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发布时间:2021-02-28 18:15:49

『壹』 关于意大利的英文介绍


『贰』 意大利英文版介绍是什么

Italy (意大利语: Italia), officially the Italian Republic, (意大利语: Repubblica Italiana), is located on the Italian Peninsula in Southern Europe, and on the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. Italy shares its northern Alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within the Italian Peninsula, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland.

Italy has been the home of many European cultures, such as the Etruscans and the Romans, and later was the birthplace of the movement of the Renaissance, that began in Tuscany and spread all over Europe. Italy's capital Rome has been the center of Western civilization, and is the center of the Catholic Church.

Today, Italy is a democratic republic, and a developed country with the 7th-highest GDP, the 8th-highest Quality-of-life index, and the 20th-highest Human Development Index rating in the world. It is a founding member of what is now the European Union (having signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957), and also a member of the G8, the Council of Europe, the Western European Union, and the Central European Initiative. Beginning January 1, 2007, Italy became a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

『叁』 意大利英语介绍

意大利是一个南欧国家,国土大部在欧洲伸入地中海的亚平宁半岛上,西北—东南走同,形状狭长,西部的是撒丁王国的旧地撒丁岛,南部的西西里岛是意国另一个大的岛屿,把这个岛和意大利本土一块看,恰象一个脚在踢球.Italy is a southern European countries, most in Europe from outside the Mediterranean Apennines land on the peninsula. Northwest-Southeast take the same shape strip west of the Kingdom of Sardinia to the old Sardinian. Another is the view of the southern island of Sicily, the largest island, a piece of the island and the Italian territory, Health feet as a footballer.
意国最北部是横亘着的阿尔卑斯山脉的一部分,它把意大利和法国、瑞士、前南斯拉夫分隔开来,法、意边境上有欧洲的最高峰——勃朗峰。Italy is the most northern part of the Alps, which spans a part of its Italian and French, Swiss, The separation of the former Yugoslavia, France, Italy -- the peak of Mont Blanc, Europe border.
接着下来的是波河平原,这个平原介于北部的阿尔卑斯山脉和亚平宁山脉之间。Next is the eutrophication Plain, the plain between the Alps and the northern Appenine Hills between. 发源于阿尔卑斯山脉的冰雪溶水的波河自西北向东南流入地中海,把两岸的泥沙冲积成了现在窄三角状、西北高东南低的波河平原。Originated in the Alps, the snow dissolved water fluctuated from northwest to southeast into the Mediterranean. Now the two sides have become narrow triangular shaped alluvial silt, the lower fluctuated southeast of the northwest high plains

『肆』 求有关介绍意大利的英语短文,字数最好在一百字以上越多越好。难点的单词多点好!最好有关可可西里的

意大利是一个南欧国家,国土大部在欧洲伸入地中海的亚平宁半岛上,西北—东南走同,形状狭长,西部的是撒丁王国的旧地撒丁岛,南部的西西里岛是意国另一个大的岛屿,把这个岛和意大利本土一块看,恰象一个脚在踢球.Italy is a southern European countries, most in Europe from outside the Mediterranean Apennines land on the peninsula. Northwest-Southeast take the same shape strip west of the Kingdom of Sardinia to the old Sardinian. Another is the view of the southern island of Sicily, the largest island, a piece of the island and the Italian territory, Health feet as a footballer.
意国最北部是横亘着的阿尔卑斯山脉的一部分,它把意大利和法国、瑞士、前南斯拉夫分隔开来,法、意边境上有欧洲的最高峰——勃朗峰。Italy is the most northern part of the Alps, which spans a part of its Italian and French, Swiss, The separation of the former Yugoslavia, France, Italy -- the peak of Mont Blanc, Europe border.
接着下来的是波河平原,这个平原介于北部的阿尔卑斯山脉和亚平宁山脉之间。Next is the eutrophication Plain, the plain between the Alps and the northern Appenine Hills between. 发源于阿尔卑斯山脉的冰雪溶水的波河自西北向东南流入地中海,把两岸的泥沙冲积成了现在窄三角状、西北高东南低的波河平原。Originated in the Alps, the snow dissolved water fluctuated from northwest to southeast into the Mediterranean. Now the two sides have become narrow triangular shaped alluvial silt, the lower fluctuated southeast of the northwest high plains.

