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发布时间:2021-02-27 08:57:38

1. 高中英语情景对话常用的答语有哪些

2. 高中英语情景对话范文

don’t get me wrong——别误会我

A: Jack, why are you so fussy about me?
B: No, I’m not. I can’t complain about you.
A: But I resent your criticism.
B: Don’t get me wrong. What I do is for your own good.


I’ll be right with you.——我马上就来。

A: Jacky, where are you going? We are ready to go.
B: I need to answer a phone call.
A: All right. Be quick. We are running out of time.
B: Not a problem. I’ll be right with you.


Give me a call.——给我打电话

A: Are you interested in our procts, sir?
B: I think so. They appear to be very practical.
A: You got it. Here is my business card. Please give me a call if you need more information.
B: All right.


I’m working on it.——我正在努力。

A: Albert, do you drive?
B: No, but I’m working on it.

A: Albert,你会开车吗?
B: 不会。我正在学。

Have you finished yet?——你做完了吗?

A: Jack, are you still repairing the pipe in the bathroom?
B: Yes. It’s leaking.
A: Have you finished yet? Dinner is ready.
B: I’ll have it ready very soon.

A: Jack,你还在修卫生间里的水管吗?
B: 是的。水管漏水。
A: 你修好了吗?晚饭准备好了。
B: 我马上就修好了。

It’s my pleasure.——这是我的荣幸。

A: Shall I give you a ride home?
B: That’s perfect. Thanks for the ride.
A: Don’t mention it. It’s my pleasure.

A: 要我开车送你回家吗?
B: 好极了,多谢你送我。
A: 不客气。这是我的荣幸。

Could you do me a favor?——你能帮我一个忙吗?

A: Mary, could you do me a favor?
B: Sure, if I can.
A: Of course, you can. I’d like you to type this document for me.
B: All right. Put it on my desk.

A: Mary,你能帮我个忙吗?
B: 当然,如果我能帮上忙的话。
A: 你当然能。我想让你帮我打一下这个文件。
B: 好吧。把它放在我的桌子上吧。

Thank you all the same.—不管怎样还是要谢谢你。

A: I’m sorry. The brand of perfume you wanted is not available in Hong Kong now.
B: That’s a pity. But thank you all the same.

A: 对不起。你要的那种牌子的香水在香港买不到。
B: 真遗憾。不管怎样还是要谢谢你。

Don’t mention it!—不必客气。

A: Excuse me, can I use your telephone?
B: Of course. Go ahead.
A: I’m sorry to bother you. But my phone hasn’t been installed yet.
B: Don’t mention it. You are welcome(at any time).

A: 请问,我能用一下你的电话吗?
B: 当然可以。用吧。
A: 很抱歉打扰你。我的电话还没有装上。
B: 不必客气。(随时)欢迎你来。

It doesn’t matter to me.—对我来说无所谓。

A: I’ve decided to buy that villa. What do you think?
B: It’s none of my business. It doesn’t matter to me.

A: 我已经决定买那幢别墅了。你觉得怎么样?
B: 这不关我的事。对我来说无所谓。

3. 适合高中生听的,英语课外的短文和对话

可以去www.bbclearningenglish.com看看,里面有很多可以听的,很地道的英式发音,我很喜欢 TEACHER的节目,正如BBC所说Have some fun with your students as they learn some idiomatic expressions,(举个例子,up in arms=angry,it is not my cup of tea=i don't like it)节目风趣幽默,而且可以长知识(是视频)。SIX MINUTE ENGLISH(可以下MP3材料)也不错,不会太长而且语速适中声音清晰,keep your english up to date不错,可以学到新鲜事物,在网站的首页有很多可供选择的节目(Home News Sport Radio TV Weather。。。这下节目一般都是可以下的,还可以直接去DOWNLOAD下,不过貌似在节目里下会更全)还有general&business English,Grammar, Vocabulary & Pronunciation(words in the news不错,可以配合BBC news听)也可以去下BBC news,有些网站(如可可英语)可以下到带字幕和听力材料文本的。。。

4. 一道高中英语情景对话题

C 意思是 请坐,我给你泡杯茶

5. 求高中英语完形20篇阅读30篇


6. 高一英语,求一道7选5式情景对话题!

