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发布时间:2021-01-19 18:41:27

Ⅰ 如何提高农村中学生英语阅读能力小课题新浪博客

【关键词】 农村初中生 阅读能力 现状 教学对策
1、 农村初中学生英语基础差,对阅读理解题有畏惧心理。
阅读能力是指学生理解各种题材和体裁的书面材料的能力以及从各种材料中获取信息的能力(3)。《全日制义务教育英语课程标准》对初中毕业生语言技能中读的要求是 “除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。”语言学规律表明,英语教学中语言输入要充足,信息量要大。要从不同的渠道,不同的切入口来展开。因此,必须加强课外阅读训练,指导学生在课外有效开展阅读活动。兴趣是最好的老师,学生学习的动力,所以选择一些题材和体裁广泛性、实用性,内容趣味性读物让学生阅读,来激发学生的阅读兴趣,使阅读成为一种快乐的学习过程。我经常利用多媒体上课,让学生多接触一些通俗易懂,图文并茂的短文、广告、海报等英语读物。增强了学生的阅读兴趣。每学期订《英语周报》、《英语辅导报》、《中学英语园地》等内容广泛、丰富、实用性、趣味性强的英语报刊、杂志,让学生尽可能多地接触英语语言材料,积极引导学生理解、掌握其他学科的知识,多了解其他国家的文化传统,发展学生积极主动思维的能力,扩展他们的文化科学知识,丰富他们的文化生活经历。同时鼓励学生多留心一些公共场所的中英文结合的温馨提示或公告的内容,扩宽学生的知识面。
要提高英语阅读能力,首先要遵循英语阅读策略,掌握解题技巧:(1)A.解题时先了解篇章的体裁并把文后的题目要求快速浏览一遍,弄清考查要点和题目类型,带着问题去阅读,做到有的放矢。B.快速阅读,把握文意,理清层次关系。C.在了解大意后,还要注意具体细节,辅助性图片、表格、背景知识、标题里隐含的观点。D.认真审题、仔细推敲,着手进行答题。(2)掌握《全日制义务教育英语课程标准》中要求的词汇,教给学生一些猜词技巧。《英语课程标准》要求学生能根据上下文和构词法推断,理解生词的含义。初中学生掌握的词汇量比较有限,词汇量的多少直接影响着阅读速度,影响对文章理解的准确度。所以要求学生必须掌握《英语课程标准》要求的词汇。在阅读时,我们往往会碰到生词,尤其在考试时,既不能查字典又不能互相讨论,所以学会猜词就显得十分重要。猜词一般利用上下文线索、构词法等。一个单词虽然通常有不同的词性和意思,但是它在所处的具体语境中或上下文中就只有一种意思。我们可以通过语境或上下的意义联系来猜测词义(4)。例:He let a little air out of the tires.从所给例子中我们根据上下文内容就容易地猜到tires是“轮胎”的意思。答题完之后还要认真检查,提高阅读题的得分率。
使学生养成良好的英语阅读习惯,是提高英语阅读能力的保证(5)。因此,平时课内教学中就必须训练学生养成良好的阅读习惯。A、养成限时阅读习惯。试卷中英语阅读题量的增加要求学生提高阅读速度,阅读速度的提高体现了对阅读能力要求的提高,所以必须强化阅读训练,提高单位内的阅读效率。每课时抽出10分钟进行快速阅读训练。根据不同的年级情况,选择难度适中的短文,再加上4-5个理解题,让学生在限定时间内迅速阅读全文,完成阅读理解题,然后检查阅读速度和理解准确率,进行辅导、讲评。B、养成默读的习惯。我们在教学中常常会发现,初中学生仍然会有声阅读。在基础阶段,选择一些精彩的对话、短文或广告进行朗读背诵,这当然是很有必要的,但在考试时,有时间限制,则需要默读。因为读出声会影响速度。C、养成“悟意 ”的阅读习惯。即根据文章的上下文或语言结构来猜测并确定生词的词意。有的学生一遇到生词就查字典,一方面浪费大量的时间,另一方面影响学生的思维活动。边学习边查字典,有时难免忘记了文章的某些意思,甚至不得不回读文章。D、养成按意群阅读的习惯。有的学生喜欢逐词阅读,从一个单词“爬到”另一个单词,这样的阅读方法既浪费时间又无法掌握中心信息,无法对材料进行判断和推理。因此在教学中要改变学生逐词阅读的方法,养成成组视读习惯。例:Computers/ need/ regular/ maintenance/ in/ order /to /perform/ at/ their/ best.按照逐词阅读方法,不仅速度慢,而且很难一下子抓住全句的中心意思。如果分成Computers need regular maintenance/ in order to/ perform at their best.几个部分阅读,就很快理解句子的意思。
(3)、黄远振:《新课程英语教与学》 福建教育出版社。
(5)、、杨大亮. 基础阶段英语阅读课程教学之我见. 中华现代教育,2007.10

