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发布时间:2021-03-02 13:08:27

Ⅰ 英语小短文(优美的,简短的)






Ⅱ 英语阅读小短文


Ⅲ 英语短篇美文4篇

1、If not to the sun for smiling, warm is still in the sun there, but wewill laugh more confident calm; if turned to found his own shadow, appropriate escape, the sun will be through the heart,warm each place behind the corner; if an outstretched palm cannot fall butterfly, then clenched waving arms, given power; if I can't have bright smile, it will face to the sunshine, and sunshine smile together, in full bloom.


2、When you love who you are,you become a conit of light.Just drop into your heart space,and live life from this view.For all of this doingis not who you are.Listen to your heart’s soft whisper,this voice will show you the way.Live life from your essenceis what she will say.See the light in yourself,and your world will be bright.There is no need to worry,you are exactly as you should be;remember to love who you are,and love you will see.


3、Occasionally, life can be undeniably, impossibly difficult. We are faced with challenges and events that can seem overwhelming, life-destroying to the point where it may be hard to decide whether to keep going. But you always have a choice. Jessica Heslop shares her powerful, inspiring journey from the worst times in her life to the new life she has created for herself.


4、So it is with us. We build our lives in a distracted way, reacting rather than acting, willing to put up less than the best. At important points we do not give the job our best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created and find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had realized, we would have done it differently.


5、Time is like a river, the left bank is unable to forget the memories, right is worth grasp the youth, the middle of the fast flowing, is the sad young faint. There are many good things, buttruly belong to own but not much. See the courthouse blossom,honor or disgrace not Jing, hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, has no intention to stay. In this round the world, all can learn to use a normal heart to treat all around, is also a kind of realm!


6、People always confuse about the meaning of happiness, they don’t know how to define it. Some people think that when one has the successful career or does something that makes contribution to the society is the happiness. It is common that great acts are admired by the public and people are easy to feel the happiness. While in my opinion, happiness is very easy to achieve. When I stay with my family, we have the nice talk and I feel very happy. When I eat the delicious food that is cooked by my mother, I feel moved and happy. Happiness is around everywhere, we can feel it if we treat it right.


7、When I am making mistakes, my parents will never be angry with me. I am so thankful to them for they are so tolerant with me. I learn many things from my parents, they show me how to be a tolerant person. They will not blame me for the small mistake that I make, instead, they will ecate me in the gentle way. Unlike some parents who are strict to their kids, they will be very angry and said the hurting words, making the children feel sad. Being tolerant to other people’s mistakes is the best way to solve the problem. People will appreciate the kind act and make things goes on the easy way.


8、Sometimes you dream to be a kind of happiness, sometimes the dream is also a kind of happiness; sometimes is a kind of happiness, sometimes the loss is also a kind of happiness;sometimes success is a kind of happiness, sometimes failure is also a kind of happiness. Sometimes the rich is a kind of happiness, sometimes poverty is also a kind of happiness. "Not happy" today, now can not be "happy", while it may be tomorrow or later become "happiness"!


Ⅳ 英语美文小短文欣赏


Ⅳ 急需短篇英语阅读30篇 英语作文10篇..