意大利的河流不多,最大的水系是波河水系。Italy not in the river, the largest river systems are fluctuated stream. 最长的河是波河,长652公里。Eutrophication is the longest river, 652 km long. 其他较大的河流,北部有阿迪杰河和皮牙伟河,中部有阿尔诺河(流经佛罗伦萨)和台伯河(流经罗马)。Other major rivers in the north ADIGE Weihe teeth and skin. central Arno (channeling Florence) and the Tiber (flows through Rome). 意大利的河流由于流量有限,很少用于航运。Due to the river flow will be limited in Italy, seldom used shipping.
再下来就是亚平宁山脉,南北纵贯于意大利,它把意大利导向地中海。Further down is Appenine Hills, ran through the South and the North in Italy, the Italian Mediterranean orientation.
由于处于欧亚大陆、非洲大陆板块挤压带上,使意大利多山、多丘陵,约占其境的80%,而且多活火山,著名的火山有维苏威火山、埃特纳火山。As in Europe and Asia, the African continent onto the plates, Italy mountainous terrain, more hills, about 80% of its territory. and most active volcanoes, a famous volcanic basalt volcano, the consequent cost of the encryption software key. 意大利境内有数千个大大小小的湖泊,其中最著名有北部的马焦雷湖、科莫湖、卡尔达湖。Italy there are thousands of large and small lakes, the most famous of which is the northern Maggiore, Komodo Lake Calda Lake.
意大利境内还有两个主权袖珍国:梵帝冈教皇国和圣马利诺。Italy, there are two sovereign countries Pocket Pope : Vatican City and San Marino.

气候 Climate
意大利虽处在温带,但由于地形狭长,境内多山和位于地中海之中,各地的气候差异很大。Although Italy at temperate, but because of the terrain strip, and the mountainous territory located in the Mediterranean, 's climate varies greatly. 北方地区冬季寒冷,一月份波河平原的平均气温为零度,而阿尔卑斯山区气温可降到零下20度,有些山峰甚至终年积雪。Cold northern winter, the average temperature of January fluctuated plain zero. and the Alps the temperature can drop to minus 20 degrees, and even some mountain snow fields. 南方地区,除内陆山区外,一月的平均气温可达到零上10度。The southern region, with the exception of the landlocked mountainous areas, the average temperature in January is 10 degrees can be achieved. 夏季整个意大利,除较海拔较高的山区外,平均气温在24-25度。Italy throughout the summer, with the exception than the higher elevations in the mountains, the average temperature 24-25 degrees.

人口 Population
据1981年10月的人口普查,意大利人口5655万多人,估计现略有减少,约等于我国人口的二十分之一。According to the census in October 1981, the Italian population of 56.55 million people, is estimated slight decline equivalent to about one-twentieth of our population. 男性占48.6%,女性占51.4%。Males accounted for 48.6%, women accounted for 51.4%. 工业人口占28.6%,服务业52.5%,92年的失业率10.2%。Instry accounted for 28.6% of the population, the unemployment rate of 10.2% 52.5%,92 services. 人口密度190/平方公里,是欧洲人口密度最高的国家之一。Population density 190/ square kilometers, is one of the highest population densities in Europe. 然而,意大利人口的实际分部很不平衡:64%的人居住在只占1/3领土的平原地区、沿海地带、大中小城市的市区及周围。However, the Italian branch of the actual population is very uneven : 64% of people living in only one-third of the territory of the plains region, coastal areas and small cities and the surrounding urban areas.
历史上意大利人口迁移严重,曾有上千万意大利迁移到美洲、非洲和欧洲其他国家。Italian migration serious history, millions of Italy had moved to the Americas, Africa and other European countries. 50和60年带由于北部工业发展对劳力的需求,南方又向北方迁移,同时也有部分国外移民回流。50 and 60 years of instrial development in the northern zone because of the demand for labor, the South also migrate north. also some foreign emigrants. 70年代后回流的移民已超过向国外的移民。After returning emigrants over the 1970s to foreign immigrants.

据查意大利中国侨民已超过20万,大部分为温州地区人士(包括文成县、 瑞安等地)。According to the investigation Italy and China has more than 200,000 foreigners, most of Wenzhou region (including text county. Ryan, etc.). 少量为浙江青田, 福建三明人氏。Qingtian small Zhejiang, Fujian Sanming fame. 除少部分为侨居多年的华侨外, 可以说80%以上的现有中国侨民都是在1989年以后进入意大利. 89年的非法移民合法化(大赦)吸引了大部分的其他欧洲国家的中国移民前往意大利。Apart from a few years of living overseas, It can be said more than 80% of the existing Chinese nationals in 1989 after entering Italy. 89 years of illegal immigration 's legalization (amnesty) to attract most of the other European countries, the Chinese immigrants to Italy. 95、99年的非法移民合法化也吸引了不少, 总的来说, 意大利中国侨民的历史不久.95,99, attract a lot of the legalization of illegal immigrants, on the whole, the history of Italy and China nationals soon.