(Bobby:I can't believe it!____1
(White:Why are you complaining?That's not a bad grade.
(Bobby:I worked on it for weeks .I spent hours in the library checking on things._2 __I even gave up last week's concert .
(White:Well,getting a B is good._3__ (Bobby:But Ames didn't spend half as much time on his project and he still got an A .
(White:Ames always gets good grades on his projects.If you are truly dissatisfied(不满足的,why don't you speak to the teacher to find out why you only got a B ?
(White:Maybe your grade can be changed.If that can't be done,you can find out what was weak about it and try to improve on those points in your next project.
A,I purpose that's the best thing to do B,I'm really not in the mood to speak to that teacher.
C,I really thought I'd done a good job
D,I have done much better than ever.
E,It's up to you to decide what to do.
F,I only got a B on my project.
G,I just don't see why you are so upset.

7. 高中英语问题(单选,对话篇)

-It seemed that (that way ) at first.But after a while it started to get easier.
that way在这里译为“那样”
Don't be that way!

8. 高中水平的英语对话形式,3到5分钟,题材不限、急急!!

A: Are you OK?
B: I think so. I’m just a little frightened.
A: I think you are. That looked like a pretty bad accident.
B: It was. I guess I was lucky.
A: You bet you are. What happened?
B: Well, I was just driving around that corner back there and I lost control of my car. I must have hit an icy patch.
A: I can’t believe you survived.
B: What happened to the driver of the other car?
A: I’m not sure.
B: I saw him being carried away to the hospital in an ambulance. He didn’t look good.
A: I don’t think he was as lucky as you were.
B: How terrible! I can’t believe this is happening.
A: Calm down. You are OK. We don’t know about the other man. He might be just fine.
B: I should call my family.
A: Take it easy. Don’t try and do anything too fast, You’ve just been through a bad time

9. 高中英语阅读表达典型例题(我要典型题附有答案的)

1. It is _______ outside. Let’s put on our raincoats and go out, Tom.
A. cold B. hot C. sunny D. rainy
【解析】此题易误为A。因为这里有个put on短语,如果不注意raincoats这个词那就很可能草率地选择A。raincoats是“雨衣”的意思,而不是一般的衣服,那么不是因为外面“冷”,而是因为“下雨”才穿“雨衣”。正确答案为D。
2. —_______ do you _______ about spring?
—The flowers and the green trees.
A. How, like B. How, think C. What, think D. What, like
【解析】此题陷阱选项为A或B或C。这是由于忽略语境造成的。由答语The flowers and the green trees. 可知,所问的是“你喜欢春天的什么?”而不是“你觉得春天怎么样?”。正确答案为D。
3. —What’s your sister like?
A. She is a worker B. She likes pears
C. She is very thin D. She is like her father
【解析】此题陷阱选项为B或D。有很多考生一看题干中的like一词就会想当然地选择B或D。其实,问句的意思是“你姐姐长得怎么样?”因此,正确答案为C。What’s … like? 这个句型常常用来询问某人的长相或某事的情况(包括天气情况)。
4. —It’s too hot. Would you mind _______ the door?
—_______. Please do it now.
A. to open, OK B. opening, Certainly not
C. opening, Of course D. to open, Good idea
【解析】此题陷阱选项为A。一方面是由于不了解mind的用法,另一方面的由于忽略造成的。mind后面接动词时要用其ing形式。由答语中的Please do it now. 可知“不介意”。正确答案为B。
5. —If you have any trouble, be sure to call me.
A. I am glad to hear that B. I will. thank you very much.
C. I have no trouble D. I will think it over

1. We should keep _______ in the reading-room.
A. quite B. quietly
C. quiet D.quickly

2. The light in the room wasn’t _______for me to read.
A. enough bright B. brightly enough
C. enough brightly D. bright enough
【解析】此题容易误选A或B。选A的人是受的汉语思维的影响,enough bright翻译过来正好是“足够明亮”的意思,其实这并不符合英语的习惯,在英语中当enough修饰形容词或副词时一定要后置;选B的人没有注意所缺的成分是表语,作表语时应该用形容词而不用副词。正确答案为D。

3. She is _______of the two.
A. the cleverest B. the cleverer
C. the clever D. cleverest

4. —How far is the factory from here?
—It’s about 4 kilometres _______.
A. far B. long
C. away D. near
【解析】此题容易误选A。这是由于受到汉语思维的影响,因为译成汉语正好是“大约4公里远”。其实,问距离时可以用How far is …. ?,但是far不能与表示具体的距离连用,此时应该用away。因此,正确答案为C。

