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发布时间:2021-02-27 09:36:35

1. 求关于地震的高中英语作文

Japan earthquake composition (high school)
The sun still shines on body,, all foreign object looks is a constant and natural. However, impermanence is always lurking in have often later, never a day away from, but we didn't notice. Yesterday or calm, and the life of Japan, in a moment, he was involved in a swirl of nightmare. The magnitude 9.0 earthquake, a not astonishing number, bring a person, it is amazing disaster.
You hate the Japanese? Maybe all Chinese hate. Can you hate them, really hope that they die? Most people answer must be negative. Maybe the history origin, think of the suffering of those years, think of those people who their evil deeds cause SINS, but they died and in what things up?
Not every Chinese is a good man, too, not every a Japanese people are bad.
T hink about China's wenchuan earthquake, yushu, let these people power feat not of the disaster, and cause is not a person, not a province, is not a country, not a national, alone to pain, but the pain of all mankind. Our compatriots have displaced, had family broken up and decimated, those people face, is full of tears, the face of despair, and is full of pain, feel sad face, which a don't let people enough trails? Even if they have to give us a cause, or a lot of people have nothing to do with these, they also don't want to hurt our Chinese people. The Japanese people, ordinary family, children and parents, in nine earthquake under the trample also enough trails, despair, loneliness, pain.
Still remember when wenchuan earthquake, the Japanese patrol because no save to a man fell on his knees and pain of the scene. After two years, see a large number of countrymen schadenfreude shout again big point of time, suddenly feel how to save most of Chinese feudal culture in five thousand by the soul of distortion.
Japan earthquake many people Roman holiday. Have net friend say the MOP so a words: even the street the thief can't fulminating national, but have the courage shouted out small Japan. Even alive compatriots suffering is indifferent, but the nerve to tell not forget the dead compatriots.
Historical humiliation of course we can not forget, but we why always take off it. Besides in addition to Japan and many countries invasion, powers China.

For the earthquake all life in the blessing, life is the best thing, let this beautiful eternal continue!!
Love without borders, for the people in disaster blessing。

翻译 日本地震作文(高中)

日本地震许多人都幸灾乐祸。 MOP上有网友说了这么一句话: 连街头的小偷都不敢呵斥的民族,却有勇气高呼灭了小日本。连活着同胞的苦痛都漠不关心,却有脸说不忘死去的同胞。

希望你采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!如有翻译不懂,可及时追问我哟。

2. 高中英语: 情景是 地震搜救中 被救者说:There are 14 of us (left/


3. 高一英语必修1唐山地震的阅读

Tangshan Earthquake
Xu Xuejiang, the man who blew the whistle on the death toll from the Tangshan earthquake 30 years ago, recently recounted how he broke his silence to reveal that the quake had claimed 240,000 lives, a figure that had kept secret for three years.

The Tangshan earthquake, which devastated north China's Hebei Province in 1976, was an event surrounded by speculation, guesswork and rumors because no official information about what had actually happened or casualties sustained was made available.

Xu considers his experience is still relevant to today's China, which has just drafted a law targeting local officials guilty of cover-ups and media that give incorrect information about disasters, accidents and other emergencies.

In November 1979, Xu, then a reporter with Xinhua News Agency and later deputy chief editor, inadvertently got wind of details about the earthquake at the inaugural meeting of China's Seismological Society held in Dalian, a port city in northeast China's Liaoning Province.

It was the first time that official figures from the Tangshan earthquake were made available. "It was a big story that the country and the world had long been waiting for. I felt I had to use every possible means to bring it to the public," Xu said.

He quickly wrote a story and submitted it to the meeting's general secretary, then an official with the State Seismological Bureau, for further verification.

But some persuasion on his part was necessary: "The earthquake happened more than three years ago. There has been too much hearsay because no official statistics have yet been released. The Hong Kong media even claimed that the death toll was over 700,000. It's better to tell the truth rather than cover things up," Xu said to the general secretary.

