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发布时间:2021-03-15 09:01:15

❶ 高考英语任务型阅读填词常用词


❷ 一篇英语任务型阅读,只翻译即可


❸ 英语任务型阅读翻译·

英国人和美国人都复说英制语。 然而, 在美国英语和英国英语之间却存在着一些差异。比如说,在日常生活中他们使用的一些词汇就是不一样的。英国人把每栋建筑物的第一层称为“the ground floor”,而把美国人称之为“the second floor”的再上边一层称为“the first floor”。如果你去英国或是美国,你也许会发现其他的差异。英国人通常会将自己的真实情感掩藏。他们通常不会主动和陌生人说话。在火车上,他们也只是用看书或报纸打发时间。但是美国人却更活跃而且更容易去攀谈。


❹ 江苏省高考英语任务型阅读左边一栏中如何区分advantage和importance这两个答案即区分意义和好处


❺ 高考英语任务型阅读常见词汇

原因和结果:reason (for) , result; cause (of) , effect; consequence
异同点与优缺点:difference , similarity; advantage/benefit , disadvantage
观点与态度:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea ;attitude to/towards
评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment
表方式、方法:means , way , method (of) ; solution , approach ( to doing sth. ); take measures to do sth.
目的:purpose , aim , goal 积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic
建议: advice [u] , suggestion , tip 概括、总结: summary , conclusion
特点: feature , characteristic 种类:kind , type , category , class
精神上与身体上:mentally ,physically 影响 : influence , impact , effect (on )
情形 ,状况 : situation,condition 建立:build , create , establish , found
出现:appear ,occur(red) 实现,完成:reach , realize , accomplish
必要,必需 : must /necessity 方面,项目条款:item / aspect
材料 : materials 知识消息:knowledge / information
日程计划 : schele / agenda 百分比:percentage
性别 :sex 年龄 : age
满意 :satisfaction 忧虑,担忧,焦急 : concern
(不)熟悉 :familiar /unfamiliar 个人,个人的: indivial
细节 :description , detail 文化 : culture
责任 : (take) responsibility 贡献 : (make) contributions to
重要 : value importance significance 比较 : contrast comparison
时期 : period / time 存在 : existence exist
花费 : cost / expense 人口 : population
天气与气候 : weather[u] / climate [c] 位置 : location
主题 : theme 背景 : setting,background
情节 : plot 高潮 : climax
结尾 :ending 反对者与支持者:supporter , opponent
1.100 years = 1 century = 10 decades
2. take advantage of = make use of
3. parental attention = with the help / aid / assistance of parents
4. oppose the move = be against the move = object to = disagree with
5. consider … = take … into consideration / account
6. at the beginning = at first
7. be responsible for = take / shoulder / bear responsibility for
8. since the beginning of human evolution = throughout human history
9. Americans have been migrating south and west for decades in search of better job opportunities. = Americans have been migrating south and west for decades, seeking a better job. / searching /looking for a better job.
10. housing-related reasons = reasons related / linked/relevant to / connected with housing
11. take an active part in = take part in sth. actively
12. encourage participation in quiet activities = encourage children to participate in / take part in/ play a role in quite activities
13. be hooked on headphones = be addicted to headphones
14.valuable information = information of great value
15.understand clearly = have a clear understanding of sth.
16.affect = have an effect / influence / impact on sth.
17.matter = count = be very important = be of importance = make sense = make a difference
18. kills sb. = sth. costs sb. sth. = claim one’s life
19. make an apology = apologize to sb.
20.be over = end = put …to an end
21.despite = in spite of
22. share less than 2% = account for less than 2%= make up
23.online = on the Internet
24.learn good citizenship = learn to be good citizens
25.list the things that you are good at = list what / all you are good at
26.explain sth. = make an explanation
27.offer sth. to sb. = provide / supply sth. for sb.
28.besides = on top of = in addition to = apart from
29. be better than = be superior to
30. approve of = subscribe to = be in favor / support of = favor sth.
31.have access to = be acceptable / accessible / available to
32.stop = quit = give up
33.compensate for = make up for
34.in part = partly
35.every year = yearly = annually
36.use up = run out of (主动)
37.run out = give out = be used up (被动)
38.be accused of = be charged with
39.most of the people = the majority of the people
40.cater to /for one’s needs / demands /requirements = satisfy / meet one’s ….
41.starve to death = die of hunger/ starvation
42.be tired out = be worn out = be exhausted = be weary
43.socially responsible = social responsibility
44.sth. benefit sb. = be beneficial to sb. = be of benefit to = sb. benefit from sth .
45.commit oneself to doing sth. = promise to do sth.
46.make full use of = make the most of