5. —Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?
—No. I think we need _______ men.
A. another B. other two
C. more two D. two more
【解析】此题容易误选A或B或C。选A的同学是由于草率做题造成的,因为这里空格后面是个复数名词,而不是单数可数名词,因此不能选A。选B或C的同学是由于汉语思维的影响引起的,汉语中说“另外两个”,但是英语中要说other two或two more,这与汉语的习惯不一样。正确答案为D。
If you give us another twenty minutes (= twenty more minutes), we will finish the work. 如果你再给我们二十分钟,我们就可以完成这项工作。

6. He is taller than _______ girl in his class.
A. any B. other
C. any other D. another
【解析】此题容易误选C。这是由于思维定势引起的。平时大家都熟悉这样的句子China is larger than any other country in Asia. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. 于是than any other这个结构在同学们的头脑中已经根根深蒂固了。其实,到底要不要other, 关键是看主语是否也在比较的范围之内;如果在范围之内,就必须用other, 以此来避免与自身进行比较;如果不在范围之内,则不能用other, 因为没有必要把自身排除。这里主语he不属于girl in his class之列,不能用other, 因此正确为A。

7. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _______ voice.
A. the best B. a best
C. the better D. a better
【解析】此题容易误选A。这是由于思维定势引起的,许多同学认为最高级前加了定冠词the肯定没错。其实,这是一个暗含比较级,它省略了一些我们很清楚的东西,句子的完整形式应为:I have never heard a better voice than her voice. 因此正确答案为D。

8. _______ fathers made them have piano lessons.
A. Peter and Ann’s B. Peter’s and Ann’s
C. Peter’s and Ann D. Peter and Ann
【解析】此题容易误选A或C。错误的原因是由于受思维定势的影响。平时考生们做多了“This is Lucy and Lily’s bedroom. ”这样的题,那么一看到这样的题就想到只是在后面一个单词后面用所有格。其实,到底用一个所有格,还是用两个所有格,取决于它们所修饰的名词:如果所修饰的名词是单数可数名词,就只在后面一个名词后面用所有格;如果所修饰的名词是复数可数名词,就两个名词都用所有格。正确答案为B。

9. There are a lot _______ people today than yesterday.
A. of B. / C. most D. more
【解析】此题容易误选A。有不少考生因受“ a lot of +名词”这一思维定势的影响,一看到a lot,就选择了A。其实,该句中的a lot是用来修饰形容词的比较级more的,than引导的是比较状语从句。正确答案为D。

3. “Excuse me, are you _______? ”
“No, we are _______. ”
A. American, Englishman B. American, Germans
C. American, Germen D. Englishman, Americans
【解析】先从词性来看,American 和 German 既可以用作名词也可以用作形容词,用作名词时,其复数形式分别为Americans 和 Germans;选项中的Englishman只能用作名词,其复数形式是Englishmen。
先看第一空:如果单从Excuse me, are you _______?来看,要是填Englishman,就应该在其前加不定冠词,即说成Excuse me, are you an Englishman? 但是,根据答语中的 we are…可知,问句中的you 其实是指“你”,而是指“你们”,所以如果用Englishman,就应换成 Englishmen 才对。由此可排除选项D。
再看第二空:由于German的复数是Germans,不是Germen,由此可确定C错误;再根据we are…可知,其后若用名词Englishman,必须要用复数Englishmen,而不能是单数,所以排除A。

10. A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _______ second.
A. / B. the C. a D. an

11. _______ India and China are of _______ same continent.
A. /; the B. The ; the C. /; / D. /; a
【解析】此题容易误选D。这是由于受汉语思维的影响造成的,因为译成汉语时这句话的意思是“印度和中国在同一个大洲”,汉语里说“同一个”,在英语中要说“the same”,这就是此题的陷阱所在。正确答案为A

12—You’re very ______, aren’t you? —Yes. Our team has won the game.
A. happy B. worried C. sad D. afraid
解答此题时你若只看问句,填任何一个答案都是正确的,当看到答句中的has won the match才知道只有答案A正确。

13—Your spoken English is much better! —______.
A. Oh, no B. You’re right C. thank you D. Not at all

14I hear someone _______at the door. Please go and see who _______ is.
A. knock, he B. knocking, he C. knock, it D. knocking, it
【解析】此题容易误选A或B。这是由于汉语思维的影响引起的。大家都知道hear sb. do sth. 意为“听见某人做某事”,hear sb. doing sth. 意为“听见某人正在做某事”,这样一来很多人就会选择A或B,因为后面“去看看他是谁”从汉语的角度来看是没有错的。其实,在英语中常常用it来指代身份(姓名、职业等)不详的人。有人敲门时我们常常用英语问“Who is it?”正确答案为D。