同大部分其他国家一样, 意大利中国侨民也离不开中餐业、 成衣业(包括皮衣)、 皮包等劳动密集型行业。Like most other countries, Italy and China nationals without Restaurant. clothing (including leather), purses and other labor-intensive instries. 及以华人为客户的食品商店。Chinese food in the shops and customers. 近年也出现了不少中国小商品批发店。In recent years, there have been many China Small Commodities Wholesale stores. 意大利中国侨民社团众多,近几年成立社团好像成了时尚,有的城市甚至10几家之多。Italy and China expatriate communities in many societies seem to have become fashionable in recent years, and in some cities, even as several 10. 但一般它们并没有为侨胞提供有效融入当地的服务,倒是过年过节都会举办摸奖联欢会,有些社团相互不合, 倒是脱离成立社团的宗旨甚远.But in general they do not provide for the effective integration of the local Chinese, but the Chinese Lunar New Year party will be held Mojiang. Some mutual societies irrational, but far from the purpose of the establishment of societies.

总之, 意大利中国侨民以不久的移民历史取得的成绩还是需要套句老话“勤劳美德”。In short, nationals Italy and China's achievements in the history of the immigrants in the near or need to use an old saying, "ethic." 但总的还是不出3大传统行业, 现有的华人劳力也已过剩,如何改变,还有待中国侨民善用智慧.But still less than three traditional instries, the Chinese have excess labor, how to change use wisdom yet to be Chinese nationals.

政府 Government
意大利为议会制共和国,立法、执法、司法权三权分立,国家元首不兼任政府首脑,国家与罗马教廷的关系也是“各行其政,独立自主”。Italy parliamentary republic, legislation, law enforcement, judicial separation of powers, not the holding of the Summit of Heads of State. the relationship between the state and the Holy See also "all out its affairs independently." 意大利宪法规定,意大利的立法机构是议会,包括参众两院。Italian Constitution, the legislative bodies of the Italian Parliament, including the Senate and House of Representatives. 参议院议席325人,按地区选举,任期五年,其中十位由前任总统和现任总统从对国家有特殊贡献的人士中挑选;众议院630席,按人口比例分区选举,任期五年。325 Senate seats, according to district elections for five-year terms. Ten former president and the incumbent president from the country who were selected with special contributions; 630 House seats, District elections in proportion to the population, a five-year term.

『伍』 意大利的英文介绍

总之, 意大利中国侨民以不久的移民历史取得的成绩还是需要套句老话“勤劳美德”。In short, nationals Italy and China's achievements in the history of the immigrants in the near or need to use an old saying, "ethic." 但总的还是不出3大传统行业, 现有的华人劳力也已过剩,如何改变,还有待中国侨民善用智慧.But still less than three traditional instries, the Chinese have excess labor, how to change use wisdom yet to be Chinese nationals.

政府 Government
意大利为议会制共和国,立法、执法、司法权三权分立,国家元首不兼任政府首脑,国家与罗马教廷的关系也是“各行其政,独立自主”。Italy parliamentary republic, legislation, law enforcement, judicial separation of powers, not the holding of the Summit of Heads of State. the relationship between the state and the Holy See also "all out its affairs independently." 意大利宪法规定,意大利的立法机构是议会,包括参众两院。Italian Constitution, the legislative bodies of the Italian Parliament, including the Senate and House of Representatives. 参议院议席325人,按地区选举,任期五年,其中十位由前任总统和现任总统从对国家有特殊贡献的人士中挑选;众议院630席,按人口比例分区选举,任期五年。325 Senate seats, according to district elections for five-year terms. Ten former president and the incumbent president from the country who were selected with special contributions; 630 House seats, District elections in proportion to the population, a five-year term.

『陆』 介绍意大利还有威尼斯的英语文章

A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were graally lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775.
威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775.

Visiting Venice, Italy
Nobody arrives in Venice and sees the city for the first time. Depicted and described so often that its image has become part of the European collective consciousness, Venice can initially create the slightly anticlimactic feeling that everything looks exactly as it should. The water-lapped palaces along the Canal Grande are just as the brochure photographs made them out to be, Piazza San Marco does indeed look as perfect as a film set, and the panorama across the water from the Palazzo Ducale is precisely as Canaletto painted it. The sense of familiarity soon fades, however, as details of the scene begin to catch the attention - an ancient carving high on a wall, a boat being manoeuvred round an impossible corner, a tiny shop in a dilapidated building, a waterlogged basement. And the longer one looks, the stranger and more intriguing Venice becomes.

Founded fifteen hundred years ago on a cluster of mudflats in the centre of the lagoon, Venice rose to become Europe's main trading post between the West and the East, and at its height controlled an empire that spread north to the Dolomites and over the sea as far as Cyprus. As its wealth increased and its population grew, the fabric of the city grew ever more dense. Very few parts of the hundred or so islets that compose the historic centre are not built up, and very few of its closely knit streets bear no sign of the city's long lineage. Even in the most insignificant alleyway you might find fragments of a medieval building embedded in the wall of a house like fossil remains lodged in a cliff face.

