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发布时间:2021-02-25 18:22:56

A. 浅谈如何做好英语阅读教学

提高阅抄读能力的方袭法主要以下几点: 1,要克服反复浏览的习惯,提高自己的阅读速度,避免眼睛来回不断地来回移动。 2,要默读,不要朗读,发声的阅读是快速法的大忌。 3要聚精会神的读,提高自己的注意力,一心一意。 4要在阅读中,培养自己兴趣,要与兴趣融为一体。 5要经常训练自己的连读能力,长期坚持练习,以便形成学习习惯,巩固自己已经取得的成果。 6阅读之后,要学会做笔记,即便是简单的整理一下书籍,也是有必要的。 (1)英语阅读教学讲座稿扩展阅读提高阅读能力的书籍 1如何阅读一本书 2超越者 3学会提问 4博赞学习技巧 5实用性阅读指南

B. 如何有效做好英语阅读的英语演讲稿


C. 求 英语阅读一 的讲课资料





第一部分 (Lesson 1 – lesson 5)

Lesson1, Gifts of the Magi
“Della stopped crying. she stood by the window and looked out .Tomorrow would be Christmas day and she had only are dollar eighty-seven cents with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months and this is all she had got. She had spent many happy hours planning something nice for him something fire and beautiful which was really worthy of Jim”

“The Magi brought presents to Jesus Christ on the first Christmas of all Christmas .They first had the idea of giving Christmas presents. They were wise. Here I have told you this story of two foolish children in a poor set of rooms who gave up for each other his or her greatest treasure. They chose their presents unwisely; but those gifts which are the sign of real love are the best gifts of all.
real love is the best gifts of all .Meanwhile, please focus on some key words would help you better comprehensive. For instance: Wise, two foolish children, poor rooms greatest, give up. Unwise real love, If you can print out all these words which form an outline of the whole story .do you can use them to retell the story and answer the questions many related.
《麦琪的礼物》作为经典名篇,最可能考察的有以下几点:1 主旨 2人物性格 3 写作风格。其中“写作风格”一向比较复杂,可以额外归纳为注重情节和心理刻画,以细节取胜,结局出人意料。
Focus on details and psychological description, Plots winner and unexpected ending. Good order and delicate word choosing.
Tell you what’s the meaning of real love Touch your heart with beautiful story.
本文的另外一个重点是作者,O Henry: 欧.亨利。
O Henry is the penname of William Sidney Porter. He began to write in name of O. Henry at the time he was in prison. He is famous for short novel. He is a proctive whiter and a celebrated author.
本文可能会出现的问题。Possible questions and suggestion answers.
1) Do you think it is unwise of Mr. Mrs. young to give up for each other his of her greatest treasure what comments do you make about their choice?
(本文可以对照lesson30 true love 来学习。)
2) what is the theme (主题)of the story? How do you feel about the end of the story?
3) Where do you think the climax of the story lies?
(参考回答2.The theme of the story is “real love is the greatest treasure in the world.” Love is a complex word including the conflict between reflex and reflection The end of the story is the best part of the story. It has conquered the reader’s heart and offer them an unexpected strange for imagination.
3 The climax of the story lies on the when Jim and Della surprised saw each other with cut their own best treasures at the moment they want to gave out their planned presents.
Lesson 2 No Marriage No apologies
一、 文章的主题表现在结尾段的评述中
The theme of passage is : “We can’t go back to a society where people don’t have sex or live together at all before marriage, Nor do they want to one whole people are matched up at 20 for life”.
So, we should treat marriage with a wisely eye and calm attitude. Follow with the social trace and find our own way.

二 如何学习类似文章:
此类刊登在报刊上的文章往往通过摆事实讲道理,例证,数据,等具体信息来阐述对于某一社会问题的见解。借以引起人群的广泛探讨。 我们建议通过略读和寻读相结合的方法。即:注重文章的关键部分,每一部分的首句和结尾句。寻读信息的出现点,数据,例证,结论等。这样一来。看似杂乱无章的布局也会轮廓清晰起来,细节理顺了,主题理解自然也会水道渠成。
三 文章中的重点论证:
The very dramatic thing is the difference in attitudes in nontraditionally family behavior. Professor Bumpass, citing data from survey that showed only small segment of people disapproved of the premarital sex and cohabitation . It is clear to me that the trends we have been observing are likely to continue, with a declining emphasis on marriage.
People see little difference between marriage and cohabitation.