My family(我的家庭) Hello, everyone, I’m Liu Dongdong. I’m a student. There are three people in my family—my father, mother and I. My father is 40 years old. He is a worker. I think he is a good worker. Because he works very hard. He gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. So he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets home. He likes reading newspapers. He usually reads it after supper. So he gets lots of news. My mother is 38 years old. She is a worker too. She works in a very small factory. She is not tall and she has two big eyes. She loves me and she is good for me. She always buys some books for me. She wants me to be a top student. She also cares for my diet and life. I’ m 15 years old. I wear glasses. I like reading. I always read books after school. I like singing, too. My favorite singer is Jay Chou. His music is very nice. What do you think of him? I also like making friends. If you want to meet me, please write to me. Oh, my parents love me and I love them, too. My family is a happy family. Our School Life I don’t think our school life is colorful. Because we’ve got so many classes every day. I wonder whether we can change our school life someday. You see, from Monday to Friday, I have to stay at school. the only relaxation is to listen to the radio or play ball games. At weekends, we need to go to school to have classes, too. I know it’s very important for us to study well now. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a ll boy. "I want to step into the nature. I hope we will have more activities such as visiting museums, taking part in different kinds of contests, attending some lectures and so on. Is it only a dream? A NiceDay(美好的一天) Today is Monday.It is a nice day. In the morning, we had four classes,we had Chinese at 8:00o'clock. We had maths at8:50o'clock.we had English at9:30o'clock and Moral Ecation at10:30. In the afternoon,we had P.E at2:30,I really like P.E very much.oh,we had handwriting class on3:20. I like the day very much. It is a nice day and a happy day! Acat——Zhaocai (招财猫) There is a cat in our English school.Its name is Zhaocai.It is fat and very lovely.It has pointy ears,round eyes,white claws, and short but soft fur.It likes to keep itself clean by licking its fur.Zhaocai likes eating fish and meat. One day,I played a ball with my friend,but the ball fell down on the floor.Zhaocai saw the ball and ran to catch it.We saw it and laughed.Then we played with Zhaocai together. We were all very happy.We like zhaocai very much,because It is very cute and has brought us hap-piness. My Dream School I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn. We can spend more time doing some outside reading. The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn’t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school. Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If I want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows. The teachers here are kind and helpful. They are not only our teachers but also our good friends. The students are polite and friendly. We all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. There is no litter around the campus. I love my dream school. We will grow up to be happier there. MY BIRTHDAY (我的生日) Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another. My Favourite Flower(我喜爱的花) My favourite flower is lily. Lily is the national flower of France. I like white lily best. Because it’s very beautiful and pure. I planted a white lily in my garden in spring. I watered it every day. It grew very fast. It was taller and taller. One day, I got home after school. The lily blossomed. It looked like an elegant fairy. I was too excited to cry, “Oh, white fairy, white fairy!” I couldn’t help dancing. At that night, I dreamt that I was a beautiful fairy. My favorite sport(我喜爱的运动) There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming,running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is football. football matches are going on here and there around the world. Pick up a newspaper and you can learn the the results of the football matches. We enjoy playing football, watching football games after work. During the football matches of the World Cup,millions of people watch the matches on TV. When their favorite teams win, they will give them three cheers. When they fail,they feel sad. We all hope our national team will be the strongest one in the world. And the last,in the all football star,i like Ronaldo best,he is cool! Football is a really great sport ,it can make us healthy,i really like it! My Happiest Day Today is Friday. It is my thirteenth birthday. I got up very early in the morning and put on my new clothes happily. My parents bought me the new clothes as my birthday presents. I went to school earlier than before. I invited many of my classmates to come to my birthday party in the evening. Evening came at last. Many of my classmate came to my home. they bought me lots of beautiful presents. they all said,"Happy birthday to you!" We sang birthday songs happily.then my parents brought out a big birthday cake, saying, "We love you for ever. Happy birthday!" At the end of the party, we ate the birthday cake and some other delicious food. How happy I was! My Good Friend Zhang Ying is my good friend. She’s in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She’s a model student. She’s clever and she’s helpful, too. She often helps teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, having picnics with her parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesn’t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We always work together and help each other