The melancholic air of the place is in part a proct of the discrepancy between the grandeur of its history and what the city has become. In the heyday of the Venetian Republic, some 200,000 people lived in Venice, not far short of three times its present population. Merchants from Germany, Greece, Turkey and a host of other countries maintained warehouses here; transactions in the banks and bazaars of the Rialto dictated the value of commodities all over the continent; in the dockyards of the Arsenale the workforce was so vast that a warship could be built and fitted out in a single day; and the Piazza San Marco was perpetually thronged with people here to set up business deals or report to the Republic's government. Nowadays it's no longer a living metropolis but rather the embodiment of a fabulous past, dependent for its survival largely on the people who come to marvel at its relics.

The monuments which draw the largest crowds are the Basilica di San Marco - the mausoleum of the city's patron saint - and the Palazzo Ducale - the home of the doge and all the governing councils. Certainly these are the most dramatic structures in the city: the first a mosaic-clad emblem of Venice's Byzantine origins, the second perhaps the finest of all secular Gothic buildings. Every parish rewards exploration, though - a roll-call of the churches worth visiting would feature over fifty names, and a list of the important paintings and sculptures they contain would be twice as long. Two of the distinctively Venetian institutions known as the Scuole retain some of the outstanding examples of Venice Renaissance art - the Scuola di San Rocco , with its dozens of pictures by Tintoretto, and the Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni , decorated with a gorgeous sequence by Carpaccio.

Although many of the city's treasures remain in the buildings for which they were created, a sizeable number have been removed to one or other of Venice's museums. The one that should not be missed is the Accademia , an assembly of Venetian painting that consists of virtually nothing but masterpieces; other prominent collections include the museum of eighteenth-century art in the Ca' Rezzonico and the Museo Correr , the civic museum of Venice - but again, a comprehensive list would fill a page.

Then, of course, there's the inexhaustible spectacle of the streets themselves, of the majestic and sometimes decrepit palaces, of the hemmed-in squares where much of the social life of the city is concted, of the sunlit courtyards that suddenly open up at the end of an unpromising passageway. The cultural heritage preserved in the museums and churches is a source of endless fascination, but you should discard your itineraries for a day and just wander - the anonymous parts of Venice reveal as much of the city's essence as the highlighted attractions. Equally indispensible for a full understanding of Venice's way of life and development are expeditions to the northern and southern islands of the lagoon, where the incursions of the tourist instry are on the whole less obtrusive.

Venice's hinterland - the Veneto - is historically and economically one of Italy's most important regions. Its major cities - Paa , Vicenza and Verona - are all covered in the guide, along with many of the smaller towns located between the lagoon and the mountains to the north. Although rock-bottom hotel prices are rare in the affluent Veneto, the cost of accommodation on the mainland is appreciably lower than in Venice itself, and to get the most out of the less accessible sights of the Veneto it's definitely necessary to base yourself for a day or two somewhere other than Venice - perhaps in the northern town of Belluno or in the more central Castelfranco
The city was founded as a result of the influx of refugees into the marshes of the Po estuary following the invasion of northern Italy by the Lombards in 568. In the mid-8th century, the Venetians resisted the empire-building efforts of Pepin III and remained subject to Byzantium, at least theoretically. As the community continued to develop and as Byzantine power waned, however, an increasingly anti-Eastern character emerged, leading to the growth of autonomy and eventual independence. Venice was a city state (an Italian thalassocracy or Repubblica Marinara, the other three being Genoa, Pisa, and Amalfi). Its strategic position at head of the Adriatic made Venetian naval and commercial power almost invulnerable.

The Republic of Venice seized the eastern shores of the Adriatic before 1200, mostly for commercial reasons, because pirates based there were a menace to trade. The Doge already carried the titles Duke of Dalmatia and Duke of Istria. Later mainland possessions, which extended across Lake Garda as far west as the River Adda, were known as "Terra Firma", and were acquired partly as a buffer against beligerent neighbors, partly to guarantee Alpine trade routes, and partly to ensure the supply of mainland wheat, on which the city depended. In building its maritime commercial empire, the Republic acquired control of most of the islands in the Aegean, including Crete, and became a major power-broker in the Near East. By the standards of the time, Venice's stewardship of its mainland territories was relatively enlightened and the citizens of such towns as Bergamo, Brescia, and Verona rallied to the defence of Venetian sovereignty when it was threatened by invaders.

Venice became an imperial power following the Fourth Crusade, which (with Venetian aid) seized Constantinople in 1204 and established the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. Only Venetian ships could efficiently transport the men, supplies, and (especially) war horses.