1 disapprove of 2 skittish 3 cautious 4 spirit 5 mores 6 institution 7 consultant 8 cohabitation 9 fidelity 10 match up
(Compare with Lesson 11)

Possible questions:
1 For what reason are more people choosing cohabitation rather than marriage?
(For many people, cohabitation provides a chance for a shared life without a shared bank account; no less strength of commutation, more freedom and less ties.)
2 Do you think that there is a cause – and – effect relation between cohabitation and divorce?
( Cohabitation can not translate into a good marriage but can effect the divorce because of it’s limitations.)
Lesson 11
It is about upbringing a child and the ecation problem. Upbringing and ecation are interdependent. Where one stage of child development has been left out, or not sufficiently
Experienced, it will influence his or her later development.
Lesson 3 The Decameron
I)The author : Giovanni Boccaccio ,influenced by Pettrach (彼特。拉克) the pioneer of Europe Humanity Movement . His work including legendary, epic, poem, essay and so on. His most important work is “The Decammeron”
《十日谈》记述了1348 年, 意大利佛罗伦萨流行黑死病。十名青年(三男七女)结伴避于一乡间别墅。为了消磨时光,他们每人每天讲一个故事。〈〈十日谈〉〉记述了他们所讲的100个故事,其中许多故事取材于中世纪传说,东方故事和历史事件。〈〈十日谈〉〉是欧洲文学史上第一部现实主义巨著,是意大利古典散文完美的典范,对欧洲文艺复兴的文学影响极为深远
“ it is the first great work of realism in literature history in Europe ,as well as the perfect model of Italian classical essay. It has profound influence on Europe renaissance literature for then and forever.
(II) The main idea of the story :
It is about a very beautiful and accomplished young girl Lisabetta ,who was born in a rich family with three young brothers. She fallen in love with Lorenzo who worked for her brothers and saw to all of their work. Her brother discovered their love affairs and they proposed to kill Lorenzo in order to apart the two lovers. At last, the Lisabetta died of crying and sadness. After a time the whole affair became known to many people. And hand down form generation to generation.


Lesson 4 and Lesson 5 The Canterbury Tales (i) (ii)
The Canterbury Tales vividly pictured the life of 14century and the people of every work of the society. It reflects the humanism spirit of rebelling to the feudalism and church. It contains 24 stories.
《坎特伯雷故事集》是英国现实主义文学创始人乔叟的代表作。他生动描述了十四世纪英国各界层的生活,体现了反封建反教会的人文主义思想。 乔叟被称为英国诗歌之父。在文学史上享有很高声誉。

Possible questions:
1) What was beauty according to the old ugly woman? What do you think is real beauty?
2) How did the Queen to find a way to save the life of knight?
3) Did the knight promise to what he promised?
4) Is there anything suggestion to men in the wife of Bath’s tale?
5) Do you agree that the love money is the cause of guilty?
6) How do you understand the word of “death” in the title?
Key sentences:
1) The love of money is the cause of all evil, It is the cause of all wrong-doing and of all the bad things which can happen to man.
2) To pardon means to forgive .God will then pardon them for any evil which they have done.
3) The three young men were very pleased to see all this money. They did not remember that they were trying to find Death.

第二部分 寓言,童话, 幽默小品文:

Lesson 6 The lady or the tiger
Lesson 8 The Fishman and his wife
Lesson 9 The Animals of Aesop
Lesson 10 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of the Calareras County

Lesson 9 The Animals of Aesop
The animals in Aesop always be given a moral or a lesson which we can learn from. Fables are never about true events, but they can tell us things about ourselves. Aesop wrote many fables about animals that talked and acted like human. And when we can find ourselves in them, we enjoy the stories even more.
In Aesop’s fables monkey, fox, crow, eagle, wolf are all on behalf of man’s personality and they do things like men do. They all represent different life attitude and different moral behaviors, whatever wise and stupid, kind and cruel. Aesop give life to animals and made them alive for hundreds and hundreds years.

(II) Key sentences:
I It is not good to listen to too much flattery words.
2 When a person says: “I didn’t want that anyway, ” it is often a case of “sour grapes”

Lesson 10 The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calareras Country


The key Characteristics:
Leonidasw. Smiley ; Jim Smiley; and Simon Wheeler

Possible questions:
1) Why couldn’t Daniel jump? How much did Smiley lose because he couldn’t jump?
2) What other kinds of animals did Smiley own besides his frog and horse?