Ⅱ 如何在初中英语阅读教学中立德树人的博客


Ⅲ 谁的博客里有大量的初中英语阅读

An expensive car speeding down the main street of a small town was soon over-taken by a young motorcycle policeman. As he started to take out the ticket, the woman in the car said proudly.“ Before you go any further , young man, I think you should know that the mayor of this city is a good friend of mine.”
The officer did not say a word, but kept writing.
“I am also a friend of Chief of Police Barnes,” continued the woman, getting angrier each moment.
Still he kept on writing.
“Young man, ”she said ,“I know Judge Lawson and State Senator Patton.”
Handing the ticket to the woman, the officer asked pleasantly. “Tell me, do you know Bill Bronson?”
“No. Why?” she replied.
“Well, this is the man you should have known, ”he said, going back to his motorcycle, “I am Bill Bronson.”
( )1.The policeman stopped the car because ____.
A.it was an expensive car
B.the driver was a proud lady
C.the driver was driving too fast
D.the driver was going to attack him
( )2.The woman was getting angrier each moment because ____.
A.the policeman didn’t know her friends
B.the policeman kept writing the ticket for her
C.the policeman refused to accept her offer of money
D.she didn’t know the policeman’s name
( )3.The woman driving the expensive car____.
A.failed to stop the policeman writing the ticket
B.warned the policeman not to move a step further
C.was surprised that the policeman did not know the mayor
D.told the policeman to stay where he was
( )4.The policeman was ____.
A.an honest and fair fellow
B.a foolish and proud fellow
C.a silly and rude fellow
D.a kind-hearted fellow
( )5.The policeman ____.
A.had no sense of humor
B.had a sense of humor
C.had no sense of ty
D.was playing a joke on the woman
Jenny began to go to school when she was at the age of six.She liked her first day very much.Her teacher,Miss Black,was very nice,too.
At the end of the second day,the other children left the classroom after school,but Jenny stayed behind and waited.At first,Miss Black had some work to do and did not see Jenny,but then she looked up and saw her.
“Why not go with the others,Jenny?”she asked her kindly,“Did you want to ask me some questions?”
“Yes,Miss Black,”Jenny said.
“What is it?”Miss Black asked.
“What did I do in school today?”Jenny said.
Miss Black laughed,“What did you do in school today?”she said,“Why did you ask me that,Jenny?”
“Because I'm going home now,”Jenny answered,“and my mother's going to ask me.”
1.Jenny went to school_________________.
A.when she was too old
B.when she was at the age of seven
C.when she was six years old
D.when she was old
2.The second day,Jenny didn't go with__________________.
A.her teacher B.her classmates
C.her mother D.her father
3.Why did Jenny stay behind and wait after school?Because she________________.
A.had some homework to do
B.waited for her mother
C.Waited for her teacher to come
D.wanted to ask her teacher a question
4.What question did Jenny ask her teacher?
A.What did you do in school today?
B.Did you want to ask me some questions?
C.Why didn't you go with the others?
D.What did I do in school today?
5.Why did Jenny ask such a question?Because_________________.
A.her mother always wanted to know it
B.she was going to go home
C.her teacher always wanted to know it
D.she didn't like her teacher
Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us like eating sweets and ice cream better than meat and rice. Sweets and ice cream are not bad for us if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲). It’s important for us to eat our meal at regular(规律)time each day. When we feel worry or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges often decided whether a man was telling truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not swallow(吞)the bread, it meant that he wasn’t telling the truth. Though this seems strange and foolish they thought it was good way of finding out truth. A man who is worrying something has difficulty in swallowing anything dry, because he loses his appetite.
( )1. Good eating habits make us ________.
A. stronger B. happier C. more beautiful D. more polite
( )2. It’s good to eat sweets and ice cream ________.
A. after a meal B. before a meal
C. when we are happy D. when we want to eat
( )3.It’s good for us to have our meal ________ every day.
A. earlier B. at the same time
C. at any time D. at the different time
( )4. The judge in old England thought if a man didn’t tell me the truth, he can ________.
A. drink milk or tea B. eat a lot of dry bread
C. hardly eat dry bread D. swallow dry bread easily
( )5. A person who feels ________ may not want to eat.
A. happy B. shy C. unhappy D. well
Mr. Smith works in an office. He’s very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, he’s always tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper. She doesn’t stop talking until she falls asleep.
One day the man felt terrible and couldn’t go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs Smith went to the hospital with him.Before her husband said what was the matter with him, the woman had told the doctor all and the man understand why. He wrote out a prescription ( 处方 ) . And when Mr Smith brought the medicine to the resulting room, the doctor said to her, “ The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the pills ( 药片 ) are for you.”
“For me?” the woman said in surprise “I’m fine. I don’t need any medicine!”
“ I don’t think so, madam”, said the doctor. “They are sleeping pills. Your husband will soon be all right if you take them.”
6. Mr Smith is _____
A. too busy to have a good rest B. too busy not to have a rest
C.busy enoughto have a good rest D.not busy enough to have a good rest
7.The sentence“His wife doesn’t stop walking until she falls asleep” means __
A.she doesn’t stop talking when she falls asleeep
B.she doesn’t stop talking after she falls asleep
C.she keeps talking until she falls asleep
D.she likes talking as she falls asleep
8. Why does Mr Smith have to get up when his wife is asleep in the morning?
A. Because he can’t fall asleep B. Because he has to go to work
C. Because he doesn’t want to sleep D.Because his wife asks him to get up
9. Why couldn’t Mr Smith go to work one day?
A.Because he didn’t want to work B.Because his wife didn’t let hin go
C.Because he fell ill D.Because he was too tired to go to work
10. The sentence “ Your husband will be all right if you take them.” Means Mr Smith will soon be all right if ______.
A. Mrs Smith takes the bottle of medicine
B.Mr Smith takes the pills
C.Mr Smith takes the bottle of medicine
D.Mrs Smith stops talking too much at night
Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert(灵活)
There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: you have to like what you’re doing. Exercise enough but not too much. It’s best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you.
You can exercise at fitness centers. They have a lot of equipment(设备) there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive.
Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?
1. In the text, the writer tells us that we all need to ________.
A. drink B. sleep C. exercise D. work
2. Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned(提到) in the text?
A. Fishing B. Running C. Swimming D. Walking
3. Doctors say exercising makes your body ________.
A. healthy B. fat C. sick(生病) D. weak
4. ______ is enough for exercising.
A. Once a week B. Twice a week C. Three times a week D. Once a day
5. The fitness centers in the text means ________.
A. 商务中心 B. 健身中心 C. 购物中心 D 医疗中心



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