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发布时间:2021-03-16 02:32:11

A. 英语作文 写一份关于课外阅读倡议书

Last summer holiday, my friend xiao ling went to Hangzhou to his aunt’s home. On the first day he went to the qian tang river to watch the tide with his cousin and they had a good time together . They decided to go to the west lake for sightseeing the next day. However, xiao ling had a high fever that night felt very sick. His aunt took him to hospital but

B. 英语作文.倡议书


C. 英语作文—奉献爱心倡议书

Dear friends:

You are good! I live in * * city of a primary school student. I often see on television, because of poor children deprived of schooling. From your eyes I see the desire to learn, to the hope of a better life, so I can not forget a long time.

Then a short pencil and has to hold a rubber, and it has no voids computation book, without do not touch my heart. The poor classroom, broken tables and chairs and the front of the classroom branches on the bell, all made me feel so happy. I have a bright and spacious classrooms, a new schoolbag. Such a superior environment and your environment compared to, I feel something is missing. What is missing? I think, should be a kind of spirit, a kind of keep on carving, for the spirit of progress. You are walking in the mountains from afar, a rugged road, a road muddy, in order to be able to put into the ocean of knowledge, let oneself have a better tomorrow. However, the reality is always disappointed you all once again, but we shared a great mother, it is our country. The motherland will not forget, all national grandparents, uncles and aunts have not forgotten you, and even as far as the overseas Chinese are concerned about you. All of us have a common wish, we hope that through the donor, can let you back, walked into the classroom, can let you one step closer to your ideal. Let us use our knowledge, to participate in the construction and development of our country. I believe, in the near future, impoverished area will be less and less, all the children could happily go to school.

Friends in the distance, I care about you, we all take part in the "hand in hand"," a gang of one" activity, let us work together, to have a better tomorrow refueling!

D. 倡议书初三英语作文







E. 英语作文 倡议书《读好书》


F. 文明城市 倡议书 英语作文

Taking care of our environment is our ty.But how we can do to make our environment more beautiful?
At first,we must make ourselves clean.For example,we must wash our clothes when they are dirty.We should not litter waste things about,and draw on the wall.We mustn't spit in public or cut down trees.
We should plant more trees around our neighbourhood.We should pick the rubbish up and throw them into the stbin when we see them.
We must make our world more and more beautiful,don't you think so?

G. “世界读书日倡议书”英语作文!急急急!



在1995年,联合国教科文组织宣布4月23(作家塞万提斯和莎士比亚逝世纪念日)(也有翻译为“世界图书和版权日”世界图书和版权日“,”世界读书日“世界图书日) ,社会大家看书的成员成为生活的必需品,读书每个人日常生活的一个组成部分,鼓励人们,尤其是年轻人发现阅读的乐趣,并为这个伟大的贡献表示感谢和尊重,以促进人类社会和文化取得的进展。自“世界读书日”宣布,超过100个国家和地区参加的活动。每年的4月23日,在世界五大洲,在不同的颜色在比赛中的国家,操着不同的语言之间,人们总是做同样的事情 - 阅读。这是世界各国学者的共同节日!













H. 一篇高二英语作文(倡议书)

I have my own room, but it is different from my dreaming room. My dreaming room is not too big or too small. There is a big and soft bed in it. Beside the bed there is a dressing table. On the other side, there is a big wardrobe. I can hang up all my clothes. There is a beautiful writing desk for me to do homework. Behind the desk there is a place to put many entertainment tools. And the wall of my room is pink. This is my dreaming room.

I. 以《课外阅读倡议书》写一篇英语作文

Everyone has their own habits, my habit is to watch TV.
Watch TV, have the habit of sometimes good, sometimes bad, because many people watch TV and become nearsighted. I watch TV, as long as nobody, I can watch for several hours. It is because watching TV, my eyes now look on the blackboard the word do not know the look; is because watching TV, I am every day for my eyes to worry about, there are so afraid of the day, my eyes to develop into high myopia. But one day I do not watch TV, my mind is always uneasy, just as ants are the same as scratching, even in the homework, I can not help but turn on the TV to watch a little while. I can do homework, the grandfather in the side, did not dare go to open TV. I remember one occasion, grandfather accompanied my homework at home, this time, my favorite look of the TV drama "亮剑" soon began to open their hearts always want to go watch TV. I'd like to see on TV, Grandpa took a phone call is my Ho table go public and tell him to play chess, Grandpa went. One grandfather, and I opened the TV on. I have read, such as drama, it is already 22:00 o'clock. At this time, I did not expect to do work. Just then, Grandpa returned, he found that not to do my work, I criticized him.
I really wanted to give up the habit watching TV and less watching TV, the protection of eyesight, healthy and happy to do a small man.



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