第三部分 小说和题材小说

Novels and fiction

Lesson 12 A Day’s Wait
Lesson 13 Art for Heart’s Sake
Lesson 14 How to Live Like a Millionaire
Lesson 15 Rip Van Winkle (I)
Lesson 16 Rip Van Winkle (II)
Lesson 12 A Day’s Wait

Written by Ernest Hemingway (欧内斯特.海明威)
海明威的著作有长篇小说《太阳照样升起》The Sun also Rises ,1926 《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms,1929)《丧钟为谁而鸣》(For Whom the Bells tolls, 1940)
and 《老人与海》 (The Old Man and the Sea, 1952)
In 1954 he won the Nobel Prize of literature. Hemingway often thought of courage as a person’s ability to be calm and controlled in the face of death.
He is noted for writing short story, simple sentences but powerful. You can look at the text closet and decide whether this is true of the language.
The story is built around the misunderstanding between the father and his little son. They are each thinking of different things in the conversation. We can see the character of the father form the hunting scene and his influence upon his son.
Lesson 14
How do you accumulate wealth?
Do you agree with that millionaires who measure success by how much net worth one has accumulated? The story tells us information is crucial not only to the investors but also to the other fields of life and work.
Whatever we did, it occurred to us that we are making wealth accumulation to your good every day. So art for heart’s sake. Because in today you are walking into tomorrow and don’t pay all you attention ton what you want to accumulate the wealth.

Lesson 15
Lesson 16
(I)(Rip Van Winkle)瑞普.凡.温克尔的作者 Washington Irving 华盛顿,欧文。 出生于美国独立战争结束的1783年。在这样一个特殊的历史背景下, 已有的社会习惯和社会生活方式发生了很大的改变,人们生活的各个方面也有了重大变革。一切都需要变化同时也需要适应。从人们的思想、习惯、价值观和工作态度,不再需要彷惶和茫然,需要的是积极的顺应变化并且找到自己的新的位置。
像在 Dutch Village (荷兰殖民者留下的小村,直到1776年 美国独立前一直是英属殖民地。)
Rip is a lazy man , idleness and henpecked husband. After a 20 years sleeping. Everything has changed, the village where he lived, the friends who feel pity upon him, the inn where he could got fun and the tree where he could got relax. Everything had changed and vanished forever. He was himself alone and he couldn’t adopt to the new society and the same time he refused to acknowledged the time of the new world .
(II) Washington Irving 华盛顿.欧文 是第一位引起世界文坛注意美国作家,被誉为美国文学之父。他最著名的散文民间故事集《见闻札记》其中的现代短篇小说《睡谷的传说》(The legend of the Sleepy Hollow) and ( Rip Van Winkle)
He is skilled in situational description and plot foil. His gentle style and beautiful language made him distinguished from the writers at his age.

D. 英语阅读课常用的教学方法有哪些


E. 如何进行英语阅读教学

曾经我在洛基英语教学,英语也算可以,我就提几点建议吧: 1、教学生快速浏览全文,迅速找到文章的主题段落和主题句,并通过标题和主题句,对文章的内容、结构和作者的写作意图形成整体印象,并抓住文章的中心思想。 2、引导学生去抓住句子中的关键词(Key words)和段落里的主题句(Topicsentences),以便更快地了解课文大意。一般来说,关键词都能交代文章或段落的when, where, what, why,who 之类的问题。特别注意首句和尾句的内容,以及它们之间的呼应关系,快速掌握主题大意;找出文章的主题句,主题句一般都出现在文中段落的首句或末句(有时也出现在中间),能概括说明该段的主要意思或观点,是文章的骨架所在。弄清楚文章的文体,若是议论文,抓议论文三要素:论点、论据(要点)、结论或观点;教师可设计练习检测阅读效果,帮助学生捕获信息,练习可采用判断正误、排序和选择填空等形式。这样,学生就可以充分利用略读技巧,边读边有意识地去寻找他们所需的信息,不仅让学生对所读课文有了整体的认知,而且培养了学生归纳和概括信息的能力,提高了阅读速度和效率。3、帮助学生扩大词汇量,并养成良好的阅读习惯,这对于提高阅读能力起着很大的作用。

F. 教师怎样进行有效英语阅读教学

2、精讲重难点,巩固阅读材料。阅读结束后,老师可以对重难点进行精讲, 使学生掌握一些词汇和固定短语的用法和帮助学生理解一些难句,还要及时帮助学生解决阅读中遇到的问题。



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