背的英语短文,要在初中能力范围内。

My  Day
Today is sunny. I get up early and read some English. Then I have breakfast and go to school.
In the morning we have four lessons, they’ two Enlish lessons, one Chinese lesson and one history lesson. I like English best.
At noon we have lunch at school, we have rice and vegetables, but we don’t like them very much.
In the afternoon we have two math lessons and one music lesson. Math is difficult, but I study hard. And we sing a beautiful song.
We finish school at a quarter to five. I play basketball with my friends on the playground. It’s fun! Then I go home and do my homework, next I have dinner with my parents and watch TV. I go to bed at nine o’clock.

⑽ 求英语初二口语小文章

In ten years,I think I'll be a reporter. I'll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.I think it's really a beautiful city.As a reporter,I think I will meet lots of interesting people.I think I'll live in an aportment with my best friends,because I don't like living along.I'll have pets.I can't have any pets now because my mother hates them,and our apartment is too small.So in ten years,I'll have many different pets.I might even keep a pet parrot!I'll probably go skaying and swimming every day.During the week I'll be able to dress more casually.I think I'll go to Hong Kong on vacation,and one day I might even visit Australia.

question:1、What will the writer be in 10 years?
2、Why can't I have any pets now?
3、What will I wear on ring the week?





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