The Venetian governmental structure was a mix of Byzantine and Islamic systems, but the social order was entirely feudal. Church and various private properties were tied to military service, though there was no knight tenure within the city itself. The Cavalieri di San Marco was the only order of chivalry ever instituted in Venice, and no citizen could accept or join a foreign order without the government’s consent. Venice remained a republic throughout its independent period and politics and the military were kept completely separate. War was regarded as a continuation of commerce by other means (hence, the city's early proction of large numbers of mercenaries for service elsewhere).

The chief executive was the Doge (ke), who, theoretically, held his elective office for life. In practice, a number of Doges were forced by pressure from their oligarchical peers to resign the office and retire into monastic seclusion when they were felt to have been discredited by perceived political failure.

Though the people of Venice generally remained orthodox Roman Catholics, the state of Venice was notable for its freedom from religious fanaticism and it enacted not a single execution for religious heresy ring the Counter-Reformation. This apparent lack of zeal contributed to its frequently coming into conflict with the Papacy. Venice was threatened with the interdict on a number of occasions and twice suffered its imposition. The second, more famous, occasion was on April 27, 1509, by order of Pope Julius II (see League of Cambrai).

Venetian ambassadors sent home still-extant secret reports of the politics and rumours of European courts, providing fascinating information to modern historians.

After 1070 years, the Republic lost its independence when Napoleon Bonaparte on May 12, 1797, conquered Venice ring the First Coalition. The French conqueror brought to an end the most fascinating century of its history: It was ring the "Settecento" that Venice became perhaps the most elegant and refined city in Europe, greatly influencing art, architecture, and literature. Napoleon was seen as something of a liberator by the city's Jewish population. He removed the gates of the Ghetto and ended the restrictions on when and where Jews could live and travel in the city.

Venice became part of the Austrian-held Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia when Napoleon signed the Treaty of Campo Formio on October 12 1797. The Austrians took control of the city on January 18, 1798. It was taken from Austria by the Treaty of Pressburg in 1805 and became part of Napoleon's Kingdom of Italy, but was returned to Austria following Napoleon's defeat in 1814. In 1866, along with the rest of Venetia, Venice became part of Italy. After 1797, the city fell into a serious decline, with many of the old palaces and other buildings abandoned and falling into disrepair, although the Lido became a popular beach resort in the late 19th century.
回答者:那如此三四三天 - 经理 五级 4-2 12:08

A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were graally lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775.
威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775.

Visiting Venice, Italy
Nobody arrives in Venice and sees the city for the first time. Depicted and described so often that its image has become part of the European collective consciousness, Venice can initially create the slightly anticlimactic feeling that everything looks exactly as it should. The water-lapped palaces along the Canal Grande are just as the brochure photographs made them out to be, Piazza San Marco does indeed look as perfect as a film set, and the panorama across the water from the Palazzo Ducale is precisely as Canaletto painted it. The sense of familiarity soon fades, however, as details of the scene begin to catch the attention - an ancient carving high on a wall, a boat being manoeuvred round an impossible corner, a tiny shop in a dilapidated building, a waterlogged basement. And the longer one looks, the stranger and more intriguing Venice becomes.

Founded fifteen hundred years ago on a cluster of mudflats in the centre of the lagoon, Venice rose to become Europe's main trading post between the West and the East, and at its height controlled an empire that spread north to the Dolomites and over the sea as far as Cyprus. As its wealth increased and its population grew, the fabric of the city grew ever more dense. Very few parts of the hundred or so islets that compose the historic centre are not built up, and very few of its closely knit streets bear no sign of the city's long lineage. Even in the most insignificant alleyway you might find fragments of a medieval building embedded in the wall of a house like fossil remains lodged in a cliff face.

The melancholic air of the place is in part a proct of the discrepancy between the grandeur of its history and what the city has become. In the heyday of the Venetian Republic, some 200,000 people lived in Venice, not far short of three times its present population. Merchants from Germany, Greece, Turkey and a host of other countries maintained warehouses here; transactions in the banks and bazaars of the Rialto dictated the value of commodities all over the continent; in the dockyards of the Arsenale the workforce was so vast that a warship could be built and fitted out in a single day; and the Piazza San Marco was perpetually thronged with people here to set up business deals or report to the Republic's government. Nowadays it's no longer a living metropolis but rather the embodiment of a fabulous past, dependent for its survival largely on the people who come to marvel at its relics.

The monuments which draw the largest crowds are the Basilica di San Marco - the mausoleum of the city's patron saint - and the Palazzo Ducale - the home of the doge and all the governing councils. Certainly these are the most dramatic structures in the city: the first a mosaic-clad emblem of Venice's Byzantine origins, the second perhaps the finest of all secular Gothic buildings. Every parish rewards exploration, though - a roll-call of the churches worth visiting would feature over fifty names, and a list of the important paintings and sculptures they contain would be twice as long. Two of the distinctively Venetian institutions known as the Scuole retain some of the outstanding examples of Venice Renaissance art - the Scuola di San Rocco , with its dozens of pictures by Tintoretto, and the Scuola di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni , decorated with a gorgeous sequence by Carpaccio.

