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⑴ 《九年级初中英语课外阅读365篇》答案


⑵ 求九年级英语阅读训练15篇


To find out whether bees(蜜蜂)can see colours, the following experiment is made. A round table is put in a garden, and on the table is a piece of blue cardboard(硬纸版)with a drop of syrup(糖浆)on it. After a short time, bees come to the syrup. The bees then fly to their hive(蜂房)and give the syrup to other bees in the hive. Then they return to the feeding-place which they have found. After a while, the blue cardboard with the syrup on it is taken away. Instead of this card, a blue card is now put on the left side of the first feeding-place and a red card to its right. These new cards have no syrup on them. Very soon bees arrive again, and fly straight to the blue card. None go to the red card.

Picture 1

1. How many cards do you need to prepare for the experiment?

A. Two: one blue and one red

B. Three: two blue and one red

C. Three: one blue and two red

D. Four: two blue and two red

2. If Picture 1 below shows the table top ring Step 1 of the experiment, which of A, B, C, D in Picture 2 shows the table top ring Step 2?

Picture 2

3. During Step 2 of the experiment, the bees go to ________.

A. the blue card with syrup on it

B. the new blue card with no syrup on it

C. the empty space where the original(原先的)blue card was

D. the new blue card with syrup on it on the left of the red card

4. The experiment has proved(证明)that bees ________.

A. cannot see colors B. can see colors

C. can not see blue D. cannot see red

5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Bees Love Blue B. Bees Love Syrup

C. Bees, Color and Syrup D. Can Bees See Color?

Keys: 1-5 BCBBD


Now satellites are helping to forecast(预报)the weather. They are in space, and they can reach any part of the world. The satellites take pictures of the atmosphere(大气), because this is where the weather forms(形成). They send these pictures to the weather stations. So meteorologists(气象学家)can see the weather of any part of the world. From the pictures, the scientists can often say how the weather will change.

Today, nearly five hundred weather stations in sixty countries receive satellite pictures. When they receive new pictures, the meteorologists compare(比较)them with earlier ones. Perhaps they may find that the clouds have changed ring the last few hours. This may mean that the weather on the ground may soon change, too. In their next weather forecast, the meteorologists can say this.

So the weather satellites are a great help to the meteorologists. Before satellites were invented, the scientists could forecast the weather for about 24 or 48 hours. Now they can make good forecasts for three or five days. Soon, perhaps, they may be able to forecast the weather for a week or more ahead(提前).

1. Satellites travel _____________.

A. in space B. in the atmosphere

C. above the ground D. above space

2. Why do we use the weather satellites to take pictures of the atmosphere? Because __________.

A. the weather satellites can do it easily

B. clouds form there

C. the weather forms there

D. the pictures can forecast the weather

3. Meteorologists forecast the weather __________.

A. when they have received satellite pictures

B. after they have compared new satellite pictures with earlier ones

C. before they received satellite pictures

D. ring they study satellite pictures

4. Maybe we’ll soon be able to forecast the weather for ________.

A. one day B. two days

C. five days D. seven days or even longer

5. The main(主要的)idea of this passage is that satellites are now used in _________.

A. taking pictures of the atmosphere

B. receiving pictures of the atmosphere

C. doing other work in many ways

D. weather forecasting

Keys: 1-5 ACBDD


In almost every big university(大学)in the United States, football is a favourite sport. American football is different. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances(机会)to move the ball ten yards(码). They can carry it or they can throw it. If they move the ball ten yards, they can try to move it another ten yards. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points(点).

It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the other team try to stop the man with the ball. If he does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball the other team.

Each university wants its own team to win. Many thousands of people come to watch. They all shout for their favourite team.

Young men and women come on the field to help the people shout more. They dance and jump while they shout.

Each team plays ten or eleven games each season.

The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.

