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发布时间:2021-02-25 05:09:06

① 《五一干什么》英语作文(五年级,100字)带翻译


Today is May Day I help dad watering the flowers.
Saw dad stepped forward and arm expertly bent, then arm kept rondo, sprinkle water very evenly. I immediately see with astonishment. Father seems to see through my mind said: "I'll teach you, you can also."
Dad said: "just poured over water, now start cleaning leaves." See he put PenHu mouth turned several times, then used to hold your hands and teach me up. Dad said spray water, cannot spray leaves, be sure to consult leaves, let water spray falls on leaf, flower development so slowly!
May Day to labor、

② 五一假期你去了那里,干了什么,英语小作文

" Five one " holiday arrived, our whole family go to the seaside to swim. We went to a beautiful beach。
Here can be light of heart from care in the sea to swim, enjoy the warmth of the sun. The scenery here is very good also, the day is very blue, the water is green, Yama Mi, makes people deeply intoxicated. This is really a nice place.

③ 五一你都做了什么的英语口语

what did you do on May day?

④ 五一劳动节你将要做什么英语作文


⑤ 关于五一劳动节都干了些什么事英语翻译

what had you done ring the International Labor Day


⑥ 五年级五一劳动节家人都做了些什么英语作文50个词

Dahurian peach blossom, green fields, the JinCan YouCaiHua unending marginal, farmers, you use the stout arms for our food, you used the sweat of our body.

The GangHua horse-pond, machine tool roar, tall buildings to see the original mark, and the workers, you use that a solid arm lift our life. You use that well-knit work convenient we convenience

When you sit in the car enjoy indivial mobile space, when you sit in the bus to enjoy public benefit, when you sit on the long journey steamship enjoy the journey natural, when you fly into the blue sky the world gets smaller, you may know the work the beauty.

When you walk into a restaurant, into stores, walked into the prosperous business district, you can know the hard service day, standing leg or that stand.

When you walk into a school, you can see the knowledge flash, you could hear a book and the human communication, you can smell the teacher sweat, knowledge become the great matchless. Labor more

When you all let into the society, everything around him are ordinary except to give.

Life is so beautiful, humans are so progress, all all come from our hard work, the ordinary work, the work is so silent.

Labour created history, working to create the future. In the new's international labor day approaching, let us praise the work to be most beautiful

The breeze of spring breeze, field started up a layer of boundless green.

In may, in this season of spring, is a thunder after heavy rain came flying geese travelling south, days goes home "She is in full field knop amongst the laugh brilliant season; Is HuiHan jose filmed Yang ear farmers plowshares, hard work of good profession.

Worm called croak, diving sparrow scattered, the wilderness of spring XuanSheng already is popular. Soaring kite into the arms of the blue sky, the people of the earth showing the bones and muscles had enough strength. Imperceptible in, spring is exceed lightsome pace, quietly coming to us -- in the spring may.

May is the children's heaven, thick cotton-padded clothes flung away in the fields MianMao, ran to SaHuanEr, with all of LiuDi to sing a song of spring; May the day of young people, the season, surge wave your hand, and son counterparts, the compilation spring under the sky rose ornament love; The festival is the elderly may spring, stepping a lulu, mixing, to just twitter crystalclear thawed the lake fishing life...... In may, all the people's day - the world working people's festival.

Water flow is the same day, memory is time slips away increasingly mottled, people did not forget this scene, "51 international labor day" to become their heroic feats special memorial.

Working people is the world's most great people, they use labor that creates the world, created humans, creates the happy life of ours today. It is labor, built today's big buildings; It is labor greatly the modernization, the information highway; It is labor, let the earth more note-worthy has become a small village; It is labor, make off its mask of wasteland became acres of grain.

Labor is mysterious, labor is great. Laborer use instrious hands and wisdom, weaving the colorful class, created the world on the human civilization. Let us in this special day, toward the whole world the laborer salute!

With the truth, hold your may open for Labour JianHua hands full, sending my most sincere wish, listen to your labor hymns. "ChangTing outside, gu edge, fangcao Bess badly" is a kind of life; "Pinglan place, rustling rain jehiel" is a kind of life; "To venturing midstream means waves FeiZhou" ernie is a kind of life; "Obscure, selfless dedication" is a kind of life. Various life, the sugar in the coffee labor as our life, flavorful the; Labor as a roadside frame scenery, our life dressed up bright and colorful.

In may, the truth may. In buildings, building outside the pavilion ChangTing, let us outside, shoulder to shoulder, arm in arm, inspiring the beverage of choice among rowdy sing a dajiang east to go to, put the world's workers wishes to distance, to tomorrow. Let's applause for tomorrow for labourers for may sang, conn.!

⑦ 五一假期你将要打算做什么英文5句

What are you going to do on Labour Day?
What will you do on Labour Day?
What will you plan to do on Labour Day?
What are you going to plan to do on Labour Day?

⑧ 五一假期做了什么事情英语作文7句话

My family has four members.My mother is a housewife.She looked after my family carefully.My father is a self-employed laborer.He works very hard for the whole family.My sister and I are both primary school students .Our family live very happily together.

⑨ 五一节用英语怎么说,人们会干什么几句话就可以了(要英语和中文意思)

labours holiday 劳动节
Chinese people traveled to different places ring the labours holiday.

⑩ 求一篇英语作文《五一劳动节你将要干什么》用will的将来式!!!!急!!

第一句写五一劳来动节要来自了。第二句开始用I will 或者I'll 句型写你要在五一劳动节干嘛,比如说看书,逛街,踢球,玩游戏什么的,写5~6句为佳,中间可以用and, then,和and then连起来。最后写你会很开心,会过一个开心的节日什么的。祝你好运



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