"This meeting is a good opportunity. If the news comes from a conference on seismology, it looks more natural than an abrupt official announcement and means that no explanation about the three-year postponement is needed," Xu wheedled.

Xu had to further convince the official that time was of the essence: "It must be published today, and will lose a lot of impact if delayed."

"It's not a man-made disaster, and the deaths have no direct relation with the government," Xu insisted.

The general secretary, finally convinced, did not seek instructions from higher-level officials and approved the story for publication by Xinhua.

The story shocked the country and generated sharp criticism. Some government departments argued that Xinhua ought not to have "divulged a state secret." Xinhua, however, firmly supported Xu's decision to report the story.

Xu said that, on the 30th anniversary of the earthquake, it is worth looking back at this unusual experience.

"I hope that both the government and the media will learn a lesson from this and further improve coverage of major natural disasters and other emergencies," he said.

Reporting deaths from natural calamities used to be taboo for government officials. Analysts believe that ring the planned economy period from the early 1950s to the late 1970s, the government feared that exposing death figures might tarnish its image, draw blame from the public, or trigger social turmoil.

But the outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, and in particular the sacking of the mayor of Bejing and Minister of Health for covering up the death toll ring the crisis, has prompted the government to become more transparent.

Last September, the National Administration for the Protection of State Secrets and the Ministry of Civil Affairs jointly declared that death tolls in natural disasters and related information were no longer state secrets.

"Society is progressing," Xu said, adding that the government has now established "openness", "transparency" and "people first" as its new principles of governance.

4. 有没有关于地震的语文或英语阅读文章


英文的:地震来了 如何保护孩子

5. 求一篇关于地震的英语文章

An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as a seismograph. The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude, with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale.At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by a shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami. The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity.In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event—whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humans—that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, huge amounts of gas migration, mainly methane deep within the earth, but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments.The 2008 Sichuan earthquake (Chinese: 四川大地震), or Great Sichuan Earthquake which measured at 8.0 Ms[5] and 8.3 Mw[6] according to PRC's China Seismological Bureau, and 7.9 Mw according to USGS, occurred at 14:28:01.42 CST (06:28:01.42 UTC) on 12 May 2008 in Sichuan province of China. It was also known as the Wenchuan earthquake (Chinese: 汶川大地震), after the earthquake's epicenter in Wenchuan County in Sichuan province. The epicenter was 80 kilometres (50 mi) west-northwest of Cheng, the capital of Sichuan, with a depth of 19 kilometres (12 mi).[2] The earthquake was felt as far away as Beijing (1,500 km away) and Shanghai (1,700 km away), where office buildings swayed with the tremor.[7] The earthquake was also felt in nearby countries.Official figures (as of May 30, 12:00 CST) state that 68,858 are confirmed dead, including 68,007 in Sichuan province, and 366,586 injured, with 18,618 listed as missing.[4] The earthquake left about 4.8 million people homeless,[8] though the number could be as high as 11 million.[9] It was the deadliest and strongest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed at least 240,000 people. Approximately 15 million people lived in the affected area.The earthquake was followed by two major aftershocks, which led to the collapse of 420,000 more buildings.[10] On May 25, a major aftershock of 6.0 Mw hit northeast of the original earthquake's epicenter, in Qingchuan County, causing eight deaths, 927 injuries, and billions of dollars in damage.

6. 如何上好英语阅读课

  1. 课前做好充分的准备:老师要深入钻研授课内容,注重研究教材教法,注重把知识和能力既深入浅出又扎扎实实的传授给学生,注重研究教材教法。教学过程中教师要有激情,富有感染力,能很好地掌控课堂,面向全体,有层次,深入浅出地指导学生学习。

  2. 让学生成为课堂的主体:学生是学习的主人,是学习的主体。教学中只有充分调动学生认知的,心理的,生理的,情感的,行为的等方面的因素,让学生进入一种自主的学习境界,才能充分发挥学生的主观能动性,融自己的主见于主动发展中。