Ⅵ 五篇美文佳作(500字左右) 4篇英语小作文,题目自拟

初中寒假作文:美丽的雪 昨晚,下了一场鹅毛大雪。清晨,我朝楼下一看,地上铺满了白色的雪。连屋顶上,树叶上全都是,真美啊!所以我一吃完早饭就跑下楼和一个小哥哥一起玩雪,我们用雪做成了雪人、山峰和几个小动物等等,还打雪仗,真好玩!然后我们各自拿点雪,回家了。回家后,我就用雪做了一个城市的房子,我先把雪做成一个长方体,然后画上一条一条的花纹,这个房子就做好了。可我抬头一看光芒四射,呀,太阳出来了,雪开始融花,这场雪虽然已经离开了我们,可它给我们带来的欢乐是无穷无尽的。今天,夜晚我和爸爸、妈妈一起看见许多烟火,听到许多鞭炮声音,还放了一些烟火和鞭炮。这要从爸爸到金盛百货大市场买完烟火和鞭炮说起:这时爸爸在看报纸,我们才刚刚从梅花山到外公家。外公家已经准备吃晚饭了,吃完晚饭后,我和爸爸就下楼放鞭炮了,这鞭炮太响了,小汽车都“叫了”。放完鞭炮后,我看见了许多美丽的烟火:有的像喷泉,有的像流星闪过,还有的烟火后会变成红的或绿的小降落伞等等,真是五花八门。我们放的烟花名字叫“天命之意”和“春雷炮”,一个39响,一个48响。我最后想说:“你们燃放时要注意安全。”愉快的星期天,我把作业“消灭”后,“终于属于我的小天地喽!”我不由自主地扑向快乐天地的怀抱,我高声欢呼起来。初中寒假作文:灿烂烟花之夜今天是除夕夜,是个合家团圆的日子,整个城市都笼罩在一片喜庆欢悦的气氛中。在饭店吃完年夜饭后,上空不断传来烟花绽放的声音,惹得我不禁驻足仰望。当一颗不起眼的小火种在半空中崩裂,随即变幻成一把绿色的大伞在夜空中飞旋。当这把“伞”还未完全消失殆尽,又有一朵灿烂的“金菊”蹿上天空,它宛如一位孤傲的仙子,全身被华丽璀璨的金色包围,在万人瞩目下“翩翩起舞”。绚丽的烟花在黑暗的夜空中竟相绽放,那流光溢彩四散开来的点点金光,把夜空装点得如此灿烂夺目。心中一阵震撼之后,又被烟花的潇洒所折服。它们带着坚强的微笑飞向天空,即使知道自己的生命短暂,却依旧想用自己最美的那一瞬间展现给世人观赏。一朵朵烟花像一张张烂漫的笑颜,在绽放中倾诉自己的幸福、欢畅。烟花的美丽很短,还未散尽的烟雾告诉我们,它们曾在这里灿烂地笑过。烟花没了,夜空还是原来的夜空,那些美丽终究只是昙花一现……初中寒假作文:快乐寒假手中的书本变得越来越薄了,终于,我们迎来了盼望已久的寒假。放下肩上的书包、手中的课本,将那XYZ和ABC抛到九霄云外。噢,这个假期属于我们自己。在寒假里,我们可以尽情地玩耍各种游戏,不用担心因为没有完成作业而被老师骂得狗血喷头;我们可以尽情地享受电视大餐,不必担心因为第二天要早起而被父母催促着睡觉。寒假里,我们与大自然有了亲密的拥抱。寒假中的我们如同水中的鱼儿,在自由自在地嬉戏;寒假中的我们是天上的云儿,在无忧无虑地追逐;寒假中的我们是夜空中的繁星,在兴高采烈地捉迷藏;寒假中的我们更是快乐的天使,要将快乐传遍世界的每一个角落。寒假里,我们跟生活有了零距离的接触。寒假中的我们当然不是只知道玩耍游戏,我们也懂得去体验生活。我们会尝试着自己洗衣服,看手上那白白的肥皂泡沫是多么美妙,再用力地搓一下自己的衣服,看着衣服上那一个个脏脏的斑点被自己洗去,心中的喜悦恐怕比考了100分还高兴呢。同时也感受到了做母亲的辛劳,对那“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”的诗句也有了新的体会,而这种体会是无法从课本上、课堂中学到的。快乐寒假里做一个快乐的自己。寒假收获作文1寒假里,我最大的收获就是学会了炒“盐水花生”。那天是星期六,工作了一周的妈妈一定很辛苦,好不容易有个双休日,应该让她好好歇歇。于是,我对妈妈说:“今天的菜我来做,就炒‘盐水花生’吧!”妈妈说:“你就试试吧!”我把一勺盐放入一小半碗水里,用筷子搅拌均匀,让盐融化在水里。我把调好了的盐水放到一边。又把一碟花生米放入锅里,然后把锅放到液化气灶上,打开电子开关,顿时从小孔里窜出蓝莹莹的火,那火苗在锅底周围不停地跳跃。我炒了一会儿,哎呀,不好了,有几粒花生冒烟了,眼看就要糊了。情急之中我想起了妈妈每次炒花生时,都点小火,我怎么点这么大的火呀!我马上把火调小了。我又炒了几下,想:是不是该放盐了?我尝了一粒花生,感觉还不行。过了一会儿,我又尝了一粒,又觉得还不到时候。就这样,我一边炒,一边尝,尝得我都分不清是生的还是熟的了。唉,还是搬救兵吧。于是,我把妈妈叫来,,妈妈笑着说:“你太心急了炒‘盐水花生’要有耐心,要等到花生变成红黄色,发出香味时再放盐水。”于是,我又开始炒起来,慢慢地发现花生渐渐变成了红黄色,我又尝了一粒,哇!真香啊。我把盐水倒进锅里。“滋啦”一声,锅被一层白雾笼罩着。我又开始翻炒起来。过了一会儿,红色的花生穿上了一件银白色的外套。我想:花生一定好了。我把花生盛到盘子里。这时,妈妈过来了,妈妈尝了一粒我炒的花生,说:“第一次就炒这么好,不错,不错。”我也尝了一粒,那花生又脆,又香,又有些咸味,好吃极了。第一次炒“盐水花生”我成功了!