Although many of the city's treasures remain in the buildings for which they were created, a sizeable number have been removed to one or other of Venice's museums. The one that should not be missed is the Accademia , an assembly of Venetian painting that consists of virtually nothing but masterpieces; other prominent collections include the museum of eighteenth-century art in the Ca' Rezzonico and the Museo Correr , the civic museum of Venice - but again, a comprehensive list would fill a page.

Then, of course, there's the inexhaustible spectacle of the streets themselves, of the majestic and sometimes decrepit palaces, of the hemmed-in squares where much of the social life of the city is concted, of the sunlit courtyards that suddenly open up at the end of an unpromising passageway. The cultural heritage preserved in the museums and churches is a source of endless fascination, but you should discard your itineraries for a day and just wander - the anonymous parts of Venice reveal as much of the city's essence as the highlighted attractions. Equally indispensible for a full understanding of Venice's way of life and development are expeditions to the northern and southern islands of the lagoon, where the incursions of the tourist instry are on the whole less obtrusive.

Venice's hinterland - the Veneto - is historically and economically one of Italy's most important regions. Its major cities - Paa , Vicenza and Verona - are all covered in the guide, along with many of the smaller towns located between the lagoon and the mountains to the north. Although rock-bottom hotel prices are rare in the affluent Veneto, the cost of accommodation on the mainland is appreciably lower than in Venice itself, and to get the most out of the less accessible sights of the Veneto it's definitely necessary to base yourself for a day or two somewhere other than Venice - perhaps in the northern town of Belluno or in the more central Castelfranco.
回答者:lwj04 - 助理 三级 4-2 12:47

A city of northeast Italy on islets within a lagoon in the Gulf of Venice, a wide inlet of the northern Adriatic Sea. Founded in the 5th century a.d. by refugees fleeing the Lombard invaders who had gained control of the mainland, it became a major maritime power by the 13th century and spread its influence over northern Italy by the 15th century. Its territories were graally lost to the Turks, and in 1797 it passed to Austria. Venice was ceded to Italy in 1866. Population, 332,775.
威尼斯:意大利东北部的一个城市,位于亚得里亚海北部的一个宽阔的海湾威尼斯湾 里的一个泻湖内的众多小岛上。它在 公元 5世纪由逃离伦巴族侵略者的难民创建,这些侵略者已获得对大陆的控制权,到13世纪它已成为一个主要的海上强国并于15世纪把其影响扩及意大利的北部。它的领土后来逐渐为土耳其人所攻陷,并于1797年转让给了奥地利。威尼斯在1866年并入了意大利。人口332,775

『柒』 用英语介绍意大利风景名胜

Venice (Italian: Venezia, Venetian: Venesia or Venexia) is a city in northern Italy, the capital of the region Veneto, and has a population of 271,251 (census estimate January 1, 2004). Together with Paa, the city is included in the Paa-Venice Metropolitan Area (population 1,600,000). Venice has been known as the "La Dominante", "Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light". It is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.[1]

The city stretches across 118 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy. The saltwater lagoon stretches along the shoreline between the mouths of the Po (south) and the Piave (north) Rivers. The population estimate of 272,000 inhabitants includes the population of the whole Comune of Venezia; around 62,000 in the historic city of Venice (Centro storico); 176,000 in Terraferma (the Mainland), mostly in the large frazione of Mestre and Marghera; and 31,000 live on other islands in the lagoon.

The Venetian Republic was a major maritime power ring the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and a staging area for the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as a very important center of commerce (especially silk, grain and spice trade) and art in the 13th century up to the end of the 17th century.

『捌』 意大利的英语简介

意大利是一个南欧国家,国土大部在欧洲伸入地中海的亚平宁半岛上,西北—东南走同,形状狭长,西部的是撒丁王国的旧地撒丁岛,南部的西西里岛是意国另一个大的岛屿,把这个岛和意大利本土一块看,恰象一个脚在踢球.Italy is a southern European countries, most in Europe from outside the Mediterranean Apennines land on the peninsula. Northwest-Southeast take the same shape strip west of the Kingdom of Sardinia to the old Sardinian. Another is the view of the southern island of Sicily, the largest island, a piece of the island and the Italian territory, Health feet as a footballer.
意国最北部是横亘着的阿尔卑斯山脉的一部分,它把意大利和法国、瑞士、前南斯拉夫分隔开来,法、意边境上有欧洲的最高峰——勃朗峰。Italy is the most northern part of the Alps, which spans a part of its Italian and French, Swiss, The separation of the former Yugoslavia, France, Italy -- the peak of Mont Blanc, Europe border.
接着下来的是波河平原,这个平原介于北部的阿尔卑斯山脉和亚平宁山脉之间。Next is the eutrophication Plain, the plain between the Alps and the northern Appenine Hills between. 发源于阿尔卑斯山脉的冰雪溶水的波河自西北向东南流入地中海,把两岸的泥沙冲积成了现在窄三角状、西北高东南低的波河平原。Originated in the Alps, the snow dissolved water fluctuated from northwest to southeast into the Mediterranean. Now the two sides have become narrow triangular shaped alluvial silt, the lower fluctuated southeast of the northwest high plains.