  3. 情景教学设计:为了能够让学生在课堂上能有所收获,在课堂设计上也尽量从学生的实际水平出发,设计一节学生能接受的而且最好是比较新颖的教学情境。

  4. 教学过程中注意发挥小组合作的效用:以一带一或一带二,让每一个同学在课堂上都能用英语对话,体验到说英语的乐趣,从而慢慢提高对英语学习的积极性。


  1. 学习英语的方法:到英语国家要想练成一口“洋腔洋调”的英语口语,到英语国家去练习是最有效的办法,这样可以直接与英语本族人交流。但是这也是最昂贵的方式,只是少数人的选择。

  2. 到英语角:如果去英语角的目的是学习就不对了。其实应该把那里当作练习英语表达的地方,在那里充分展示自己,建立起说英语的信心,锻炼自己与不同的人说英语的胆量和能力。去那里要的是一种志同道合的氛围。如果没有时间去,你还可以自言自语,把自己想象成两个人在对话。

  3. 找外教一对一练习:在国内找外教一对一练习口语跟出国效果差不多,但费用会省很多。现在中国外国人很多,特别是一些大城市,如北京、上海等,外国人随处可见。可以主动上去跟他们用英语交流,或者花钱找一个外教一对一专门陪练口语。

  4. 多进行口语练习:目前大部分目前还无法出国或者找外教学习英语,而传统英语角在时间、地点、形式上的局限,限制了一部分人学习英语的热情。 为提高英语口语的练习,可以试试电话英语角、网络英语角等形式的练习平台。



7. 高中英语书中关于地震的那篇文章


8. 高一英语作文 有关于地震的

1 in the classroom? How should meet earthquake
1) don't panic, teachers should obey the arrangement and command.

2 quickly, cks, avoid to cover, close your eyes.

3 don't run out of the classroom.

2 when the earthquake in the playground? How hedge met

1 is the playground where should quickly cks.

2 hand hold their head.

3 tall buildings or to avoid danger.

4 don't go back to the classroom.

9. 地震的关于地震的英文小短文120字

Wenchuan,a small city,was destroyed by the earthquake.Many people were buried underground.Many houses were collapsed.
The army comes to help people save some people who were buried underground.People said thanks to them.
The force of the earthquake is very big.But people don't afraid it.People around the world contributed money to Wenchuan.We wish Wenchuan will become more and more beautiful.

10. 高中英语作文,关于地震的英语作文,以及恐怖主义还有节省地球资源的英语作文。100分全给你了啊!!

But now, the earth has changed. Green and yellow amount, but more, earth this is what? This is not people cut down trees, this kind of behavior is not only let the birds no survival home, also caused widespread collapse, floods, etc. No trees, our earth like lost a balance frame.

And right now the stores sell cans, cans of is a kind of pollution. The road, schools have become their safe "home". And tank is made of aluminum, aluminum with to the person's body also has a lot of harm. Besides, do such a cup of coke, be about to use a lot of process, which will waste a lot of resources.

The old battery more harm. Once and household trash mixed later, in certain conditions, will proce a series of chemical reaction, releasing toxins, influence people's body, damage the ecological environment.

Now people technology developed, factory in order to improve the efficiency, put to a stream discharge sewage is a good place, the river's got dirty, smelly and clinking, the more hateful is our mother river Yellow River, Yangtze river is polluted to more serious, the garbage is full of, let passing pedestrians were quick to cover your mouth and go.

So, we want to use the actual labor to proof. Such as water conservation. Such as: finished with water; after turn off the faucet in time Wash the dishes of water used to water the flowers, rinse mop, flush the toilet. Don't think faucet drop a few drops of nothing. A faucet water per second, one year is dripping water flowing freely 36 square off. If a household monthly saving water, the national party how much water saving a month?

Fortunately people realize that the earth is polluted severity, everyone was already action, to protect our homeland. But I still hope to people who have no move action, bent down to pick up a piece of paper, a piece of land to peel, let us a better tomorrow, the more beautiful!



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