寒假收获作文3寒假中,我为了锻炼身体,实施我的减肥计划,便想练一项运动。爸爸建议我去打篮球,我想:“打篮球不仅增强了体质,还能长个儿。”于是决定这个寒假让爷爷教我打篮球。这天天气不错,我带着篮球牵着爷爷的手往卫校的篮球场走去。在路上,我又兴奋又担心,兴奋是因为我从没有打过篮球,这还是第一次,一定很刺激;担心的是我现在太小,个子和球篮之间距离太大,能否投进去都是个问题。但是我又想:“俗话说,有志不在年高,这岂不是说‘锻炼不在个高’吗?”于是便向篮球场跑去。来到学校的操场里,因为是寒假期间,校园也像冬眠了一样,空无一人。开始练球了,爷爷先从最基本的运球、走步、投球讲起,又给我做示范;最后让我一个动作一个动作的练习。在练习中,我无心练习运球和走步,只是一心想投球。我托起球,瞄准球筐,第一球还没到球篮下就掉下来了,直到第六个球,才碰了一下篮板。我灰心了,生气地把球往地上一摔,球却着了魔法似的进了,从篮筐里掉了下来的球在地上弹跳着,好像在说:“别灰心,万事开头难吗!”我立刻信心百倍,又开始练球了。现在,寒假已经过去了,但是我对篮球的热爱一直没有改变,只是没有更多的时间去练习罢了,但是只要天气不错,时间允许,我都会去打篮球的。
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. It's because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival. First, will make a big New Year meal. Second, we will make “Good-luck wishes.” Third, we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away.
Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.
Where's my dream
It's to visit Tian'anmen Square in Beijing
in a sunny summer morning
Oh,what's Beijing
Is she a young lady
who is teaching the chldren to sing
before the building
What's the building
It's the Great Hall of the People
one of the most famous places in Beijing
I hope my dream will come true tomorrow morning
Let's go there,singing and dancing
My Winter Holiday
We are going to have the winter holiday.During the holiday we will have the Spring Festival.So all of the families in China are having a busy time.All of the children in China like Spring Festival very much,because they can eat many delicious food and get many money.But children in China have to do the homework for Winter Holiday.So that the could remember what they have learn the year before.Each of the children likes Winter Holiday.
I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didn’t. Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.
I spend a lot of time on the homework.. Every day in my Winter Holiday, I always got up late. Then I listened to the tape, it was nine o’clock. Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework ring the daytime! I’m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!
寒假英语作文(4):I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