意大利的河流不多,最大的水系是波河水系。Italy not in the river, the largest river systems are fluctuated stream. 最长的河是波河,长652公里。Eutrophication is the longest river, 652 km long. 其他较大的河流,北部有阿迪杰河和皮牙伟河,中部有阿尔诺河(流经佛罗伦萨)和台伯河(流经罗马)。Other major rivers in the north ADIGE Weihe teeth and skin. central Arno (channeling Florence) and the Tiber (flows through Rome). 意大利的河流由于流量有限,很少用于航运。Due to the river flow will be limited in Italy, seldom used shipping.
再下来就是亚平宁山脉,南北纵贯于意大利,它把意大利导向地中海。Further down is Appenine Hills, ran through the South and the North in Italy, the Italian Mediterranean orientation.
由于处于欧亚大陆、非洲大陆板块挤压带上,使意大利多山、多丘陵,约占其境的80%,而且多活火山,著名的火山有维苏威火山、埃特纳火山。As in Europe and Asia, the African continent onto the plates, Italy mountainous terrain, more hills, about 80% of its territory. and most active volcanoes, a famous volcanic basalt volcano, the consequent cost of the encryption software key. 意大利境内有数千个大大小小的湖泊,其中最著名有北部的马焦雷湖、科莫湖、卡尔达湖。Italy there are thousands of large and small lakes, the most famous of which is the northern Maggiore, Komodo Lake Calda Lake.
意大利境内还有两个主权袖珍国:梵帝冈教皇国和圣马利诺。Italy, there are two sovereign countries Pocket Pope : Vatican City and San Marino.

气候 Climate
意大利虽处在温带,但由于地形狭长,境内多山和位于地中海之中,各地的气候差异很大。Although Italy at temperate, but because of the terrain strip, and the mountainous territory located in the Mediterranean, 's climate varies greatly. 北方地区冬季寒冷,一月份波河平原的平均气温为零度,而阿尔卑斯山区气温可降到零下20度,有些山峰甚至终年积雪。Cold northern winter, the average temperature of January fluctuated plain zero. and the Alps the temperature can drop to minus 20 degrees, and even some mountain snow fields. 南方地区,除内陆山区外,一月的平均气温可达到零上10度。The southern region, with the exception of the landlocked mountainous areas, the average temperature in January is 10 degrees can be achieved. 夏季整个意大利,除较海拔较高的山区外,平均气温在24-25度。Italy throughout the summer, with the exception than the higher elevations in the mountains, the average temperature 24-25 degrees.

人口 Population
据1981年10月的人口普查,意大利人口5655万多人,估计现略有减少,约等于我国人口的二十分之一。According to the census in October 1981, the Italian population of 56.55 million people, is estimated slight decline equivalent to about one-twentieth of our population. 男性占48.6%,女性占51.4%。Males accounted for 48.6%, women accounted for 51.4%. 工业人口占28.6%,服务业52.5%,92年的失业率10.2%。Instry accounted for 28.6% of the population, the unemployment rate of 10.2% 52.5%,92 services. 人口密度190/平方公里,是欧洲人口密度最高的国家之一。Population density 190/ square kilometers, is one of the highest population densities in Europe. 然而,意大利人口的实际分部很不平衡:64%的人居住在只占1/3领土的平原地区、沿海地带、大中小城市的市区及周围。However, the Italian branch of the actual population is very uneven : 64% of people living in only one-third of the territory of the plains region, coastal areas and small cities and the surrounding urban areas.
历史上意大利人口迁移严重,曾有上千万意大利迁移到美洲、非洲和欧洲其他国家。Italian migration serious history, millions of Italy had moved to the Americas, Africa and other European countries. 50和60年带由于北部工业发展对劳力的需求,南方又向北方迁移,同时也有部分国外移民回流。50 and 60 years of instrial development in the northern zone because of the demand for labor, the South also migrate north. also some foreign emigrants. 70年代后回流的移民已超过向国外的移民。After returning emigrants over the 1970s to foreign immigrants.

