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发布时间:2021-02-28 18:19:14

⑴ 几个高中英语的翻译题

As fas as I am concerned ,it's the large number of cars that leads this traffic jam.
Never did I dreamed of owning that big house when I was young.
I will lend the book on condition that you take a good care of it.
They reached an agreement not to let out the secret to others .
These twin brothers looks so like ,I really cannot tell them apart.
Our progress in maths owes to him.
It was 2001 when his brother was admitted to the Peking University .
The judgement give her the first reward e to her outstanding peformence .
Males are in minority in nursing .
Austrilia is considered as an advanced country in sports .
He showed no signs to turn over a new page .

⑵ 英语翻译,上外口语考试题一

the recent years have witnessed the fantastic development of our modern life, leading to a prevailing trend that more and more people began to chase after the popularity.
maybe its reasons can be various.
folks are now putting appearance to a higher status, mainly because the increasing consciousness of beauty. another important point may be people's active thoughts, the creativity of we human beings, it is easier to accept new things and ideas. and by the modern media, ideas travel more quichly around the world. millions of fashion shows, such as Paris fashion show, London fashion presebtation and others countless. in a word, today is a period that ideas and new things bloom, never newest but newer only

⑶ 高中英语翻译题 求好人解答!

This kind girl makes a good impression to the old lady.

I occur to think of that he perhaps will be interested in the question we researched before.

I would rather telling him the truth right now than keeping the secret forever.

Please review the key points we discussed in
the class as well as anywhere you feel confusing.

⑷ 英语高中翻译题

1. Proper pressure may be beneficial to people.

2. I dont want to go to the cinema today.

3. When we came near, the door opened automatically.

4. China sucessfully launched Shenzhou VII without foreign aid.

5. It is time to stop quarrel to get down to working.

⑸ 高三英语口语考试试题


⑹ 有难度的高中英语翻译练习题


⑺ 高中英语翻译题(汉译英)

1.The residents on the earth may deal with rubbishes with the ecosystem after thousands of years.
2.So greedy is the snake that it swallows the rat at a mouthful.
3.He finally recovered and came back to work after being in the hospital for six weeks.
4.Offered an initiative talk,you are allowed to talk with him.
5.Mr.Brown's dog left us a good impression.
6. Extremely tired,he fell asleep instantly when he got onto bed.(tired可以作为形容词理解,也可以作为tire的过去分词理解。)
7.The way she speaks to me is like that of my elder sister.
8.She constantly changes her mind.
9.Tai Wan is surrounded by sea.
10.Mr.Smith entered the room,followed by his assistant.
11.Its construction finished,the museum will be opened to the public.


⑻ 高中英语翻译题目

1.He always attends various class active very progressively
2.The students suggest the school sports games holds in October
3.This kind of shampooes a water and would deliver quality to proce some injury to the oil
4.He is very able, effective to manage this garage alone.
5.Absorb balanced food with do ample sport all very important to everybody.
6.Before buying train ticket,ask about better search a schele
7.He often with no thought forhealthy night to work after the day
8.I was in my car when trouble happen
9.When I by the time his letter, he has already left Shanghai
10.Do you mind the dictionary that I use you?
11.He without knock on door and then enter office

⑼ 高中英语翻译题(汉译英)

1000 years after the earth's inhabitants may be able to deal with the rubbish in the ecological system.
2 this snake is so greedy, one will swallow the mouse.
3 after six weeks in hospital, he finally recovered and began to work.
4 when people are talking to you, can you speak.
5 Mr. Brown dog has left us a very good impression.
6 because of fatigue, he fell asleep on a bed.
7 she speak with me always as if she were my sister.
8 saw the lights will turn red, he immediately accelerated. 9 she is constantly changing her mind.
10 Taiwan is surrounded by sea.
11 assistants followed Mr. Smith in the office.
12 the museum will be open to the public.好难哪···求采纳!

⑽ 高中英语翻译题

1.Senior high is a period of time when you discover,learn and strive.
2.The more choices you have, the better your decision will be.




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