1. The passage talks about ___________.

A. football B. how to play football

C. American sports D. American football

2. We can _______ the football in both American football and Chinese football.

A. kick B. throw C. run with D. catch

3. Why is it difficult to move the ball? Because ___________.

A. ten yards is a long way

B. many men on the other team try not to let the ball come near

C. the playing field is very large

D. eleven men have to catch the ball one by one

4. If they _________, the teams will play on January 1.

A. receive six points

B. play eleven games in the season

C. are the best teams

D. move the ball to the end of the field

5. Many people come to watch football and they want their team to win. Which of the following is not their act?

A. Jumping B. Dancing C. Crying D. Shouting

Keys: 1-5 DABCC


“Who has more questions, a teacher or a student?”About this question a great learned man told his student that nobody does but a teacher.

The student got puzzled. With a smile, the teacher drew two circles(圆). Within(在……里面)the larger one is my knowledge of things, and within the smaller one is yours. Out of the circles is still unknown to both of us. Since mine is larger, as you can see, the line that marks out the circle is longer. That makes it clear that who has more chances(机会)to face something still unknown.

1. The great learned man believed that ________.

A. a teacher has more questions

B. a student has more questions

C. both a teacher and a student have questions

D. everyone, except a teacher, has more questions

2. The student thought that ________.

A. a student’s knowledge is less than his teacher’s because it comes from the teacher

B. a teacher can not necessarily answer all the questions his students ask

C. those who have less knowledge have more questions

D. anyone who learns more has more questions

3. At the end of the story, the great learned man concluded(推断)that ________.

A. a student should learn from his teacher

B. a teacher does not have so many questions as his student

C. a student knows more than his teacher

D. a teacher has more chances to face what he doesn’t know

4. Which of the following topics can NOT express the idea of the story?

A. You Will Never Learn Enough

B. A Teacher and His Student

C. There Is No Limit to Knowledge

D. One Is Never Too Old to Learn

5. We can often find such an article in ________.

A. the Palace Museum B. any book

C. a newspaper of magazine D. An encyclopedia(网络全书)

Keys: 1-5 ACDBA


Snow fell on the mountain. It snowed and snowed. The snow did not melt(融化). It became deep and heavy. The snow on the bottom pressed (挤压)together., it became ice.

The ice was very wide and thick. It began to move down the mountain. It was like a river of ice. It was a glacier(冰河).

Sometimes the glacier moved only a few inches(英寸) each day. As it moved, it took rocks and dirt with it. It changed the land. In some places, it left hills. In some places, when the glacier melted, it made rivers and lakes.

A million years ago, there were many big glaciers. Glaciers covered many parts of the world. The glaciers changed the land.

Glaciers are still at work today. A glacier in the north of Canada is cutting a new path(路) down the side of a mountain. This glacier will change the land, too.