15. Lucy and I are classmates. We _______ in Class One.
A. all are B. are all C. both are D. are both

16. There is _______ egg at home. Will you please get _______ for me, please?
A. no, some B. not, some C. not any, any D. not an, any
【解析】此题容易误选C或D。这是由于死记语法条文引起的。因为大家都知道some一般用于肯定句中,而any一般用于疑问句或否定句中,这样一来A和B首先就给排除了。其实,在表示请求或建议的疑问句,如Would you like…? / What would you like…? / Could you/ I …? / What about…? / How about…? / Would/ will you please…?等等疑问句中习惯上要用some而不用any。又因为no可以直接修饰名词,而not必须加上a/an或any之后才可以接名词。因此正确答案为A。

17. —A latest English newspaper, please!
—Only one left. Would you like to have _______, sir?
A. one B. this C. that D. it
【解析】此题容易误选A。这是由于忽略语境和思维定势造成的。这里是在询问是否有报纸卖,很多同学认为这里最后一句话的意思是“先生,你是否想要一份”。其实,由上文中的Only one left. 可知,只剩下一份报纸了,这暗示了购买者别无选择,只能买“它”了。正确答案为D。

18. —Don’t make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping.
A. Sorry, I won’t B. It doesn’t matter
C. Excuse me, I’m wrong D. Certainly, I won’t
【解析】此题容易误选 C 或 D。一方面可能由于不知道 Excuse me. 与 Sorry. 的区别,而误选为C;另一方面可能由于不理解这一语境而误选为D。这里听话者是做错了事情,做错的事情首先应该说 Sorry 表示歉意,然后现表示不会再那样做了。正确答案为A。

19. —I haven’t seen Jack for three days, is he ill?
—_______. His mother told me that he was in hospital.
A. I am afraid so B. I hope not
C. I don’t expect D. I am afraid not
【解析】此题容易误选B或D。一般来说我们不希望别人生病,如果不注意语境的话,就很可能误选为B或D。由下文His mother told me that he was in hospital. 可知Jack可能生病了。I am afraid so. 意为“恐怕是这样的”,常用来表示一种不太肯定的语气。正确答案为A

20. —Excuse me. May I use your computer?
—_______. It’s broken.
A. Sure B. Yes, here you are
C. With pleasure D. I’m afraid not
【解析】此题易犯草率答题的错误而误选A或B。对于别人的请求大多数要用肯定回答,如果没有下文的It’s broken. 选择A或B那肯定是正确的。由下文的It’s broken. 可知,这里应该拒绝对方的请求,故正确答案为D。这里I’m afraid not. 意为“恐怕不行”。

21. —Can I get you something to drink, Mr Smith?
—_______. I am thirsty.
A. Here you are B. No, thank you
C. You’re welcome D. Yes, please
【解析】此题容易误选B。因为当对方问自己是否需要某物时可以说Yes, please. 表示接受,也可以说No, thank you. 表示拒绝。如果不注意看下文的I’m thirsty. 就很可能误选为B。正确答案为D。

22. —Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan!
A. thank you all the same B. Not at all
C. Just so-so D. thank you

23. —What do you do? —_______.
A. I am thirteen B. I work hard
C. I’m fine D. I’m a student
【解析】此题容易误选B。What do you do? 所问的不是经常“做什么”,而是在询问对方的“职业”,它相当于What’s your job? 因此正确答案为D。
注意:以下句型的意思:What is he? (用来询问职业)他是干什么的?What does he do? (= What’s his job? ) (用来询问职业) What is he like? (用来询问长相或人品) 他长得怎么样?/他是怎样一个人? How is he? (用来询问身体状况)他身体怎么样?How old is he? (用来询问年龄) 他多大了?