据查意大利中国侨民已超过20万,大部分为温州地区人士(包括文成县、 瑞安等地)。According to the investigation Italy and China has more than 200,000 foreigners, most of Wenzhou region (including text county. Ryan, etc.). 少量为浙江青田, 福建三明人氏。Qingtian small Zhejiang, Fujian Sanming fame. 除少部分为侨居多年的华侨外, 可以说80%以上的现有中国侨民都是在1989年以后进入意大利. 89年的非法移民合法化(大赦)吸引了大部分的其他欧洲国家的中国移民前往意大利。Apart from a few years of living overseas, It can be said more than 80% of the existing Chinese nationals in 1989 after entering Italy. 89 years of illegal immigration 's legalization (amnesty) to attract most of the other European countries, the Chinese immigrants to Italy. 95、99年的非法移民合法化也吸引了不少, 总的来说, 意大利中国侨民的历史不久.95,99, attract a lot of the legalization of illegal immigrants, on the whole, the history of Italy and China nationals soon.

同大部分其他国家一样, 意大利中国侨民也离不开中餐业、 成衣业(包括皮衣)、 皮包等劳动密集型行业。Like most other countries, Italy and China nationals without Restaurant. clothing (including leather), purses and other labor-intensive instries. 及以华人为客户的食品商店。Chinese food in the shops and customers. 近年也出现了不少中国小商品批发店。In recent years, there have been many China Small Commodities Wholesale stores. 意大利中国侨民社团众多,近几年成立社团好像成了时尚,有的城市甚至10几家之多。Italy and China expatriate communities in many societies seem to have become fashionable in recent years, and in some cities, even as several 10. 但一般它们并没有为侨胞提供有效融入当地的服务,倒是过年过节都会举办摸奖联欢会,有些社团相互不合, 倒是脱离成立社团的宗旨甚远.But in general they do not provide for the effective integration of the local Chinese, but the Chinese Lunar New Year party will be held Mojiang. Some mutual societies irrational, but far from the purpose of the establishment of societies.

总之, 意大利中国侨民以不久的移民历史取得的成绩还是需要套句老话“勤劳美德”。In short, nationals Italy and China's achievements in the history of the immigrants in the near or need to use an old saying, "ethic." 但总的还是不出3大传统行业, 现有的华人劳力也已过剩,如何改变,还有待中国侨民善用智慧.But still less than three traditional instries, the Chinese have excess labor, how to change use wisdom yet to be Chinese nationals.

政府 Government
意大利为议会制共和国,立法、执法、司法权三权分立,国家元首不兼任政府首脑,国家与罗马教廷的关系也是“各行其政,独立自主”。Italy parliamentary republic, legislation, law enforcement, judicial separation of powers, not the holding of the Summit of Heads of State. the relationship between the state and the Holy See also "all out its affairs independently." 意大利宪法规定,意大利的立法机构是议会,包括参众两院。Italian Constitution, the legislative bodies of the Italian Parliament, including the Senate and House of Representatives. 参议院议席325人,按地区选举,任期五年,其中十位由前任总统和现任总统从对国家有特殊贡献的人士中挑选;众议院630席,按人口比例分区选举,任期五年。325 Senate seats, according to district elections for five-year terms. Ten former president and the incumbent president from the country who were selected with special contributions; 630 House seats, District elections in proportion to the population, a five-year term.


『玖』 一篇关于能源的英语阅读理解,文中提到日本、意大利等国家


『拾』 意大利介绍~~~英语

Rome's history (about 2800 years old) speaks for itself, however, the beauty of its architecture and its scenery speak louder. Few cities are as good for walking around and enjoying as Rome, as trips can include the Colosseum, the Pantheon and the Roman Imperial Forum. Of course, Vatican City is enclosed by Rome and is in itself worthy of a trip, and high-end shopping is only steps away from St. Peter's Basilica. Ancient Romans liked to build cities on the top of the mountain/hills for natural defense.

The two provinces (Tuscany and Umbria) contain the classic Italian landscapes, with ancient stone villages set among mountains, vineyards, and olive groves.

Rome is one of the most popular travel destinations in Italy and is a living museum of history. Rome is on the west in Central Italy, not far from the coast. Modern Rome's main port is Civitivecchia.It is a vibrant and lively city with reminders of its past everywhere. In Rome you will encounter ancient monuments, medieval and Renaissance buildings and fountains, and great museums. Rome is the capital of modern Italy and boasts many fine restaurants and cafes, good nightlife, and lively steets and squares. Although Rome is a huge city, its historic center is small.
The best way to arrive in Rome is by train. The main station, Stazione Termini is close to the historic center of Rome. There are several outlying stations, too. You can also arrive by bus near Termini station or in Piazzale Tiburtina in front of the Tiburtina train station. Rome's airport Fiumicino is a major international airport and visitors from the United States often arrive here. You can take a train into Rome from the airport. You'll probably want to avoid driving in Rome.



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