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发布时间:2021-02-27 16:33:41

❶ 英语口语关于幽默对人际关系的影响

早晨我在阳台吃馅饼,听楼下有一男的跟 女孩表白,他说:做我女朋友好吗?女的专 说:别扯属了,我能跟你,除非天上掉馅 饼!我想都没想,半拉韭菜鸡蛋馅饼朝那 女的脑袋撇下去…然后心里默念:加油 吧、小子!我也只能帮你这么多了…

❷ 工作中带有附加很多人际交往口语的利弊


❸ 英语口语交际


❹ 怎样快速学习英语主要是口语交际,与人沟通。


❺ 征集一段英语口语情景对话

A:Do you think Internet is good?
B:Of course! Internet can help us learn more things.We can find imformations we need.And.....
A:Wait, some people would agree with you.But I don't think so.Because there are many sudents fall in to the Internet can't get out.And their grades come down really quickly.
B:But everyone needs relax. Of course they relaxed a lot.But we can't think Internet is bad.It can help us in many ways.We can visit the school website and learn things we don't know very much,because we are all students.Don't you think so?We can use it in many ways,although some is bad,but not all ways are bad.And we can help others such as by using Zhi of .I think you have used it before.
A:Yeah.It's true.But there is many unhealthy imformations.Such as the eroticism things.You know.
B:But there are still many useful imformations.Why do you only can see the bad things of Internet.
A:Maybe you are right.
Xiao Hua: Hi! Lingling, how are you doing?

Lingling: fine. Thanks. Thank god it is Friday.

Xiao Hua :Yeah. What do you usually do on the weekend? I feel so bored on the weekend.
Lingling: Why don’ you surf on net?There are so many fun things out there.

Xiao Hua :Well, My mom won’t let me get on line. She said that there are so many traps on the internet.She is aftraid that I might get bad influence. like those pornographic sites.
Lingling: She only looks at the negative side of the internet. Actually there are far more positive impacts.
Xiao Hua: Give me some examples, please.
Lingling: Simply by clicking internet button,you can get information about all kinds of topics. Whatever you are looking for, you will find it. Even if you want to have very specific information, you will find it in a short time
Xiao Hua: Tell me some more, please
Lingling: You can socialize with people. I find that I could find better friends on net than in the real world.
Xiao Hua: Really? Sounds interesting.
Lingling: There are social communities on the internet., like English Corners. I often go there to practice my oral English. I don’t feel shy there which I normally do. Now I find that I have made great progress in my oral and written English e to the internet.
Xiao Hua: That’s great. I have been looking for a place to practice my English. I think I will persuade my mom to let me get on line.
Lingling: another big advantage of the internet is the easy access to information and it is very cheap. For example, you may download songs, reading novels, play games. There are many web sites that offer free stuff.
Xiao Hua:I enjoy reading novels, especially those adventures.but my mom said that a lot of children get sick after playing on the computer all day long.
Lingling: She is right. We can’t glue to it all day. It is not good for our eyes. It is not good for our body.We need to go out to inhale fresh air. We need to keep fit in the park.. We need to socialize with real people .
Xiao Hua :Can I voice chat with you tonight? I want you to tell me more about internet.
Sure. I use QQ. You may download one.
Xiao Hua: Ok. See u in QQ then.
Lingling: See you.

❻ 教育英语和商业英语有什么区别正常的人际交流口语是否流利


❼ 我英语好 口语可以 听力不行 人际交往能力不行 能靠英语吃饭吗


❽ 在英语口语交流中都需要注意什么问题啊有没有什么好的学校可以培训一下的






❾ 急求一篇有关人际关系的英语作文 可以关于大学生活的 也可以关于社会的 也可以关于家庭的 我们英语口语...

I've been looking for, seeking -- to find the key to open a spoon. i have been quite innocent of human thought, like the piece of rope skipping, just standing on both sides.



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