24. —Andy isn’t going out this evening, is she?
—_______. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother.
A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t
C. Yes, she isn’t D. No, she is
【解析】此题容易误选C。答语应译作“是,她不出去”才对,因此受到汉语思维的影响此题就很可能选C,但是这不符合英语的习惯。其实,否定的疑问句回答与肯定的疑问句的回答方式是一样的,答案肯定的就用“Yes, + 肯定的省略句”;答案是否定的就用“No, +否定的省略句”。只不过否定疑问句的答语中Yes要译作“不”,No要译作“是的”,这一点与汉语有点错位。例如:你是一名学生,假如有人这样问你:Are you a student? / Aren’t you a student? / You are a student, aren’t you? / You aren’t a student, are you? 那么你的回答都应该是“Yes, I am.”。只不过应注意在回答第2和第4个问句时Yes要译作“不”。

25. —Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang?
—Who’s calling, please.
A. I’m Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang is here
C. This is Mr. Wang speaking D. Mr. Wang is calling
【解析】此题容易误选A或B或D。这是受的汉语思维的影响,因为汉语中在电话时常常说“我是某人”时,但是英语中不说“I am… / … is here. ”而习惯上说“This is … (speaking). / Speaking. ”正确答案为C。

26. —I fell and hurt my leg just not.
A. Be careful B. It doesn’t matter
C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Nothing serious
【解析】此题容易误选A或B或D。这里也很容易受到汉语思维的影响,因为平时对方告诉我们说他或她摔倒了,我们总会对他或她进行安慰说一些“小心点”,“没关系”等等之类的话。而在英语中听到对方诉说一些不幸的事情时往往要说“I’m sorry to hear that. / Bad luck!”之类的话表示同情或安慰,这一点与汉语的习惯不一样。正确答案为C。

27. —_______.
—thank you very much. I will.
A. Congratulations! B. Best wishes to you
C. Please say hello to your family. D. What a good wish to your family!
【解析】此题容易误选A或B。因为A和B两项都可以用thank you very much. 来回答,如果不注意后面的I will. ,那么选择A或B的可能性是非常大的。正确答案为C。Please say hello to your family. 意为“请代我向你的家人问好”。

28 Is there ______ food in the fridge?I’m hungry.
A. some B. any C. something D. anything
本题是考查不定代词的用法,从题干上可知C、D不作定语,应考虑A、B两个选项,这时就需要领会附加成分I’m hungry. 的含义,它的意思是“我饿了。”,言下之意希望冰箱里有食物,即希望肯定回答,故选A。

29 ______ have you been to Xi’an?
—Twice. (from www.zkenglish.com)
A. How soon B. How m any times
C. How often D. How long

30 There are a lot ____ people today than yesterday.
A. of B. most C. / D. more
有的同学一看此题,就会认为选A,因为是固定搭配a lot of。如果我们仔细分析一下题干可知,此句有一连词than引导的比较状语从句,这是个比较结构,排除A、C项,B是最高级应排除,故答案理所当然应选D。本题的考查点应是副词a lot修饰比较级m ore,意为“多得多”。

31 Shanghai is larger than ____ city in New Zealand.
A. any other B. other C. all other D. any
此题是考查比较级句型,很多考生就容易误选A,因为“比较级+than any other +名词”这一比较模式在学生的思维中已成定式,印象很深。可是新西兰这个国家与上海所在国家(中国)不是同一地理范围,上海不是与本国的城市相比,而是与它国的城市相比,不必排除“自身”这个比较对象。不必加other一词。故本题选D。

32 —Would you like some more fish?
—______, I’m full.
A. Yes, please B. No, thanks
C. No, I won’t have it D. Yes, I won’t to

33 —You are a beautiful girl. —_____.
A. No,I am not beautiful B. thank you
C. Not at all D. I’m not so beautiful as you.

34I will ring you up when I ____ Wuhan tomorrow.
A. will reach B. reached C. reaches D. reach
本题考查的是动词时态,有些同学一见从句后有tom orrow,就选A,实际上在我们学习语法知识时有这样一条“如果主句是一般将来时态、情态动词加动词原形、祈使句时,由if引导的条件状语从句和when,until,be-fore,after,as soon as引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时”。所以本题应选D。

35 He told m e that the sun ____ in the east.
A. rose B. had risen C. rises D. have risen

36 The People’s Republic of China was founded.
A. on October 1, 1949 B. 1949, on October 1
C. in October 1, 1949 D. 1949, in October 1
(2) Which is ____, the moon or the earth?
A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. the biggest

37. 熟记语法知识,注意习惯用法
The farm ers are all busy ____ apples.
A. pick B. to pick C. picking D. to picking
根据语法知识,be busy的习惯用法是be busy后接动词-ing形式。故本题应选C。像这样的固定用法还有enjoy doing sth, keep(sb /sth )doing sth, finish doing sth, can’t help doing sth, feel like doing sth, m ind doing sth, prerfer doing sth to doing sth 等等。



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