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发布时间:2021-02-26 07:18:03

① 四年级英语阅读理解训练题及答案

ositions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility

② 四年级英语阅读理解100篇可以复制粘贴

1 c 因为四本书既有关于写科幻小说的又有是科幻小说的,但都是与“科幻小说”有关的 2 D Orson Scott Card是Masterpieces这整本书的作者 而题目是其中的一则故事---“Bears Discover Fire ”,它的作者是Terry Bisson,因为“Bears Discover Fire by Terry Bisson, ” 3 A “Only 2 left in stock-order soon by Amazon.com.”因为只剩下两本了 而且价格便宜 又是小说 比前面两本写小说用书要畅销 4 A C 是说“Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy”而不是”World Building”因为“This how-to book is divided into four parts: “Story-telling;”还有 “ but Anderson’s technical essay on preparing a scientifically valid world couldn’t be better” D 都是围绕“Astronaut Claire Logan”这个主人公来讲的一个故事,我们不能看出它不止一个故事 “Masterpieces”是适合新手的 因为“However, it is a great book for new science fiction readers.” 所以答案选B 不知道这样回答对你用没有

③ 小学四年级英语阅读理解练习题,5篇,不要书!!短一些,谢谢!我真的急急急急急急急急急急急急急急需。

Betty and KittyBetty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps. She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities and countries. But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too.
( ) 1. Betty is Kitty’s sister.
( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers.
( ) 3. Kitty likes reading storybooks.
( ) 4. They’re twelve years old.
( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday.

Lovely pandasPandas’ faces look like cats’, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears’. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. People likes them very much.Most Pandas live in China. The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are their hometowns. Pandas like to climb trees. They usually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink spring water.
( )1. The panda mainly lives in . A. America B. Shanghai C. London D. China
( )2. is like a cat’s. A. The panda B. The panda’s face C. The panda’s body D. The panda’s tail
( )3. Where are the pandas’ hometowns? A. Guangdong and Gansu. B. Sichuan and Suzhou.C. Gansu and Sichuan D. Hubei and Sichuan
( )4. What’s the panda’s main food? A. Rice. B. Meat. C. Bamboo. D. Grass.

Four Good FriendsMary, Nancy, Ron and Kate are good friends. Mary’s favorite number is 3 and her favorite country is France. 16 is Nancy’s number, and America is her favorite country. Ron likes Japan very much. 30 is his favorite number. Whose favorite number is 60? Oh, it is Kate. Kate’s father works in Chinese food very much and they also like Chinese people. Kate’s lucky number is 6. All of them hope that one day they can travel the world together.
1. What’s Mary’s favorite number?
2. What’s Nancy’s favorite country?
3. What’s Kate’s father’s job?
4. Does Kate like Chinese food?

④ 四年级英语阅读篇25篇


⑤ 两篇小学四年级英语阅读理解及答案分享

Where Do They Sit?他们坐在哪里
Six children go to the cinema to see a new film.The film is about animals.
Their seats numbers are 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E and 5F. They sit in the same row.Mingming doesn’t sit next to John.He sits next to Sue. Helen sits between Sam and John.Sam sits in 5A.Mary sits on the left of Mingming. Which seats do they sit in?

1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B
How lucky the man is!这个人真幸运
It is in summer. A young man comes to a forest (森林). He’s walking along the edge (边缘) of the forest. On his right is a river. On his left is a forest. Suddenly he sees two green eyes looking at him from the trees. A wolf is getting ready to jump on him.
What does he do? He must jump into the river. In the river there is a crocodile (鳄鱼). Its mouth is very big. The young man closes his eyes. And he hears the wolf jumps, but nothing happens to him. Then he opens his eyes and finds the wolf is now in the mouth of the crocodile.
( )1. There is a river on the right of the young man.
( )2. A young woman comes to a forest.
( )3. There is a wolf on the right of the young man.
( )4. The crocodile jumps on the young man .
( )5. The crocodile eats the wolf.
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T



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