Ⅶ 速求5篇经典英语美文阅读


By Samuel Ullman 塞缪尔·厄尔曼

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not amatter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of thewill, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is thefreshness of the deep springs of life.

Youth means a tempera-mental predominance of courage over timidity,of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often existsin a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by anumber of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.

Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles thesoul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the springback to st.

Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being’s heart the lure ofwonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what’s next and the joy ofthe game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is awireless
station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer,courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.

When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows ofcynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20,but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, thereis hope you may die young at 80.

Transforming Obstacles into Benefits

By Richard Stewart,Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Originally in English)
美国洛杉矶 理查德.史都华德(原文为英文)

A group of frogs was traveling through the woods and two of themfell into a deep pit. Immediately, all the other frogs in the groupgathered around the pit and watched as the imprisoned frogs tried tojump out. The frogs on top could see that the pit was very deep and itlooked as if there was no way out, so they started yelling at the twofrogs in the pit to give up. "The pit is too deep. You're as good asdead," the chorus of frogs said. When the trapped frogs kept trying,the crowd yelled louder, "Give up. You're as good as dead." After awhile, one of the exhausted frogs took heed to what the others weresaying, and fell down and died.

But amazingly, the second frog kept jumping as hard as she coulddespite the negative remarks of those that kept yelling at her toaccept the inevitable and just die. Finally, with one valiant leap, shemade it out of the pit!

This amazing result occurred because the second frog was deaf annable to hear what the others had been saying. She thought they hadbeen cheering her on the entire time they were yelling! What she hadmistakenly perceived as encouragement inspired her to try harder andsucceed against all odds. And that made all the difference!

With a positive mindset, and being deaf to others' opinions, thesecond frog made use of such negativity to overcome obstacles and reachher goals by using it as encouragement, instead of being influenced byothers like the first frog, who failed to develop her potential tostrive for survival. Thus, when we surmount others' criticism, ridiculeor cynical comments, we can do anything we set our minds to, just asthe second frog did. But, if we are not deaf like this frog, who couldnot be influenced by others e to a physical condition, we need the Wisdom to guide us to the proper way, so as not to be blindly guided byworldly opinion.

Transforming Obstacles into Benefits

By Richard Stewart,Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Originally in English)
美国洛杉矶 理查德.史都华德(原文为英文)

A group of frogs was traveling through the woods and two of themfell into a deep pit. Immediately, all the other frogs in the groupgathered around the pit and watched as the imprisoned frogs tried tojump out. The frogs on top could see that the pit was very deep and itlooked as if there was no way out, so they started yelling at the twofrogs in the pit to give up. "The pit is too deep. You're as good asdead," the chorus of frogs said. When the trapped frogs kept trying,the crowd yelled louder, "Give up. You're as good as dead." After awhile, one of the exhausted frogs took heed to what the others weresaying, and fell down and died.

But amazingly, the second frog kept jumping as hard as she coulddespite the negative remarks of those that kept yelling at her toaccept the inevitable and just die. Finally, with one valiant leap, shemade it out of the pit!

This amazing result occurred because the second frog was deaf annable to hear what the others had been saying. She thought they hadbeen cheering her on the entire time they were yelling! What she hadmistakenly perceived as encouragement inspired her to try harder andsucceed against all odds. And that made all the difference!

With a positive mindset, and being deaf to others' opinions, thesecond frog made use of such negativity to overcome obstacles and reachher goals by using it as encouragement, instead of being influenced byothers like the first frog, who failed to develop her potential tostrive for survival. Thus, when we surmount others' criticism, ridiculeor cynical comments, we can do anything we set our minds to, just asthe second frog did. But, if we are not deaf like this frog, who couldnot be influenced by others e to a physical condition, we need the Wisdom to guide us to the proper way, so as not to be blindly guided byworldly opinion.



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