❻ 高考英语 任务型阅读常用词汇

原因和结果:reason (for) , result; cause (of) , effect; consequence
异同点与优缺点: , similarity; advantage/benefit , disadvantage
观点与态度:opinion , view (on/about) , viewpoint , idea ;attitude to/towards
评论、评价:comment (on) , remark (on/upon) , assessment
表方式、方法:means , way , method (of) ; solution , approach ( to doing sth. ); take measures to do sth.
目的:purpose , aim , goal 积极和消极:positive ,negative; optimistic
建议: advice [u] , suggestion , tip 概括、总结: summary , conclusion
特点: feature , characteristic 种类:kind , type , category , class
精神上与身体上:mentally ,physically 影响 : influence , impact , effect (on )
情形 ,状况 : situation,condition 建立:build , create , establish , found
出现:appear ,occur(red) 实现,完成:reach , realize , accomplish
必要,必需 : must /necessity 方面,项目条款:item / aspect
材料 : materials 知识消息:knowledge / information
日程计划 : schele / agenda 百分比:percentage
性别 :sex 年龄 : age
满意 :satisfaction 忧虑,担忧,焦急 : concern
(不)熟悉 :familiar /unfamiliar 个人,个人的: indivial
细节 :description , detail 文化 : culture
责任 : (take) responsibility 贡献 : (make) contributions to
重要 : value importance significance 比较 : contrast comparison
时期 : period / time 存在 : existence exist
花费 : cost / expense 人口 : population
天气与气候 : weather[u] / climate [c] 位置 : location
主题 : theme 背景 : setting,background
情节 : plot 高潮 : climax
结尾 :ending 反对者与支持者:supporter , opponent
1.100 years = 1 century = 10 decades
2. take advantage of = make use of
3. parental attention = with the help / aid / assistance of parents
4. oppose the move = be against the move = object to = disagree with
5. consider … = take … into consideration / account
6. at the beginning = at first
7. be responsible for = take / shoulder / bear responsibility for
8. since the beginning of human evolution = throughout human history
9. Americans have been migrating south and west for decades in search of better job opportunities. = Americans have been migrating south and west for decades, seeking a better job. / searching /looking for a better job.
10. housing-related reasons = reasons related / linked/relevant to / connected with housing
11. take an active part in = take part in sth. actively
12. encourage participation in quiet activities = encourage children to participate in / take part in/ play a role in quite activities
13. be hooked on headphones = be addicted to headphones
14.valuable information = information of great value
15.understand clearly = have a clear understanding of sth.
16.affect = have an effect / influence / impact on sth.
17.matter = count = be very important = be of importance = make sense = make a difference
18. kills sb. = sth. costs sb. sth. = claim one’s life
19. make an apology = apologize to sb.
20.be over = end = put …to an end
21.despite = in spite of
22. share less than 2% = account for less than 2%= make up
23.online = on the Internet
24.learn good citizenship = learn to be good citizens
25.list the things that you are good at = list what / all you are good at
26.explain sth. = make an explanation
27.offer sth. to sb. = provide / supply sth. for sb.
28.besides = on top of = in addition to = apart from
29. be better than = be superior to
30. approve of = subscribe to = be in favor / support of = favor sth.
31.have access to = be acceptable / accessible / available to
32.stop = quit = give up
33.compensate for = make up for
34.in part = partly
35.every year = yearly = annually
36.use up = run out of (主动)
37.run out = give out = be used up (被动)
38.be accused of = be charged with
39.most of the people = the majority of the people
40.cater to /for one’s needs / demands /requirements = satisfy / meet one’s ….
41.starve to death = die of hunger/ starvation
42.be tired out = be worn out = be exhausted = be weary
43.socially responsible = social responsibility
44.sth. benefit sb. = be beneficial to sb. = be of benefit to = sb. benefit from sth .
45.commit oneself to doing sth. = promise to do sth.
46.make full use of = make the most of


❼ 任务型阅读怎么翻译

task-oriented reading
task-based reading

❽ 求任务型阅读的翻译,

明天星来期六, 大卫和源吉姆没有课。在首都体育馆将有一场美国队与中国队之间的排球比赛。大卫非常喜欢排球,所以他要去看。他说比赛要在下午2:30开始。但他不得不早早地离开家因为他的家离体育馆很远。而他不得不坐公交车去那儿。但是吉姆不会和他一起去。他要和二中的足球队踢球。我想他们都会过的很开心。

❾ 求任务型阅读的答案和翻译


on the fourth Thursday in November.
the early American settlers
yes,it is
pumpkin pie
because they can talk freelu,express thanks and share interesting stories



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