1. The snow that fell on the mountain

A. became snowman B. melted C. became ice D. turned to rain

2. The word in the story that means a river of ice is __________.

3. The story says, “The snow did not melt. It became deep and heavy”. The word it means ____.

4. Which of the following does this story lead you to believe?

A. There are not as many glaciers as there used to be

B. Glaciers do not change the land as they move over it.

C. Glaciers are found only in warm places.

5. How fast did the glacier move? (Which sentence is exactly like the one in your book?)

A. Sometimes the glacier moved only once a year.

B. Sometimes the glacier moved over ten miles each day.

C. Sometimes the glacier moved only a few inches each day.

6. The main idea of the whole story is that _______.

A. snow is heavy B. the high land never changes

C. glaciers changed the land

Key: 1.C 2. glacier 3.snow 3.A 4.C 5.C

⑶ 谁有九年级-英语-初中英语阅读组合突破提优训练的答案

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⑷ 翼教版初中英语九年级上轻轻松松学英语答案


⑸ 初中英语同步听力与阅读训练九年级上册答案


学习目标: 在这一单元中,我们要学习如何谈论假期的计划(Vacationplans),对将来的安排(Futureplans) 语言目标: 1.用现在进行时表示将来。 (Presentprogressiveasfuture) 2.用where,when,what,howlong提问的句子。 主要句型: 1.Whatareyoudoingforvacation? I’mspendingtimewithmyfriends. 2.Whenareyougoing? I’mgoingnextweek. 3.Howlongareyoustaying? We’restayingfortwoweeks.
Step1.NationalDayiscoming..Whatareyoudoingforvacation? NowLet’stalkaboutfutureplans. 在这里,我们用到Whatareyoudoingforvacation? 同学们可能会奇怪,“bedoing”结构不是现在进行时吗?在这一单元中,用现在进行时代表将要发生的动作,表示对未来的计划和安排,译为“我将要…”,“我打算…”。 eg.What’sshedoingforvacation?她假期要做什么? She’sbabysittinghersister.她要看她妹妹。 这是我们进入初中以来第一次接触到将来时。这种用现在进行时表示将来动作的用法,实际上在英语中是很常见的。 Now,answermyquestion. “Whatareyoudoingforvacation?” Youmayhavelotsofanswers.Now,,andchooseoneasyouranswer. Ofcourse,.
Exercise: 1.我要去野营。 2.我打算看望我的姨妈。 3.我打算在家里看电视。 4.她要照顾她的小妹妹。 5.他打算玩篮球。 6.他们要在家里休息。 7.我要去山区徒步旅行。 8.Dave准备去骑单车。 9.Mary要去旅行观光。 10.Mike准备去钓鱼。 11.Isabella要去散散步并且租些录像来看。
Keys: 1.I’mgoingcamping. 2.I’mvisitingmyaunt. 3.I’mwatchingTVathome. 4.She’sbabysittinghersister. 5.Heisplayingbasketball(forvacation). 6.Theyarerelaxingathome. 7.I’mgoinghikinginthemountains. 8.Daveisgoingbikeriding. 9.Maryisgoingsightseeing. 10.Mikeisgoingfishing. 11..
Step2.We’’svacationplans. 除了用“Whatareyoudoingforvacation?”之外,我们还要学习其它几个问句,来帮助我们更好地谈论假期的计划。 1.Whenareyougoing? 你什么时候去呀? when表示对具体的时刻来提问,所以可以用onMonday,(在星期一),onthe12th(在12号那天)nextweek(下周)、等等。 eg.I’mgoingthefirstweekinJune.我将在六月份的第一周去。 2.Howlongareyoustaying?你要在那里呆多久? Howlong是对表示持续的一段时间来提问。因此回答时,也要用表示一段时间的时间状语,而不是具体时刻。 eg.Howlongishestaying? He’sstayingforaweek.他要呆一个礼拜。 或He’sstayinguntilSeptember.他在那里一直到九月份。 3.Whereareyougoingforvacation?你要去哪里度假? I’mgoingtoItaly(GreeceorSpain). 我要去意大利(希腊或西班牙)。 4.What’sitlikethere?那里怎么样?

⑹ 英语轻松阅读训练七下第九片答案

2. E D G A F C B 3. teacher by car writer singer on foot artist TV reporter 2 1. ③ ② ④ ⑥ ① ⑤ 2. 1) B 2) A 3) B 4) B 5) A 3 1. 1) ×专 2) × 3) √属 4) √ 5) √ 4 2. salesperson doctor policeman cleaner farmers student 3. C D A B 5 1. 1)。

⑺ 《初中英语快速阅读与完形填空九年级》所有文章的翻译,有几篇要几篇,最好是Unit14以后的,答案也要。


⑻ 帮帮忙,2017年初中英语轻松阅读训练七年级上册这本答案谁有

答案抄帮你找袭到了,看链接吧 https://www.kuaiizuoye.com/codesearch/m/bookview?bookId=

⑼ 帮帮忙,2016年新课标初中英语同步听读训练九年级上册这本答案谁有

快看!你要的答案我都帮你整理好了! https://www.kuaiizuoye.com/codesearch/m/bookview?bookId=

⑽ 求:《精编初中英语阅读(九年级)》答案 由于网上区域购买,买不到.只要答案,并非抄袭标准答案。理由如下

unit 1
B 一抄.1.at the same time 2. do his best to help me 3.learn from each other
二.1.A good friend must be not only helpful but also a good listener
2.A good friend always notices others good points
3.My good friend and i have fun together,and he likes the same things i like
三.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A
三。c a c c



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